// // Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "CvVideoFrameReader.hpp" #include "CvWindowOutput.hpp" #include "CvVideoFileWriter.hpp" #include "ObjectDetectionPipeline.hpp" #include "CmdArgsParser.hpp" #include #include #include #include const std::string MODEL_NAME = "--model-name"; const std::string VIDEO_FILE_PATH = "--video-file-path"; const std::string MODEL_FILE_PATH = "--model-file-path"; const std::string OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE_PATH = "--output-video-file-path"; const std::string LABEL_PATH = "--label-path"; const std::string PREFERRED_BACKENDS = "--preferred-backends"; const std::string PROFILING_ENABLED = "--profiling_enabled"; const std::string HELP = "--help"; /* * The accepted options for this Object detection executable */ static std::map CMD_OPTIONS = { {VIDEO_FILE_PATH, "[REQUIRED] Path to the video file to run object detection on"}, {MODEL_FILE_PATH, "[REQUIRED] Path to the Object Detection model to use"}, {LABEL_PATH, "[REQUIRED] Path to the label set for the provided model file. " "Label file should be an ordered list, separated by a new line."}, {MODEL_NAME, "[REQUIRED] The name of the model being used. Accepted options: YOLO_V3_TINY, SSD_MOBILE"}, {OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE_PATH, "[OPTIONAL] Path to the output video file with detections added in. " "If specified will save file to disk, else displays the output to screen"}, {PREFERRED_BACKENDS, "[OPTIONAL] Takes the preferred backends in preference order, separated by comma." " For example: CpuAcc,GpuAcc,CpuRef. Accepted options: [CpuAcc, CpuRef, GpuAcc]." " Defaults to CpuAcc,CpuRef"}, {PROFILING_ENABLED, "[OPTIONAL] Enabling this option will print important ML related milestones timing" "information in micro-seconds. By default, this option is disabled." "Accepted options are true/false."} }; /* * Reads the user supplied backend preference, splits it by comma, and returns an ordered vector */ std::vector GetPreferredBackendList(const std::string& preferredBackends) { std::vector backends; std::stringstream ss(preferredBackends); while(ss.good()) { std::string backend; std::getline( ss, backend, ',' ); backends.emplace_back(backend); } return backends; } /* * Assigns a color to each label in the label set */ std::vector> AssignColourToLabel(const std::string& pathToLabelFile) { std::ifstream in(pathToLabelFile); std::vector> labels; std::string str; std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0,255); while (std::getline(in, str)) { if(!str.empty()) { common::BBoxColor c{ .colorCode = std::make_tuple(distribution(generator), distribution(generator), distribution(generator)) }; auto bboxInfo = std::make_tuple (str, c); labels.emplace_back(bboxInfo); } } return labels; } std::tuple>, std::unique_ptr>> GetFrameSourceAndSink(const std::map& options) { std::unique_ptr> readerPtr; std::unique_ptr reader = std::make_unique(); reader->Init(GetSpecifiedOption(options, VIDEO_FILE_PATH)); auto enc = reader->GetSourceEncodingInt(); auto fps = reader->GetSourceFps(); auto w = reader->GetSourceWidth(); auto h = reader->GetSourceHeight(); if (!reader->ConvertToRGB()) { readerPtr = std::move(std::make_unique(std::move(reader))); } else { readerPtr = std::move(reader); } if(CheckOptionSpecified(options, OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE_PATH)) { std::string outputVideo = GetSpecifiedOption(options, OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE_PATH); auto writer = std::make_unique(); writer->Init(outputVideo, enc, fps, w, h); return std::make_tuple<>(std::move(readerPtr), std::move(writer)); } else { auto writer = std::make_unique(); writer->Init("Processed Video"); return std::make_tuple<>(std::move(readerPtr), std::move(writer)); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::map options; int result = ParseOptions(options, CMD_OPTIONS, argv, argc); if (result != 0) { return result; } // Create the network options common::PipelineOptions pipelineOptions; pipelineOptions.m_ModelFilePath = GetSpecifiedOption(options, MODEL_FILE_PATH); pipelineOptions.m_ModelName = GetSpecifiedOption(options, MODEL_NAME); if (CheckOptionSpecified(options, PROFILING_ENABLED)) { pipelineOptions.m_ProfilingEnabled = GetSpecifiedOption(options, PROFILING_ENABLED) == "true"; } if(CheckOptionSpecified(options, PREFERRED_BACKENDS)) { pipelineOptions.m_backends = GetPreferredBackendList((GetSpecifiedOption(options, PREFERRED_BACKENDS))); } else { pipelineOptions.m_backends = {"CpuAcc", "CpuRef"}; } auto labels = AssignColourToLabel(GetSpecifiedOption(options, LABEL_PATH)); common::Profiling profiling(pipelineOptions.m_ProfilingEnabled); profiling.ProfilingStart(); od::IPipelinePtr objectDetectionPipeline = od::CreatePipeline(pipelineOptions); auto inputAndOutput = GetFrameSourceAndSink(options); std::unique_ptr> reader = std::move(std::get<0>(inputAndOutput)); std::unique_ptr> sink = std::move(std::get<1>(inputAndOutput)); if (!sink->IsReady()) { std::cerr << "Failed to open video writer."; return 1; } common::InferenceResults results; std::shared_ptr frame = reader->ReadFrame(); //pre-allocate frames cv::Mat processed; while(!reader->IsExhausted(frame)) { objectDetectionPipeline->PreProcessing(*frame, processed); objectDetectionPipeline->Inference(processed, results); objectDetectionPipeline->PostProcessing(results, [&frame, &labels](od::DetectedObjects detects) -> void { AddInferenceOutputToFrame(detects, *frame, labels); }); sink->WriteFrame(frame); frame = reader->ReadFrame(); } sink->Close(); profiling.ProfilingStopAndPrintUs("Overall compute time"); return 0; }