// // Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "ImageUtils.hpp" #include "BoundingBox.hpp" #include "Types.hpp" #include static cv::Scalar GetScalarColorCode(std::tuple color) { return cv::Scalar(std::get<0>(color), std::get<1>(color), std::get<2>(color)); } void AddInferenceOutputToFrame(od::DetectedObjects& decodedResults, cv::Mat& inputFrame, std::vector>& labels) { for(const od::DetectedObject& object : decodedResults) { int confidence = static_cast(object.GetScore() * 100); int baseline = 0; std::string textStr; std::tuple colorCode(255, 0, 0); //red if (labels.size() > object.GetId()) { auto label = labels[object.GetId()]; textStr = std::get<0>(label) + " - " + std::to_string(confidence) + "%"; colorCode = std::get<1>(label).colorCode; } else { textStr = std::to_string(object.GetId()) + " - " + std::to_string(confidence) + "%"; } cv::Size textSize = getTextSize(textStr, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1.0, 1, &baseline); const od::BoundingBox& bbox = object.GetBoundingBox(); if (bbox.GetX() + bbox.GetWidth() > inputFrame.cols) { cv::Rect r(bbox.GetX(), bbox.GetY(), inputFrame.cols - bbox.GetX(), bbox.GetHeight()); cv::rectangle(inputFrame, r, GetScalarColorCode(colorCode), 2, 8, 0); } else if (bbox.GetY() + bbox.GetHeight() > inputFrame.rows) { cv::Rect r(bbox.GetX(), bbox.GetY(), bbox.GetWidth(), inputFrame.rows - bbox.GetY()); cv::rectangle(inputFrame, r, GetScalarColorCode(colorCode), 2, 8, 0); } else { cv::Rect r(bbox.GetX(), bbox.GetY(), bbox.GetWidth(), bbox.GetHeight()); cv::rectangle(inputFrame, r, GetScalarColorCode(colorCode), 2, 8, 0); } int textBoxY = std::max(0 ,bbox.GetY() - textSize.height); cv::Rect text(bbox.GetX(), textBoxY, textSize.width, textSize.height); cv::rectangle(inputFrame, text, GetScalarColorCode(colorCode), -1); cv::Scalar color; if(std::get<0>(colorCode) + std::get<1>(colorCode) + std::get<2>(colorCode) > 127) { color = cv::Scalar::all(0); } else { color = cv::Scalar::all(255); } cv::putText(inputFrame, textStr , cv::Point(bbox.GetX(), textBoxY + textSize.height -(textSize.height)/3), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, color, 1); } } void ResizeFrame(const cv::Mat& frame, cv::Mat& dest, const od::Size& aspectRatio) { if(&dest != &frame) { double longEdgeInput = std::max(frame.rows, frame.cols); double longEdgeOutput = std::max(aspectRatio.m_Width, aspectRatio.m_Height); const double resizeFactor = longEdgeOutput/longEdgeInput; cv::resize(frame, dest, cv::Size(0, 0), resizeFactor, resizeFactor, DefaultResizeFlag); } else { const std::string warningMessage{"Resize was not performed because resized frame references the source frame."}; ARMNN_LOG(warning) << warningMessage; } } /** Pad a frame with zeros (add rows and columns to the end) */ void PadFrame(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dest, const int bottom, const int right) { if(&dest != &src) { cv::copyMakeBorder(src, dest, 0, bottom, 0, right, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT); } else { const std::string warningMessage { "Pad was not performed because destination frame references the source frame." }; ARMNN_LOG(warning) << warningMessage; } } void ResizeWithPad(const cv::Mat& frame, cv::Mat& dest, cv::Mat& cache, const od::Size& destSize) { ResizeFrame(frame, cache, destSize); PadFrame(cache, dest,destSize.m_Height - cache.rows,destSize.m_Width - cache.cols); }