// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "LoadedNetwork.hpp" #include "Layer.hpp" #include "Graph.hpp" #include "Network.hpp" #include "Runtime.hpp" #include "Profiling.hpp" #include "HeapProfiling.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace armnn { using namespace std; using namespace armnn::profiling; namespace { template std::string ToErrorMessage(const char * prefix, const ExceptionType & error) { std::stringstream ss; ss << prefix << " " << error.what(); return ss.str(); } void AddLayerStructure(std::unique_ptr& timelineUtils, const Layer& layer, ProfilingGuid networkGuid) { // Add layer to the post-optimisation network structure std::string layerName = layer.GetNameStr().empty() ? "" : layer.GetNameStr(); timelineUtils->CreateNamedTypedChildEntity(layer.GetGuid(), networkGuid, layerName, LabelsAndEventClasses::LAYER_GUID); for (auto&& input : layer.GetInputSlots()) { const IOutputSlot* source = input.GetConnectedOutputSlot(); BOOST_ASSERT(source != NULL); timelineUtils->CreateConnectionRelationship(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink, source->GetOwningLayerGuid(), layer.GetGuid()); } } void AddWorkloadStructure(std::unique_ptr& timelineUtils, std::unique_ptr& workload, const Layer& layer) { // Add workload to the post-optimisation network structure timelineUtils->CreateTypedEntity(workload->GetGuid(), LabelsAndEventClasses::WORKLOAD_GUID); timelineUtils->MarkEntityWithLabel(workload->GetGuid(), layer.GetBackendId().Get(), LabelsAndEventClasses::BACKENDID_GUID); // Link the workload to the layer timelineUtils->CreateRelationship(ProfilingRelationshipType::RetentionLink, layer.GetGuid(), workload->GetGuid()); } } // anonymous std::unique_ptr LoadedNetwork::MakeLoadedNetwork(std::unique_ptr net, std::string& errorMessage, const INetworkProperties& networkProperties) { std::unique_ptr loadedNetwork; auto Fail = [&](const std::exception& error) -> std::unique_ptr { errorMessage = ToErrorMessage("An error occurred when preparing the network workloads: ", error); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << errorMessage; return std::unique_ptr(); }; try { loadedNetwork.reset(new LoadedNetwork(std::move(net), networkProperties)); } catch (const armnn::RuntimeException& error) { return Fail(error); } catch (const armnn::Exception& error) { return Fail(error); } catch (const std::runtime_error& error) { return Fail(error); } return loadedNetwork; } LoadedNetwork::LoadedNetwork(std::unique_ptr net, const INetworkProperties& networkProperties) : m_OptimizedNetwork(std::move(net)), m_IsImportEnabled(networkProperties.m_ImportEnabled), m_IsExportEnabled(networkProperties.m_ExportEnabled) { // Create a profiler and register it for the current thread. m_Profiler = std::make_shared(); ProfilerManager::GetInstance().RegisterProfiler(m_Profiler.get()); Graph& order = m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGraph().TopologicalSort(); //First create tensor handlers, backends and workload factories. //Handlers are created before workloads are. //Because workload creation can modify some of the handlers, //(for example the splitter and concat layers). for (auto&& layer : order) { auto const& backendId = layer->GetBackendId(); if (m_Backends.count(backendId) == 0) { auto createBackend = BackendRegistryInstance().GetFactory(backendId); auto it = m_Backends.emplace(std::make_pair(backendId, createBackend())); IBackendInternal* backend = it.first->second.get(); if (backend->SupportsTensorAllocatorAPI()) { backend->RegisterTensorHandleFactories(m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry); auto workloadFactory = backend->CreateWorkloadFactory(m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry); m_WorkloadFactories.emplace( std::make_pair(backendId, std::make_pair(std::move(workloadFactory), nullptr))); } else { IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr memoryManager = backend->CreateMemoryManager(); auto workloadFactory = backend->CreateWorkloadFactory(memoryManager); m_WorkloadFactories.emplace( std::make_pair(backendId, std::make_pair(std::move(workloadFactory), memoryManager))); } } } for (auto&& layer : order) { auto& workloadFactory = GetWorkloadFactory(*layer); switch (layer->GetType()) { case LayerType::Input: { // If IsImportEnabled is true then we need to set IsMemoryManaged to false when creating TensorHandles layer->CreateTensorHandles(m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry, workloadFactory, !m_IsImportEnabled); break; } default: { // Look for the layer with 1 OutputSlot which has 1 connection and that connection is an Output Layer // If Export is enabled disable memory management so we can export, otherwise we do a copy if((layer->GetNumOutputSlots() == 1) && (layer->GetOutputSlots()[0].GetNumConnections() == 1) && (layer->GetOutputSlots()[0].GetConnection(0)->GetOwningLayer().GetType() == LayerType::Output)) { layer->CreateTensorHandles(m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry, workloadFactory, !m_IsExportEnabled); } else { layer->CreateTensorHandles(m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry, workloadFactory); } } } } ProfilingGuid networkGuid = m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGuid(); std::unique_ptr timelineUtils = TimelineUtilityMethods::GetTimelineUtils(); if (timelineUtils) { timelineUtils->CreateTypedEntity(networkGuid, LabelsAndEventClasses::NETWORK_GUID); } //Then create workloads. for (auto&& layer : order) { if (timelineUtils) { // Add layer to the post-optimisation network structure AddLayerStructure(timelineUtils, *layer, networkGuid); } const IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory = GetWorkloadFactory(*layer); switch (layer->GetType()) { case LayerType::Input: case LayerType::Output: { // Inputs and outputs are treated in a special way - see EnqueueInput() and EnqueueOutput(). break; } default: { auto workload = layer->CreateWorkload(m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGraph(), workloadFactory); if (!workload) { const char* const layerName = layer->GetNameStr().length() != 0 ? layer->GetName() : ""; throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str( boost::format("No workload created for layer (name: '%1%' type: '%2%') (compute '%3%')") % layerName % static_cast(layer->GetType()) % layer->GetBackendId().Get() )); } if (timelineUtils) { // Add workload to the post-optimisation network structure AddWorkloadStructure(timelineUtils, workload, *layer); } m_WorkloadQueue.push_back(move(workload)); // release the constant data in the layer.. layer->ReleaseConstantData(); break; } } } if (timelineUtils) { // Commit to send the post-optimisation network structure timelineUtils->Commit(); } // Set up memory. m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGraph().AllocateDynamicBuffers(); // Now that the intermediate tensor memory has been set-up, do any post allocation configuration for each workload. for (auto& workload : m_WorkloadQueue) { workload->PostAllocationConfigure(); } } TensorInfo LoadedNetwork::GetInputTensorInfo(LayerBindingId layerId) const { for (auto&& inputLayer : m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGraph().GetInputLayers()) { BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(inputLayer->GetNumOutputSlots() == 1, "Input layer should have exactly 1 output slot"); if (inputLayer->GetBindingId() == layerId) { return inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo(); } } throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(boost::format("No input layer is associated with id %1%") % layerId)); } TensorInfo LoadedNetwork::GetOutputTensorInfo(LayerBindingId layerId) const { for (auto&& outputLayer : m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGraph().GetOutputLayers()) { BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(outputLayer->GetNumInputSlots() == 1, "Output layer should have exactly 1 input slot"); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection(), "Input slot on Output layer must be connected"); if (outputLayer->GetBindingId() == layerId) { return outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo(); } } throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(boost::format("No output layer is associated with id %1%") % layerId)); } const IWorkloadFactory& LoadedNetwork::GetWorkloadFactory(const Layer& layer) const { const IWorkloadFactory* workloadFactory = nullptr; auto it = m_WorkloadFactories.find(layer.GetBackendId()); if (it == m_WorkloadFactories.end()) { throw RuntimeException( boost::str( boost::format("No workload factory for %1% to be used for layer: %2%") % layer.GetBackendId().Get() % layer.GetNameStr()), CHECK_LOCATION()); } workloadFactory = it->second.first.get(); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(workloadFactory, "No workload factory"); std::string reasonIfUnsupported; BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(IWorkloadFactory::IsLayerSupported(layer, {}, reasonIfUnsupported), "Factory does not support layer"); boost::ignore_unused(reasonIfUnsupported); return *workloadFactory; } namespace { // Non-copyable class owning accelerator-specific tensor data. class TensorPin { public: TensorPin(std::unique_ptr handle, const TensorInfo& info, LayerBindingId id) : m_TensorHandle(std::move(handle)) , m_TensorInfo(info) , m_Id(id) { } ITensorHandle* GetTensorHandle() const { return m_TensorHandle.get(); } const TensorInfo& GetTensorInfo() const { return m_TensorInfo; } LayerBindingId GetBindingId() const { return m_Id; } private: std::unique_ptr m_TensorHandle; TensorInfo m_TensorInfo; LayerBindingId m_Id; }; static const TensorPin& GetTensorPin(LayerBindingId id, const std::vector& pins, char const* bindingPointDesc) { auto it = std::find_if(pins.begin(), pins.end(), [id](const TensorPin& pin) { return pin.GetBindingId() == id; }); if (it != pins.end()) { return *it; } else { throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str( boost::format("No tensor supplied for %1% %2%") % bindingPointDesc % id)); } } // Stores data that needs to be kept accessible for the entire execution of a workload. class WorkloadData { public: WorkloadData(const InputTensors& inputTensors, const OutputTensors& outputTensors) { m_InputTensorPins.reserve(inputTensors.size()); m_OutputTensorPins.reserve(outputTensors.size()); for (auto inputTensorPair : inputTensors) { auto inputTensor = inputTensorPair.second; std::unique_ptr tensorHandle = std::make_unique(inputTensor.GetInfo(),inputTensor.GetMemoryArea()); LayerBindingId layerId = inputTensorPair.first; m_InputTensorPins.emplace_back(std::move(tensorHandle), inputTensor.GetInfo(), layerId); } for (auto outputTensorPair : outputTensors) { auto outputTensor = outputTensorPair.second; std::unique_ptr tensorHandle = std::make_unique(outputTensor.GetInfo(), outputTensor.GetMemoryArea()); LayerBindingId layerId = outputTensorPair.first; m_OutputTensorPins.emplace_back(std::move(tensorHandle), outputTensor.GetInfo(), layerId); } } const TensorPin& GetInputTensorPin(LayerBindingId id) const { return GetTensorPin(id, m_InputTensorPins, "input"); } const TensorPin& GetOutputTensorPin(LayerBindingId id) const { return GetTensorPin(id, m_OutputTensorPins, "output"); } private: std::vector m_InputTensorPins; std::vector m_OutputTensorPins; }; } Status LoadedNetwork::EnqueueWorkload(const InputTensors& inputTensors, const OutputTensors& outputTensors) { ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT(Compute::Undefined, "EnqueueWorkload"); const Graph& graph = m_OptimizedNetwork->GetGraph(); // Walk graph to determine the order of execution. if (graph.GetNumLayers() < 2) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload()::Less than two nodes in graph"; return Status::Failure; } // Data that must be kept alive for the entire execution of the workload. WorkloadData workloadData(inputTensors, outputTensors); if (graph.GetNumInputs() != inputTensors.size()) { throw InvalidArgumentException("Number of inputs provided does not match network."); } // For each input to the network, call EnqueueInput with the data passed by the user. m_InputQueue.clear(); m_InputQueue.reserve(graph.GetNumInputs()); for (const BindableLayer* inputLayer : graph.GetInputLayers()) { const TensorPin& pin = workloadData.GetInputTensorPin(inputLayer->GetBindingId()); EnqueueInput(*inputLayer, pin.GetTensorHandle(), pin.GetTensorInfo()); } // For each output to the network, call EnqueueOutput with the data passed by the user. m_OutputQueue.clear(); m_OutputQueue.reserve(graph.GetNumOutputs()); for (const BindableLayer* outputLayer : graph.GetOutputLayers()) { const TensorPin& pin = workloadData.GetOutputTensorPin(outputLayer->GetBindingId()); EnqueueOutput(*outputLayer, pin.GetTensorHandle(), pin.GetTensorInfo()); } bool executionSucceeded = true; { ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT(Compute::Undefined, "Execute"); ARMNN_SCOPED_HEAP_PROFILING("Executing"); executionSucceeded = Execute(); } return executionSucceeded ? Status::Success : Status::Failure; } void LoadedNetwork::EnqueueInput(const BindableLayer& layer, ITensorHandle* tensorHandle, const TensorInfo& tensorInfo) { if (layer.GetType() != LayerType::Input) { throw InvalidArgumentException("EnqueueInput: given layer not an InputLayer"); } if (tensorHandle == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("EnqueueInput: tensorHandle must not be NULL"); } InputQueueDescriptor inputQueueDescriptor; WorkloadInfo info; inputQueueDescriptor.m_Inputs.push_back(tensorHandle); info.m_InputTensorInfos.push_back(tensorInfo); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(layer.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1, "Can only handle Input Layer with one output"); const OutputHandler& handler = layer.GetOutputHandler(); const TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo = handler.GetTensorInfo(); ITensorHandle* outputTensorHandle = handler.GetData(); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(outputTensorHandle != nullptr, "Data should have been allocated."); inputQueueDescriptor.m_Outputs.push_back(outputTensorHandle); info.m_OutputTensorInfos.push_back(outputTensorInfo); MemorySourceFlags importFlags = outputTensorHandle->GetImportFlags(); if (m_IsImportEnabled) // Try import the input tensor { if(CheckFlag(importFlags, MemorySource::Malloc) ) { // This assumes a CPU Tensor handle void* mem = tensorHandle->Map(false); if (outputTensorHandle->Import(mem, MemorySource::Malloc)) { tensorHandle->Unmap(); return; // No need for a workload since the import has been done. } tensorHandle->Unmap(); throw MemoryImportException("EnqueueInput: Memory Import failed"); } else { throw MemoryImportException("EnqueueInput: Memory Import failed, backend does not support Import"); } } else { // Create a mem copy workload for input since we did not import std::unique_ptr inputWorkload = std::make_unique(inputQueueDescriptor, info); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(inputWorkload, "No input workload created"); std::unique_ptr timelineUtils = TimelineUtilityMethods::GetTimelineUtils(); if (timelineUtils) { // Add Input Workload to the post-optimisation network structure AddWorkloadStructure(timelineUtils, inputWorkload, layer); timelineUtils->Commit(); } m_InputQueue.push_back(move(inputWorkload)); } } void LoadedNetwork::EnqueueOutput(const BindableLayer& layer, ITensorHandle* tensorHandle, const TensorInfo& tensorInfo) { if (layer.GetType() != LayerType::Output) { throw InvalidArgumentException("EnqueueOutput: given layer not an OutputLayer"); } if (tensorHandle == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("EnqueueOutput: tensorHandle must not be NULL"); } OutputQueueDescriptor outputQueueDescriptor; WorkloadInfo info; outputQueueDescriptor.m_Outputs.push_back(tensorHandle); info.m_OutputTensorInfos.push_back(tensorInfo); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(layer.GetNumInputSlots() == 1, "Output Layer should have exactly one input."); // Gets the output handler from the previous node. const OutputHandler& outputHandler = layer.GetInputSlots()[0].GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOutputHandler(); const TensorInfo& inputTensorInfo = outputHandler.GetTensorInfo(); ITensorHandle* inputTensorHandle = outputHandler.GetData(); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(inputTensorHandle != nullptr, "Data should have been allocated."); // Try import the output tensor. // Note: We can only import the output pointer if all of the following hold true: // a) The imported pointer is aligned sufficiently // b) The tensor has zero padding // c) There is only one connection to the OutputSlot and it is to an OutputLayer. // d) The output pointer is allocated via malloc. (Other types will be supported in a later release) // e) m_IsExportEnabled must be set to true if (m_IsExportEnabled && (layer.GetInputSlots()[0].GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetNumConnections() == 1)) { if(layer.GetInputSlots()[0].GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer().GetType() != LayerType::Input) { MemorySourceFlags importFlags = inputTensorHandle->GetImportFlags(); if (CheckFlag(importFlags, MemorySource::Malloc)) { void *mem = tensorHandle->Map(false); bool importOk = inputTensorHandle->Import(mem, MemorySource::Malloc); tensorHandle->Unmap(); if (importOk) { // Insert synchronization workload MemSyncQueueDescriptor syncDesc; syncDesc.m_Inputs.push_back(inputTensorHandle); info.m_InputTensorInfos.push_back(inputTensorInfo); auto syncWorkload = std::make_unique(syncDesc, info); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(syncWorkload, "No sync workload created"); m_OutputQueue.push_back(move(syncWorkload)); } else { throw MemoryExportException("EnqueueOutput: Memory Export failed"); } } else { throw MemoryExportException("EnqueueOutput: Memory Export failed, backend does not support Export"); } } else { throw MemoryExportException("EnqueueOutput: Memory Export failed, attempting to export Input Layer"); } } else { // If we got here then we didn't export the memory, so add an output workload which performs a memcopy. outputQueueDescriptor.m_Inputs.push_back(inputTensorHandle); info.m_InputTensorInfos.push_back(inputTensorInfo); std::unique_ptr outputWorkload = std::make_unique(outputQueueDescriptor, info); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(outputWorkload, "No output workload created"); std::unique_ptr timelineUtils = TimelineUtilityMethods::GetTimelineUtils(); if (timelineUtils) { // Add Output Workload to the post-optimisation network structure AddWorkloadStructure(timelineUtils, outputWorkload, layer); timelineUtils->Commit(); } m_OutputQueue.push_back(move(outputWorkload)); } } void LoadedNetwork::AllocateWorkingMemory() { if (m_IsWorkingMemAllocated) { return; } for (auto&& workloadFactory : m_WorkloadFactories) { IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr memoryManager = workloadFactory.second.second; if (memoryManager) { memoryManager->Acquire(); } } m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry.AquireMemory(); m_IsWorkingMemAllocated = true; } void LoadedNetwork::FreeWorkingMemory() { std::lock_guard lockGuard(m_WorkingMemMutex); if (!m_IsWorkingMemAllocated) { return; } // Informs the memory managers to release memory in it's respective memory group for (auto&& workloadFactory : m_WorkloadFactories) { IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr memoryManager = workloadFactory.second.second; if (memoryManager) { memoryManager->Release(); } } m_TensorHandleFactoryRegistry.ReleaseMemory(); m_IsWorkingMemAllocated = false; } bool LoadedNetwork::Execute() { bool success = true; auto Fail = [&](const std::exception& error) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "An error occurred attempting to execute a workload: " << error.what(); success = false; }; try { std::lock_guard lockGuard(m_WorkingMemMutex); AllocateWorkingMemory(); for (auto& input : m_InputQueue) { input->Execute(); } for (auto& workload : m_WorkloadQueue) { workload->Execute(); } for (auto& output: m_OutputQueue) { output->Execute(); } } catch (const RuntimeException& error) { Fail(error); } catch (const std::runtime_error& error) { Fail(error); } return success; } void LoadedNetwork::RegisterDebugCallback(const DebugCallbackFunction& func) { for (auto&& workloadPtr: m_WorkloadQueue) { workloadPtr.get()->RegisterDebugCallback(func); } } }