# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This file contains functions relating to the use of the Arm NN profiler within PyArmNN. """ import json from collections import namedtuple ProfilerData = namedtuple('ProfilerData', ['inference_data', 'per_workload_execution_data']) ProfilerData.__doc__ = """Container to hold the profiling inference data, and the profiling data per workload. Contains: inference_data (dict): holds end-to-end inference performance data. Keys: 'time_unit' - timer units. 'execution_time' - list of total inference execution times for each inference run. per_workload_execution_data (dict): holds per operation performance data, key is a operation name Each operation has 'time_unit' - timer units. 'execution_time' - list of total execution times for each inference run. 'backend' - backend used for this operation. Examples: >>> data = get_profiling_data(profiler) >>> print(data) >>> ProfilerData(inference_data={'time_unit': 'us', 'execution_time': [8901372.972]}, per_workload_execution_data={'CopyMemGeneric_Execute_#3': {'time_unit': 'us', 'execution_time': [28.941], 'backend': 'Unknown'}, 'RefConvolution2dWorkload_Execute_#5': {'time_unit': 'us', 'execution_time': [126838.071], 'backend': 'CpuRef'}, 'RefDepthwiseConvolution2dWorkload_Execute_#6': {'time_unit': 'us', 'execution_time': [49886.208], 'backend': 'CpuRef'} ...etc } ) """ def get_profiling_data(profiler: 'IProfiler') -> ProfilerData: """Reads IProfiler object passed in, extracts the relevant data and returns it in a ProfilerData container. Args: profiler (IProfiler): The IProfiler object to be parsed. Returns: ProfilerData: A container containing the relevant data extracted from the Profiler output. """ top_level_dict = json.loads(profiler.as_json()) armnn_data = top_level_dict["ArmNN"] inference_measurements = armnn_data["inference_measurements_#1"] execution_data = inference_measurements["Execute_#2"] workload_data = {} inference_data = {} for exec_key, exec_value in execution_data.items(): # Check all items with a type. if "type" in exec_value and exec_value["type"] == "Event": for event_key, event_value in exec_value.items(): if event_key.startswith("Wall clock time_#") and event_value["type"] == "Measurement": time_data = __get_wall_clock_times__(event_value) time_data["backend"] = __get_backend(exec_key) workload_data[exec_key] = time_data # This is the total inference time map if exec_key.startswith("Wall clock time_#") and exec_value["type"] == "Measurement": time_data = __get_wall_clock_times__(exec_value) inference_data.update(time_data) return ProfilerData(inference_data=inference_data, per_workload_execution_data=workload_data) def __get_wall_clock_times__(wall_clock_item): execution_times = wall_clock_item["raw"] time_data = {} raw_data = [] for time in execution_times: raw_data.append(time) time_data["time_unit"] = wall_clock_item["unit"] time_data["execution_time"] = raw_data return time_data def __get_backend(exec_key): if "ref" in exec_key.lower(): return "CpuRef" elif "neon" in exec_key.lower(): return "CpuAcc" elif "cl" in exec_key.lower(): return "GpuAcc" elif "ethos" in exec_key.lower(): return "EthosNAcc" else: return "Unknown"