// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "PreluLayer.hpp" #include "LayerCloneBase.hpp" #include #include #include namespace armnn { PreluLayer::PreluLayer(const char* name) : Layer(2, 1, LayerType::Prelu, name) {} std::unique_ptr PreluLayer::CreateWorkload(const IWorkloadFactory& factory) const { PreluQueueDescriptor descriptor; return factory.CreatePrelu(descriptor, PrepInfoAndDesc(descriptor)); } PreluLayer* PreluLayer::Clone(Graph& graph) const { auto layer = CloneBase(graph, GetName()); return std::move(layer); } std::vector PreluLayer::InferOutputShapes(const std::vector& inputShapes) const { ARMNN_ASSERT(inputShapes.size() == 2); const TensorShape& inputShape = inputShapes[0]; const TensorShape& alphaShape = inputShapes[1]; const unsigned int inputShapeDimensions = inputShape.GetNumDimensions(); const unsigned int alphaShapeDimensions = alphaShape.GetNumDimensions(); ARMNN_ASSERT(inputShapeDimensions > 0); ARMNN_ASSERT(alphaShapeDimensions > 0); // The size of the output is the maximum size along each dimension of the input operands, // it starts with the trailing dimensions, and works its way forward unsigned int outputDimensions = std::max(inputShapeDimensions, alphaShapeDimensions); TensorShape outputShape(outputDimensions); int inputShapeIndex = boost::numeric_cast(inputShapeDimensions) - 1; int alphaShapeIndex = boost::numeric_cast(alphaShapeDimensions) - 1; unsigned int outputShapeIndex = outputDimensions - 1; // Loop backwards through the common part of the shapes while (inputShapeIndex >= 0 && alphaShapeIndex >= 0) { unsigned int inputDimension = inputShape[boost::numeric_cast(inputShapeIndex)]; unsigned int alphaDimension = alphaShape[boost::numeric_cast(alphaShapeIndex)]; // Check that the inputs are broadcast compatible ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(inputDimension == alphaDimension || inputDimension == 1 || alphaDimension == 1, "PreluLayer: Dimensions should either match or one should be of size 1"); outputShape[outputShapeIndex] = std::max(inputDimension, alphaDimension); inputShapeIndex--; alphaShapeIndex--; outputShapeIndex--; } // Loop backwards through the remaing part of the input shape (if any) while (inputShapeIndex >= 0) { outputShape[outputShapeIndex] = inputShape[boost::numeric_cast(inputShapeIndex)]; inputShapeIndex--; outputShapeIndex--; } // Loop backwards through the remaing part of the alpha shape (if any) while (alphaShapeIndex >= 0) { outputShape[outputShapeIndex] = alphaShape[boost::numeric_cast(alphaShapeIndex)]; alphaShapeIndex--; outputShapeIndex--; } return { outputShape }; } void PreluLayer::ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs() { VerifyLayerConnections(2, CHECK_LOCATION()); std::vector inferredShapes = InferOutputShapes( { GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo().GetShape(), GetInputSlot(1).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo().GetShape() }); ARMNN_ASSERT(inferredShapes.size() == 1); ConditionalThrowIfNotEqual( "PreluLayer: TensorShape set on OutputSlot[0] does not match the inferred shape.", GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo().GetShape(), inferredShapes[0]); } void PreluLayer::Accept(ILayerVisitor& visitor) const { visitor.VisitPreluLayer(this, GetName()); } } // namespace armnn