// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IBackendContext.hpp" #include "armnn/backends/profiling/IBackendProfiling.hpp" #include "armnn/backends/profiling/IBackendProfilingContext.hpp" #include "IMemoryManager.hpp" #include "ITensorHandleFactory.hpp" #include "OptimizationViews.hpp" #include #include namespace armnn { class IWorkloadFactory; class IMemoryManager; class ILayerSupport; struct BackendVersion { uint32_t m_Major; uint32_t m_Minor; constexpr BackendVersion() : m_Major(0) , m_Minor(0) {} constexpr BackendVersion(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor) : m_Major(major) , m_Minor(minor) {} bool operator==(const BackendVersion& other) const { return this == &other || (this->m_Major == other.m_Major && this->m_Minor == other.m_Minor); } bool operator<=(const BackendVersion& other) const { return this->m_Major < other.m_Major || (this->m_Major == other.m_Major && this->m_Minor <= other.m_Minor); } }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BackendVersion& backendVersion) { os << "[" << backendVersion.m_Major << "." << backendVersion.m_Minor << "]"; return os; } class IBackendInternal : public IBackend { protected: /// Creation must be done through a specific /// backend interface. IBackendInternal() = default; public: /// Allow backends created by the factory function /// to be destroyed through IBackendInternal. ~IBackendInternal() override = default; using IWorkloadFactoryPtr = std::unique_ptr; using IBackendContextPtr = std::unique_ptr; /// This is the bridge between backend and backend profiling we'll keep it in the backend namespace. using IBackendProfilingContextPtr = std::shared_ptr; using IBackendProfilingPtr = std::unique_ptr; using OptimizationPtr = std::unique_ptr; using Optimizations = std::vector; using ILayerSupportSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr; using IBackendSpecificModelContextPtr = std::shared_ptr; using IMemoryManagerUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr; using IMemoryManagerSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr; using GraphUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr; using SubgraphViewUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr; ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN using ISubGraphConverterPtr ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This type is no longer supported") = std::unique_ptr; using SubGraphUniquePtr ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("SubGraph is deprecated, use SubgraphView instead") = std::unique_ptr; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("This method is no longer supported") virtual ISubGraphConverterPtr CreateSubGraphConverter(const std::shared_ptr& subGraph) const; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use \"OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraphView(const SubgraphView&)\" instead") virtual Optimizations GetOptimizations() const; ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use \"OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraphView(const SubgraphView&)\" instead") virtual SubGraphUniquePtr OptimizeSubGraph(const SubGraph& subGraph, bool& optimizationAttempted) const; ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END virtual IMemoryManagerUniquePtr CreateMemoryManager() const; virtual IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory( const IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager = nullptr) const = 0; virtual IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory( class TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& tensorHandleFactoryRegistry) const; virtual IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory( const IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager, const ModelOptions& modelOptions) const; virtual IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory( class TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& tensorHandleFactoryRegistry, const ModelOptions& modelOptions) const; /// Create the runtime context of the backend /// /// Implementations may return a default-constructed IBackendContextPtr if /// no context is needed at runtime. /// Implementations must throw BackendUnavailableException if the backend /// cannot be used (for example, necessary accelerator hardware is not present). /// The default implementation always returns a default-constructed pointer. virtual IBackendContextPtr CreateBackendContext(const IRuntime::CreationOptions&) const; virtual IBackendSpecificModelContextPtr CreateBackendSpecificModelContext(const ModelOptions& modelOptions) const; /// Create context specifically used for profiling interaction from backends. virtual IBackendProfilingContextPtr CreateBackendProfilingContext(const IRuntime::CreationOptions& creationOptions, IBackendProfilingPtr& backendProfiling); virtual ILayerSupportSharedPtr GetLayerSupport() const = 0; virtual ILayerSupportSharedPtr GetLayerSupport(const ModelOptions& modelOptions) const; virtual OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraphView(const SubgraphView& subgraph) const; bool SupportsTensorAllocatorAPI() const; ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId GetBackwardCompatibleFavoriteHandleFactory(); /// (Optional) Returns a vector of supported TensorHandleFactory ids in preference order. virtual std::vector GetHandleFactoryPreferences() const; /// (Optional) Register TensorHandleFactories /// Either this method or CreateMemoryManager() and /// IWorkloadFactory::CreateTensor()/IWorkloadFactory::CreateSubtensor() methods must be implemented. virtual void RegisterTensorHandleFactories(class TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& /*registry*/) {} /// Returns the version of the Backend API static constexpr BackendVersion GetApiVersion() { return BackendVersion(1, 0); } }; using IBackendInternalUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr; } // namespace armnn