# The layers that ArmNN SDK Serializer currently supports. This reference guide provides a list of layers which can be serialized currently by the Arm NN SDK. ## Fully supported The Arm NN SDK Serializer currently supports the following layers: * Abs * Activation * Addition * BatchToSpaceNd * BatchNormalization * Concat * Constant * Convolution2d * DepthwiseConvolution2d * Dequantize * DetectionPostProcess * Division * Equal * Floor * FullyConnected * Gather * Greater * L2Normalization * Lstm * Maximum * Mean * Merge * Minimum * Multiplication * Normalization * Pad * Permute * Pooling2d * Prelu * Quantize * QuantizedLstm * Reshape * Resize * ResizeBilinear * Rsqrt * Softmax * SpaceToBatchNd * SpaceToDepth * Splitter * Stack * StridedSlice * Subtraction * Switch * TransposeConvolution2d More machine learning layers will be supported in future releases. Note: Merger layer has been renamed Concat. Serializations of the old format with Merger layers will deserialize to Concat layers to maintain backward compatibility.