// // Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #include #include #include "Types.hpp" static std::string GetResourceFilePath(const std::string& filename) { std::string testResources = TEST_RESOURCE_DIR; if (0 == testResources.size()) { throw "Invalid test resources directory provided"; } else { if(testResources.back() != '/') { return testResources + "/" + filename; } else { return testResources + filename; } } } TEST_CASE("Test Network Execution SSD_MOBILE") { std::string testResources = TEST_RESOURCE_DIR; REQUIRE(testResources != ""); // Create the network options od::ODPipelineOptions options; options.m_ModelFilePath = GetResourceFilePath("detect.tflite"); options.m_ModelName = "SSD_MOBILE"; options.m_backends = {"CpuAcc", "CpuRef"}; od::IPipelinePtr objectDetectionPipeline = od::CreatePipeline(options); od::InferenceResults results; cv::Mat processed; cv::Mat inputFrame = cv::imread(GetResourceFilePath("basketball1.png"), cv::IMREAD_COLOR); cv::cvtColor(inputFrame, inputFrame, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); objectDetectionPipeline->PreProcessing(inputFrame, processed); CHECK(processed.type() == CV_8UC3); CHECK(processed.cols == 300); CHECK(processed.rows == 300); objectDetectionPipeline->Inference(processed, results); objectDetectionPipeline->PostProcessing(results, [](od::DetectedObjects detects) -> void { CHECK(detects.size() == 2); CHECK(detects[0].GetLabel() == "0"); }); }