// // Copyright © 2019-2024 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "ResizeLayer.hpp" #include "LayerCloneBase.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace armnnUtils; namespace armnn { ResizeLayer::ResizeLayer(const ResizeDescriptor& param, const char* name) : LayerWithParameters(1, 1, LayerType::Resize, param, name) { } std::unique_ptr ResizeLayer::CreateWorkload(const IWorkloadFactory& factory) const { ResizeQueueDescriptor descriptor; SetAdditionalInfo(descriptor); return factory.CreateWorkload(LayerType::Resize, descriptor, PrepInfoAndDesc(descriptor)); } ResizeLayer* ResizeLayer::Clone(Graph& graph) const { return CloneBase(graph, m_Param, GetName()); } std::vector ResizeLayer::InferOutputShapes(const std::vector& inputShapes) const { if (inputShapes.size() != 1) { throw armnn::Exception("inputShapes' size is \"" + std::to_string(inputShapes.size()) + "\" - should be \"1\"."); } const TensorShape& inputShape = inputShapes[0]; const DataLayoutIndexed dimensionIndices = m_Param.m_DataLayout; unsigned int outWidth = m_Param.m_TargetWidth; unsigned int outHeight = m_Param.m_TargetHeight; unsigned int outChannels = inputShape[dimensionIndices.GetChannelsIndex()]; unsigned int outBatch = inputShape[0]; TensorShape tensorShape = m_Param.m_DataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NHWC ? TensorShape( { outBatch, outHeight, outWidth, outChannels } ) : TensorShape( { outBatch, outChannels, outHeight, outWidth }); if (m_Param.m_HalfPixelCenters && m_Param.m_AlignCorners) { throw LayerValidationException("ResizeLayer: AlignCorners cannot be true when HalfPixelCenters is true"); } return std::vector({ tensorShape }); } void ResizeLayer::ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs() { VerifyLayerConnections(1, CHECK_LOCATION()); const TensorShape& outputShape = GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo().GetShape(); VerifyShapeInferenceType(outputShape, m_ShapeInferenceMethod); auto inferredShapes = InferOutputShapes({ GetInputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo().GetShape() }); if (inferredShapes.size() != 1) { throw armnn::LayerValidationException("inferredShapes has " + std::to_string(inferredShapes.size()) + " elements - should only have 1."); } ValidateAndCopyShape(outputShape, inferredShapes[0], m_ShapeInferenceMethod, "ResizeLayer"); } void ResizeLayer::ExecuteStrategy(IStrategy& strategy) const { strategy.ExecuteStrategy(this, GetParameters(), {}, GetName()); } } // namespace armnn