// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include #include "ParserFlatbuffersFixture.hpp" #include "../TfLiteParser.hpp" #include #include BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(TensorflowLiteParser) struct DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture : public ParserFlatbuffersFixture { explicit DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture(const std::string& inputShape, const std::string& outputShape, const std::string& filterShape, const std::string& filterData, const std::string& strides, const std::string& paddingType, const std::string biasShape = "", const std::string biasData = "") { std::string inputTensors = "[ 0, 2 ]"; std::string biasTensor = ""; std::string biasBuffer = ""; if (biasShape.size() > 0 && biasData.size() > 0) { inputTensors = "[ 0, 2, 3 ]"; biasTensor = R"( { "shape": )" + biasShape + R"( , "type": "INT32", "buffer": 3, "name": "biasTensor", "quantization": { "min": [ 0.0 ], "max": [ 255.0 ], "scale": [ 1.0 ], "zero_point": [ 0 ], } } )"; biasBuffer = R"( { "data": )" + biasData + R"(, }, )"; } m_JsonString = R"( { "version": 3, "operator_codes": [ { "builtin_code": "DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D" } ], "subgraphs": [ { "tensors": [ { "shape": )" + inputShape + R"(, "type": "UINT8", "buffer": 0, "name": "inputTensor", "quantization": { "min": [ 0.0 ], "max": [ 255.0 ], "scale": [ 1.0 ], "zero_point": [ 0 ], } }, { "shape": )" + outputShape + R"(, "type": "UINT8", "buffer": 1, "name": "outputTensor", "quantization": { "min": [ 0.0 ], "max": [ 511.0 ], "scale": [ 2.0 ], "zero_point": [ 0 ], } }, { "shape": )" + filterShape + R"(, "type": "UINT8", "buffer": 2, "name": "filterTensor", "quantization": { "min": [ 0.0 ], "max": [ 255.0 ], "scale": [ 1.0 ], "zero_point": [ 0 ], } }, )" + biasTensor + R"( ], "inputs": [ 0 ], "outputs": [ 1 ], "operators": [ { "opcode_index": 0, "inputs": )" + inputTensors + R"(, "outputs": [ 1 ], "builtin_options_type": "DepthwiseConv2DOptions", "builtin_options": { "padding": ")" + paddingType + R"(", "stride_w": )" + strides+ R"(, "stride_h": )" + strides+ R"(, "depth_multiplier": 1, "fused_activation_function": "NONE" }, "custom_options_format": "FLEXBUFFERS" } ], } ], "buffers" : [ { }, { }, { "data": )" + filterData + R"(, }, )" + biasBuffer + R"( ] } )"; SetupSingleInputSingleOutput("inputTensor", "outputTensor"); } }; struct DepthwiseConvolution2dSameFixture : DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture { DepthwiseConvolution2dSameFixture() : DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture("[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // inputShape "[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // outputShape "[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // filterShape "[ 9,8,7, 6,5,4, 3,2,1 ]", // filterData "1", // stride w and h "SAME") // padding type {} }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ParseDepthwiseConv2DSame, DepthwiseConvolution2dSameFixture) { RunTest<4, uint8_t>( 0, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, // the expected values were generated using the example python implementation at // https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2018/depthwise-separable-convolutions-for-machine-learning/ // divide the expected values by the output scale, as it is not 1.0 { 14/2, 35/2, 38/2, 57/2, 120/2, 111/2, 110/2, 197/2, 158/2 }); } struct DepthwiseConvolution2dValidFixture : DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture { DepthwiseConvolution2dValidFixture () : DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture("[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // inputShape "[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]", // outputShape "[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // filterShape "[ 9,8,7, 6,5,4, 3,2,1 ]", // filterData "1", // stride w and h "VALID") // padding type {} }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ParseDepthwiseConv2DValid, DepthwiseConvolution2dValidFixture) { RunTest<4, uint8_t>( 0, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, // divide the expected values by the output scale, as it is not 1.0 { 120/2 }); } struct DepthwiseConvolution2dSameBiasFixture : DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture { DepthwiseConvolution2dSameBiasFixture() : DepthwiseConvolution2dFixture("[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // inputShape "[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // outputShape "[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ]", // filterShape "[ 9,8,7, 6,5,4, 3,2,1 ]", // filterData "1", // stride w and h "SAME", // padding type "[ 1 ]", // biasShape "[ 10, 0, 0, 0 ]") // biasData {} }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ParseDepthwiseConv2DSameBias, DepthwiseConvolution2dSameBiasFixture) { RunTest<4, uint8_t>( 0, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, // divide the expected values by the output scale, as it is not 1.0 { ( 14+10)/2, ( 35+10)/2, ( 38+10)/2, ( 57+10)/2, (120+10)/2, (111+10)/2, (110+10)/2, (197+10)/2, (158+10)/2 }); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()