/// Copyright (c) 2022 ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved. /// /// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /// namespace armnn { /** @page supportlibrary NNAPI Support Library @section supportlibraryintro About the NNAPI Support Library If you need help building the Arm NN NNAPI Support Library, please take a look at our [build guide](shim/BuildGuideShimSupportLibrary.md). @section sloptions Support Library Options The general list of runtime options are described in @subpage runtimeoptions @section slfullysupported Supported Operators The NNAPI Support Library currently supports the following operators: - ABS - ADD - ARGMAX - ARGMIN - AVERAGE_POOL_2D - BATCH_MATMUL - BATCH_TO_SPACE_ND - CAST - CONCATENATION - CONV_2D - DEPTH_TO_SPACE - DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D - DEQUANTIZE - DIV - ELU - EQUAL - EXP - EXPAND_DIMS - FILL - FLOOR - FULLY_CONNECTED - GATHER - GREATER - GREATER_EQUAL - GROUPED_CONV_2D - HARD_SWISH - INSTANCE_NORMALIZATION - L2_NORMALIZATION - L2_POOL_2D - LESS - LESS_EQUAL - LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION - LOG - LOGICAL_AND - LOGICAL_NOT - LOGICAL_OR - LOGISTIC - LOG_SOFTMAX - LSTM - MAX_POOL_2D - MAXIMUM - MEAN - MINIMUM - MUL - NEG - NOT_EQUAL - PAD - PADV2 - PRELU - POW - QUANTIZE - QUANTIZED_LSTM - QUANTIZED_16BIT_LSTM - RANK - REDUCE_MAX - REDUCE_MIN - REDUCE_PROD - REDUCE_SUM - RELU - RELU1 - RELU6 - RESHAPE - RESIZE_BILINEAR - RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR - REVERSE - RSQRT - SIN - SOFTMAX - SPACE_TO_BATCH_ND - SPACE_TO_DEPTH - SQRT - SQUEEZE - STRIDED_SLICE - SUB - TILE - TRANSPOSE - TRANSPOSE_CONV_2D - TANH **/ }