// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include #include "armnn/ArmNN.hpp" #include "Graph.hpp" #include "Layer.hpp" #include "Layers.hpp" #include "armnn/TypesUtils.hpp" #include "armnn/Exceptions.hpp" #include "GraphUtils.hpp" #include "backends/CpuTensorHandle.hpp" #include /// checks that first comes before second in the order bool CheckOrder(const armnn::Graph& graph, const armnn::Layer* first, const armnn::Layer* second) { graph.Print(); const auto& order = graph.TopologicalSort(); auto firstPos = std::find(order.begin(), order.end(), first); auto secondPos = std::find(firstPos, order.end(), second); return (secondPos != order.end()); } static armnn::Layer* GetFirstLayerWithName(armnn::Graph& graph, const std::string& name) { for (auto&& layer : graph) { if (layer->GetNameStr() == name) { return layer; } } return nullptr; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Graph) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ClassGraph) { armnn::Graph graph; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(0, "layerA")); BOOST_TEST(GraphHasNamedLayer(graph, "layerA")); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TopologicalSort) { armnn::Graph graph; armnn::ActivationDescriptor activationDefaults; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(0, "layerA")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(activationDefaults, "layerB")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer("layerC")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(0, "output")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(activationDefaults, "layerD")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(activationDefaults, "layerE")); armnn::Layer* const layerA = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerA"); armnn::Layer* const layerB = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerB"); armnn::Layer* const layerC = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerC"); armnn::Layer* const layerO = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "output"); armnn::Layer* const layerE = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerE"); armnn::Layer* const layerD = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerD"); // simple graph which branches and rejoins // A // / \' // D E // \ | // \ B // \| // C layerA->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerD->GetInputSlot(0)); layerA->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerE->GetInputSlot(0)); layerE->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerB->GetInputSlot(0)); layerD->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerC->GetInputSlot(0)); layerB->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerC->GetInputSlot(1)); layerC->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerO->GetInputSlot(0)); // check order is valid BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerD)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerE)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerD, layerC)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerE, layerB)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerB, layerC)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(InsertNewLayer) { armnn::Graph graph; armnn::TensorInfo tensorInfo({ 1, 1, 1, 1 }, armnn::DataType::Float32); std::vector order; armnn::ActivationDescriptor activationDefaults; BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(0, "layerA")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(activationDefaults, "layerB")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(activationDefaults, "layerC")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer("layerD")); BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.AddLayer(0, "output")); armnn::Layer* const layerA = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerA"); armnn::Layer* const layerB = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerB"); armnn::Layer* const layerC = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerC"); armnn::Layer* const layerD = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerD"); armnn::Layer* const layerO = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "output"); // A // / \' // B C // \ / // D layerA->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo); layerB->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo); layerC->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo); layerD->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo); layerA->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerB->GetInputSlot(0)); layerA->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerC->GetInputSlot(0)); layerB->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerD->GetInputSlot(0)); layerC->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerD->GetInputSlot(1)); layerD->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(layerO->GetInputSlot(0)); // check order is valid BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerB)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerC)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerB, layerD)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerC, layerD)); // A // / \' // B C // \ | // \ E // \| // D BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.InsertNewLayer(layerD->GetInputSlot(1), activationDefaults, "layerE")); armnn::Layer* const layerE = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerE"); // check order is valid BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerB)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerC)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerB, layerD)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerC, layerE)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerE, layerD)); // A // /| // / F // / | // B C // \ | // \ E // \| // D BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(graph.InsertNewLayer(layerC->GetInputSlot(0), activationDefaults, "layerF")); armnn::Layer* const layerF = GetFirstLayerWithName(graph, "layerF"); // check order is valid BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerB)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerA, layerF)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerF, layerC)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerB, layerD)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerC, layerE)); BOOST_TEST(CheckOrder(graph, layerE, layerD)); } namespace { using Edge = std::pair; } static std::vector GetEdgeList(const armnn::Graph& graph) { std::vector edges; for (auto&& srcLayer: graph) { const unsigned int numOutputSlots = srcLayer->GetNumOutputSlots(); for (unsigned int s = 0; s < numOutputSlots; ++s) { const armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = srcLayer->GetOutputSlot(s); const unsigned int numConnections = outputSlot.GetNumConnections(); for (unsigned int c = 0; c < numConnections; ++c) { auto inputSlot = boost::polymorphic_downcast(outputSlot.GetConnection(c)); edges.emplace_back(srcLayer, &inputSlot->GetOwningLayer()); } } } return edges; } static void TestGraphAfterAddingCopyLayers(const armnn::Graph& graph, const armnn::Graph& origGraph) { std::vector origEdges = GetEdgeList(origGraph); std::vector newEdges = GetEdgeList(graph); // Adding copy layers should not produce any duplicate edges { std::vector sortedNewEdges = newEdges; std::sort(sortedNewEdges.begin(), sortedNewEdges.end()); auto last = std::unique(sortedNewEdges.begin(), sortedNewEdges.end()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(last == sortedNewEdges.end(), "New graph contains duplicate edges!"); } // Each new edge must be tested while (!newEdges.empty()) { const Edge edge = std::move(newEdges.back()); newEdges.pop_back(); // Edge present in the original graph? int originalEdge = -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < origEdges.size(); i++) { const Edge& origEdge = origEdges[i]; if (origEdge.first->GetNameStr() == edge.first->GetNameStr() && origEdge.second->GetNameStr() == edge.second->GetNameStr()) { originalEdge = boost::numeric_cast(i); } } if (originalEdge != -1) { // Each vertex should correspond to a layer. const armnn::Layer* srcLayer = edge.first; const armnn::Layer* dstLayer = edge.second; BOOST_TEST(srcLayer); BOOST_TEST(dstLayer); // Both layers must have the same compute device. if (srcLayer && dstLayer) { BOOST_TEST((srcLayer->GetComputeDevice() == dstLayer->GetComputeDevice())); } // Mark edge in original graph as observed (by deleting it) origEdges.erase(origEdges.begin() + originalEdge); } else { // Edge did not exist in the original graph. // It must then be an edge connecting a layer and a copy layer. const armnn::Layer* srcLayer = edge.first; const armnn::Layer* dstLayer = edge.second; if (srcLayer == nullptr || dstLayer == nullptr) { BOOST_ERROR("At least one of the two ends of a new edge (" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << ") " "introduced after adding copy layers to a graph correspond is not known to the graph"); continue; } // One and only one of the two layers referenced by the edge should be present in the original graph. const bool srcLayerInOrigGraph = GraphHasNamedLayer(origGraph, edge.first->GetNameStr()); const bool dstLayerInOrigGraph = GraphHasNamedLayer(origGraph, edge.second->GetNameStr()); if (srcLayerInOrigGraph == dstLayerInOrigGraph) { BOOST_ERROR("A new edge (" << edge.first->GetName() << ", " << edge.second->GetName() << ") introduced after adding copy " "layers to a graph is invalid. One of the ends should be present in the original " "graph and the other should not, but " << (srcLayerInOrigGraph ? "both are" : "none are")); continue; } const armnn::Layer* copyLayer = srcLayerInOrigGraph ? edge.second : edge.first; const armnn::Layer* nonCopyLayer = srcLayerInOrigGraph ? srcLayer : dstLayer; // Find all edges connecting the copy layer to other layers std::vector adjEdges; auto it = newEdges.begin(); while (it != newEdges.end()) { Edge& newEdge = *it; if (copyLayer == (srcLayerInOrigGraph ? newEdge.first : newEdge.second)) { adjEdges.push_back(newEdge); // Since the adjacent edge is immediately tested below, no need to consider it afterwards it = newEdges.erase(it); } else { it++; } } if (adjEdges.empty()) { BOOST_ERROR("An edge connecting a layer and a copy layer exists, (" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << "), but no other edges connecting the copy layer '" << copyLayer->GetName() << "' to other layers could be found"); continue; } // Test adjacent edges now for (const Edge& adjEdge : adjEdges) { // The adjacent edge must connect the copy layer to another layer const armnn::Layer* adjLayer = srcLayerInOrigGraph ? adjEdge.second : adjEdge.first; if (!adjLayer) { BOOST_ERROR("An edge (" << adjEdge.first << ", " << adjEdge.second <<") is adjacent to an edge " "connecting a layer and a copy layer, (" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << "), " "but the non-copy layer in the former, '" << adjLayer->GetName() << "' does not " "correspond to a layer"); continue; } // Both layers must have different compute devices BOOST_TEST((nonCopyLayer->GetComputeDevice() != adjLayer->GetComputeDevice())); // There must exist an edge connecting both layers directly in the original graph { const armnn::Layer* origEdgeN1 = srcLayerInOrigGraph ? nonCopyLayer : adjLayer; const armnn::Layer* origEdgeN2 = srcLayerInOrigGraph ? adjLayer : nonCopyLayer; auto origEdgeIter = std::find(origEdges.begin(), origEdges.end(), Edge(origEdgeN1, origEdgeN2)); if (origEdgeIter != origEdges.end()) { origEdges.erase(origEdgeIter); } else { BOOST_ERROR("An edge (" << adjEdge.first << ", " << adjEdge.second << ") is adjacent to an " "edge connecting a layer and a copy layer, (" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << "), but there is no edge connecting the layers in the original graph"); } } } } } BOOST_TEST(origEdges.empty(), "Not all of the edges in the original graph correspond to paths in the new graph"); } struct CopyLayersFixture { CopyLayersFixture() { using namespace armnn; using namespace std; Layer* const inputLayer = AddLayer(0, "input"); inputLayer->SetComputeDevice(Compute::CpuRef); Convolution2dDescriptor convolutionDefaults; Layer* const convLayer1 = AddLayer(convolutionDefaults, "conv1"); convLayer1->SetComputeDevice(Compute::CpuRef); inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(convLayer1->GetInputSlot(0)); Layer* const convLayer2 = AddLayer(convolutionDefaults, "conv2"); convLayer2->SetComputeDevice(Compute::CpuRef); convLayer1->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(convLayer2->GetInputSlot(0)); armnn::OriginsDescriptor mergerDefaults(2); Layer* const mergerLayer = AddLayer(mergerDefaults, "merger"); mergerLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); convLayer1->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(mergerLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); convLayer2->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(mergerLayer->GetInputSlot(1)); armnn::ActivationDescriptor activationDefaults; Layer* const actLayer = AddLayer(activationDefaults, "act"); actLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); mergerLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(actLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); armnn::SoftmaxDescriptor softmaxDefaults; Layer* const softmaxLayer = AddLayer(softmaxDefaults, "softmax"); softmaxLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); actLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(softmaxLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); Layer* const outputLayer = AddLayer(0, "output"); outputLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); softmaxLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); } armnn::TensorInfo m_TensorDesc; armnn::Graph m_Graph; private: template LayerType* AddLayer(Args&&... args) { LayerType* const layer = m_Graph.AddLayer(std::forward(args)...); for (auto slot = layer->BeginOutputSlots(); slot != layer->EndOutputSlots(); ++slot) { slot->SetTensorInfo(m_TensorDesc); } return layer; }; }; BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(AddCopyLayers, CopyLayersFixture) { const armnn::Graph origGraph(m_Graph); m_Graph.AddCopyLayers(); TestGraphAfterAddingCopyLayers(m_Graph, origGraph); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(AddCopyLayersSeveralTimes, CopyLayersFixture) { m_Graph.AddCopyLayers(); // Calling AddCopyLayers() several times should not change the connections const std::vector edges = GetEdgeList(m_Graph); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { m_Graph.AddCopyLayers(); const std::vector otherEdges = GetEdgeList(m_Graph); BOOST_TEST((edges == otherEdges)); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CopyLayersAddedBetweenSameLayersHaveDifferentNames) { armnn::Graph graph; armnn::InputLayer* const inputLayer = graph.AddLayer(0, "input"); inputLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); armnn::ViewsDescriptor splitterDesc(2); armnn::SplitterLayer* const splitterLayer = graph.AddLayer(splitterDesc, "splitter"); splitterLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::GpuAcc); armnn::AdditionLayer* const additionLayer = graph.AddLayer("addition"); additionLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); armnn::OutputLayer* const outputLayer = graph.AddLayer(0, "output"); outputLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(splitterLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); splitterLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(additionLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); splitterLayer->GetOutputSlot(1).Connect(additionLayer->GetInputSlot(1)); additionLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); graph.AddCopyLayers(); std::vector edges = GetEdgeList(graph); BOOST_CHECK(edges.size() == 7u); std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); auto last = std::unique(edges.begin(), edges.end()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(last == edges.end(), "Found duplicated edges after AddCopyLayers()"); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(DuplicateLayerNames) { armnn::Graph graph; armnn::InputLayer* const inputLayer = graph.AddLayer(0, "layer"); inputLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); armnn::OutputLayer* const outputLayer = graph.AddLayer(0, "layer"); outputLayer->SetComputeDevice(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0)); auto it = graph.TopologicalSort().begin(); BOOST_TEST(((*it)->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Input)); BOOST_TEST(((*std::next(it))->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Output)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()