ArmNN  NotReleased
armnn::profiling Namespace Reference


class  BackendProfiling
class  BufferExhaustion
class  BufferManager
class  CaptureData
class  Category
class  CommandHandler
class  CommandHandlerFunctor
struct  CommandHandlerHash
class  CommandHandlerKey
class  CommandHandlerRegistry
class  ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler
class  Counter
class  CounterDirectory
struct  CounterDirectoryEventRecord
class  CounterIdMap
class  CounterSet
struct  CounterStatus
struct  CounterValue
class  Device
class  DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler
class  FileOnlyProfilingConnection
class  Holder
class  IBackendProfiling
class  IBackendProfilingContext
class  IBufferManager
class  IConsumer
class  ICounterDirectory
class  ICounterMappings
class  ICounterRegistry
class  IPacketBuffer
class  IPeriodicCounterCapture
class  IProfilingConnection
class  IProfilingConnectionFactory
class  IProfilingGuidGenerator
class  IProfilingService
class  IReadCounterValues
class  IReadOnlyPacketBuffer
class  IReadWriteCounterValues
class  IRegisterBackendCounters
class  IRegisterCounterMapping
class  ISendCounterPacket
class  ISendThread
class  ISendTimelinePacket
class  IWriteCounterValues
class  LabelsAndEventClasses
struct  LogLevelSwapper
class  MockBufferManager
class  MockCounterDirectory
class  MockPacketBuffer
class  MockProfilingConnection
class  MockProfilingConnectionFactory
class  MockProfilingService
class  MockSendCounterPacket
class  MockStreamCounterBuffer
class  Packet
class  PacketBuffer
class  PacketKey
class  PacketVersionResolver
class  PeriodicCounterCapture
class  PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler
class  PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler
class  ProfilingConnectionDumpToFileDecorator
class  ProfilingConnectionFactory
struct  ProfilingDynamicGuid
 Strongly typed guids to distinguish between those generated at runtime, and those that are statically defined. More...
class  ProfilingGuid
class  ProfilingGuidGenerator
class  ProfilingService
class  ProfilingServiceRuntimeHelper
class  ProfilingStateMachine
struct  ProfilingStaticGuid
class  RegisterBackendCounters
class  RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler
class  SendCounterPacket
class  SendCounterPacketTest
class  SendThread
class  SendTimelinePacket
class  SocketProfilingConnection
struct  StreamRedirector
class  SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper
struct  SwTraceCharPolicy
struct  SwTraceHeader
struct  SwTraceMessage
struct  SwTraceNameCharPolicy
struct  SwTraceTypeCharPolicy
class  TestFunctorA
class  TestFunctorB
class  TestFunctorC
class  TestProfilingConnectionArmnnError
class  TestProfilingConnectionBadAckPacket
class  TestProfilingConnectionBase
class  TestProfilingConnectionTimeoutError
class  TimelinePacketWriterFactory
class  TimelineUtilityMethods
struct  Timestamp
class  Version


using IBackendProfilingContextUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< IBackendProfilingContext >
using CategoryPtr = std::unique_ptr< Category >
using DevicePtr = std::unique_ptr< Device >
using CounterSetPtr = std::unique_ptr< CounterSet >
using CounterPtr = std::shared_ptr< Counter >
using Categories = std::unordered_set< CategoryPtr >
using Devices = std::unordered_map< uint16_t, DevicePtr >
using CounterSets = std::unordered_map< uint16_t, CounterSetPtr >
using Counters = std::unordered_map< uint16_t, CounterPtr >
using CategoriesIt = Categories::const_iterator
using DevicesIt = Devices::const_iterator
using CounterSetsIt = CounterSets::const_iterator
using CountersIt = Counters::const_iterator
using IPacketBufferPtr = std::unique_ptr< IPacketBuffer >


enum  ProfilingRelationshipType { RetentionLink, ExecutionLink, DataLink, LabelLink }
enum  TargetEndianness { BeWire, LeWire }
enum  PackageActivity { StreamMetaData, CounterDirectory, Unknown }
enum  ProfilingState { Uninitialised, NotConnected, WaitingForAck, Active }
enum  TimelinePacketStatus { Ok, Error, BufferExhaustion }


constexpr uint32_t EncodeVersion (uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t patch)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Version &version)
constexpr char const * GetProfilingStateName (ProfilingState state)
uint16_t GetNextUid (bool peekOnly)
std::vector< uint16_t > GetNextCounterUids (uint16_t firstUid, uint16_t cores)
void WriteBytes (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, const void *value, unsigned int valueSize)
uint32_t ConstructHeader (uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetId)
uint32_t ConstructHeader (uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetClass, uint32_t packetType)
void WriteUint64 (const std::unique_ptr< IPacketBuffer > &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)
void WriteUint32 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
void WriteUint16 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint16_t value)
void WriteUint8 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value)
void WriteBytes (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, const void *value, unsigned int valueSize)
void WriteUint64 (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)
void WriteUint32 (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
void WriteUint16 (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint16_t value)
void WriteUint8 (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value)
void ReadBytes (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned int valueSize, uint8_t outValue[])
uint64_t ReadUint64 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
uint32_t ReadUint32 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
uint16_t ReadUint16 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
uint8_t ReadUint8 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset)
void ReadBytes (const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned int valueSize, uint8_t outValue[])
uint64_t ReadUint64 (const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)
uint32_t ReadUint32 (const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)
uint16_t ReadUint16 (const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)
uint8_t ReadUint8 (const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)
std::string GetSoftwareInfo ()
std::string GetHardwareVersion ()
std::string GetSoftwareVersion ()
std::string GetProcessName ()
uint32_t CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString (const std::string &str)
SwTraceMessage ReadSwTraceMessage (const unsigned char *packetBuffer, unsigned int &offset)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelinePacketHeader (uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetClass, uint32_t packetType, uint32_t streamId, uint32_t sequenceNumbered, uint32_t dataLength)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader (unsigned int dataLength)
TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket (uint64_t profilingGuid, const std::string &label, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int &numberOfBytesWritten)
TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEntityBinaryPacket (uint64_t profilingGuid, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int &numberOfBytesWritten)
TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket (ProfilingRelationshipType relationshipType, uint64_t relationshipGuid, uint64_t headGuid, uint64_t tailGuid, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int &numberOfBytesWritten)
TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int &numberOfBytesWritten)
TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket (uint64_t profilingGuid, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int &numberOfBytesWritten)
TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventBinaryPacket (uint64_t timestamp, std::thread::id threadId, uint64_t profilingGuid, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int &numberOfBytesWritten)
std::string CentreAlignFormatting (const std::string &stringToPass, const int spacingWidth)
void PrintDeviceDetails (const std::pair< const unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< Device >> &devicePair)
void PrintCounterSetDetails (const std::pair< const unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< CounterSet >> &counterSetPair)
void PrintCounterDetails (std::shared_ptr< Counter > &counter)
void PrintCategoryDetails (const std::unique_ptr< Category > &category, std::unordered_map< unsigned short, std::shared_ptr< Counter >> counterMap)
void PrintCounterDirectory (ICounterDirectory &counterDirectory)
uint64_t GetTimestamp ()
template<typename SwTracePolicy >
bool IsValidSwTraceString (const std::string &s)
template<typename SwTracePolicy >
bool StringToSwTraceString (const std::string &s, std::vector< uint32_t > &outputBuffer)
template<typename SwTracePolicy , typename SwTraceBuffer = std::vector<uint32_t>>
bool ConvertDirectoryComponent (const std::string &directoryComponent, SwTraceBuffer &swTraceBuffer)
void WriteBytes (const IPacketBuffer &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, const void *value, unsigned int valueSize)
void WriteUint64 (const IPacketBufferPtr &packetBuffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)


uint32_t uint16_t_size = sizeof(uint16_t)
uint32_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t)

Typedef Documentation

◆ Categories

using Categories = std::unordered_set<CategoryPtr>

Definition at line 37 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CategoriesIt

using CategoriesIt = Categories::const_iterator

Definition at line 43 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CategoryPtr

using CategoryPtr = std::unique_ptr<Category>

Definition at line 31 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CounterPtr

using CounterPtr = std::shared_ptr<Counter>

Definition at line 34 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ Counters

using Counters = std::unordered_map<uint16_t, CounterPtr>

Definition at line 40 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CounterSetPtr

using CounterSetPtr = std::unique_ptr<CounterSet>

Definition at line 33 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CounterSets

using CounterSets = std::unordered_map<uint16_t, CounterSetPtr>

Definition at line 39 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CounterSetsIt

using CounterSetsIt = CounterSets::const_iterator

Definition at line 45 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ CountersIt

using CountersIt = Counters::const_iterator

Definition at line 46 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ DevicePtr

using DevicePtr = std::unique_ptr<Device>

Definition at line 32 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ Devices

using Devices = std::unordered_map<uint16_t, DevicePtr>

Definition at line 38 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ DevicesIt

using DevicesIt = Devices::const_iterator

Definition at line 44 of file ICounterDirectory.hpp.

◆ IBackendProfilingContextUniquePtr

Definition at line 27 of file IBackendProfilingContext.hpp.

◆ IPacketBufferPtr

using IPacketBufferPtr = std::unique_ptr<IPacketBuffer>

Definition at line 40 of file IPacketBuffer.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PackageActivity

◆ ProfilingRelationshipType


Head retains(parents) Tail.


Head execution start depends on Tail execution completion.


Head uses data of Tail.

Head uses label Tail (Tail MUST be a guid of a label).

Definition at line 19 of file ISendTimelinePacket.hpp.

20 {
23  DataLink,
24  LabelLink
25 };
Head retains(parents) Tail.
Definition: TimelineModel.h:20
Head execution start depends on Tail execution completion.
Definition: TimelineModel.h:21
Head uses data of Tail.
Definition: TimelineModel.h:22

◆ ProfilingState

◆ TargetEndianness

enum TargetEndianness

Definition at line 24 of file FileOnlyProfilingConnection.hpp.

◆ TimelinePacketStatus

enum TimelinePacketStatus

Definition at line 194 of file ProfilingUtils.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString()

uint32_t CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString ( const std::string &  str)

Definition at line 310 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References uint32_t_size.

Referenced by ReadSwTraceMessage().

311 {
312  std::vector<uint32_t> swTraceString;
313  StringToSwTraceString<SwTraceCharPolicy>(str, swTraceString);
314  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
315  uint32_t size = (boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(swTraceString.size()) - 1) * uint32_t_size;
316  return size;
317 }

◆ CentreAlignFormatting()

std::string CentreAlignFormatting ( const std::string &  stringToPass,
const int  spacingWidth 

Definition at line 927 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by TimelineCaptureCommandHandler::operator()(), PeriodicCounterCaptureCommandHandler::operator()(), CategoryRecord::print(), PrintCategoryDetails(), EventRecord::printContents(), CounterSetRecord::printContents(), DeviceRecord::printContents(), PrintCounterDetails(), PrintCounterDirectory(), PrintCounterSetDetails(), PrintDeviceDetails(), EventRecord::printHeader(), CounterSetRecord::printHeader(), and DeviceRecord::printHeader().

928 {
929  std::stringstream outputStream, centrePadding;
930  int padding = spacingWidth - static_cast<int>(stringToPass.size());
932  for (int i = 0; i < padding / 2; ++i)
933  {
934  centrePadding << " ";
935  }
937  outputStream << centrePadding.str() << stringToPass << centrePadding.str();
939  if (padding > 0 && padding %2 != 0)
940  {
941  outputStream << " ";
942  }
944  return outputStream.str();
945 }

◆ ConstructHeader() [1/2]

uint32_t ConstructHeader ( uint32_t  packetFamily,
uint32_t  packetId 

Definition at line 96 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by ConvertDirectoryComponent().

98 {
99  return ((packetFamily & 0x3F) << 26)|
100  ((packetId & 0x3FF) << 16);
101 }

◆ ConstructHeader() [2/2]

uint32_t ConstructHeader ( uint32_t  packetFamily,
uint32_t  packetClass,
uint32_t  packetType 

Definition at line 103 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

106 {
107  return ((packetFamily & 0x3F) << 26)|
108  ((packetClass & 0x3FF) << 19)|
109  ((packetType & 0x3FFF) << 16);
110 }

◆ ConvertDirectoryComponent()

bool armnn::profiling::ConvertDirectoryComponent ( const std::string &  directoryComponent,
SwTraceBuffer &  swTraceBuffer 

Definition at line 123 of file ProfilingUtils.hpp.

References ConstructHeader(), GetHardwareVersion(), GetNextCounterUids(), GetNextUid(), GetProcessName(), GetSoftwareInfo(), GetSoftwareVersion(), ReadBytes(), ReadUint16(), ReadUint32(), ReadUint64(), ReadUint8(), WriteBytes(), WriteUint16(), WriteUint32(), WriteUint64(), and WriteUint8().

124 {
125  // Convert the directory component using the given policy
126  SwTraceBuffer tempSwTraceBuffer;
127  bool result = StringToSwTraceString<SwTracePolicy>(directoryComponent, tempSwTraceBuffer);
128  if (!result)
129  {
130  return false;
131  }
133  swTraceBuffer.insert(swTraceBuffer.end(), tempSwTraceBuffer.begin(), tempSwTraceBuffer.end());
135  return true;
136 }

◆ CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader()

std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> armnn::profiling::CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader ( unsigned int  dataLength)

Creates a packet header for the timeline messages:

  • declareLabel
  • declareEntity
  • declareEventClass
  • declareRelationship
  • declareEvent
dataLengthThe length of the message body in bytes
Pair of uint32_t containing word0 and word1 of the header

Definition at line 444 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CreateTimelinePacketHeader().

Referenced by WriteTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(), WriteTimelineEventBinaryPacket(), WriteTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket(), WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(), and WriteTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket().

445 {
446  return CreateTimelinePacketHeader(1, // Packet family
447  0, // Packet class
448  1, // Packet type
449  0, // Stream id
450  0, // Sequence number
451  dataLength); // Data length
452 }
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelinePacketHeader(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetClass, uint32_t packetType, uint32_t streamId, uint32_t sequenceNumbered, uint32_t dataLength)

◆ CreateTimelinePacketHeader()

std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> armnn::profiling::CreateTimelinePacketHeader ( uint32_t  packetFamily,
uint32_t  packetClass,
uint32_t  packetType,
uint32_t  streamId,
uint32_t  sequenceNumbered,
uint32_t  dataLength 

Creates a timeline packet header

packetFamiliy Timeline Packet Family packetClass Timeline Packet Class packetType Timeline Packet Type streamId Stream identifier seqeunceNumbered When non-zero the 4 bytes following the header is a u32 sequence number dataLength Unsigned 24-bit integer. Length of data, in bytes. Zero is permitted

Pair of uint32_t containing word0 and word1 of the header

Definition at line 404 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(), and WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage().

410 {
411  // Packet header word 0:
412  // 26:31 [6] packet_family: timeline Packet Family, value 0b000001
413  // 19:25 [7] packet_class: packet class
414  // 16:18 [3] packet_type: packet type
415  // 8:15 [8] reserved: all zeros
416  // 0:7 [8] stream_id: stream identifier
417  uint32_t packetHeaderWord0 = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) |
418  ((packetClass & 0x0000007F) << 19) |
419  ((packetType & 0x00000007) << 16) |
420  ((streamId & 0x00000007) << 0);
422  // Packet header word 1:
423  // 25:31 [7] reserved: all zeros
424  // 24 [1] sequence_numbered: when non-zero the 4 bytes following the header is a u32 sequence number
425  // 0:23 [24] data_length: unsigned 24-bit integer. Length of data, in bytes. Zero is permitted
426  uint32_t packetHeaderWord1 = ((sequenceNumbered & 0x00000001) << 24) |
427  ((dataLength & 0x00FFFFFF) << 0);
429  return std::make_pair(packetHeaderWord0, packetHeaderWord1);
430 }

◆ EncodeVersion()

constexpr uint32_t armnn::profiling::EncodeVersion ( uint32_t  major,
uint32_t  minor,
uint32_t  patch 

Definition at line 18 of file EncodeVersion.hpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), Version::GetEncodedValue(), and SendCounterPacket::SendStreamMetaDataPacket().

19 {
20  return (major << 22) | (minor << 12) | patch;
21 }

◆ GetHardwareVersion()

std::string GetHardwareVersion ( )

Definition at line 287 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and SendCounterPacket::SendStreamMetaDataPacket().

288 {
289  return std::string();
290 }

◆ GetNextCounterUids()

std::vector< uint16_t > GetNextCounterUids ( uint16_t  firstUid,
uint16_t  cores 

Definition at line 74 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), CounterDirectory::RegisterCounter(), and MockCounterDirectory::RegisterCounter().

75 {
76  // Check that it is possible to generate the next counter UID without causing an overflow (throws in case of error)
77  ThrowIfCantGenerateNextUid(firstUid, cores);
79  // Get the next counter UIDs
80  size_t counterUidsSize = cores == 0 ? 1 : cores;
81  std::vector<uint16_t> counterUids(counterUidsSize, 0);
82  for (size_t i = 0; i < counterUidsSize; i++)
83  {
84  counterUids[i] = firstUid++;
85  }
86  return counterUids;
87 }

◆ GetNextUid()

uint16_t GetNextUid ( bool  peekOnly)

Definition at line 54 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), CounterDirectory::RegisterCounterSet(), MockCounterDirectory::RegisterCounterSet(), CounterDirectory::RegisterDevice(), and MockCounterDirectory::RegisterDevice().

55 {
56  // The UID used for profiling objects and events. The first valid UID is 1, as 0 is a reserved value
57  static uint16_t uid = 1;
59  // Check that it is possible to generate the next UID without causing an overflow (throws in case of error)
60  ThrowIfCantGenerateNextUid(uid);
62  if (peekOnly)
63  {
64  // Peek only
65  return uid;
66  }
67  else
68  {
69  // Get the next UID
70  return uid++;
71  }
72 }

◆ GetProcessName()

std::string GetProcessName ( )

Definition at line 299 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and SendCounterPacket::SendStreamMetaDataPacket().

300 {
301  std::ifstream comm("/proc/self/comm");
302  std::string name;
303  getline(comm, name);
304  return name;
305 }

◆ GetProfilingStateName()

constexpr char const* armnn::profiling::GetProfilingStateName ( ProfilingState  state)

Definition at line 59 of file ProfilingStateMachine.hpp.

References Active, NotConnected, Uninitialised, and WaitingForAck.

Referenced by PerJobCounterSelectionCommandHandler::operator()(), RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandler::operator()(), ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler::operator()(), and PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::operator()().

60 {
61  switch (state)
62  {
63  case ProfilingState::Uninitialised: return "Uninitialised";
64  case ProfilingState::NotConnected: return "NotConnected";
65  case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck: return "WaitingForAck";
66  case ProfilingState::Active: return "Active";
67  default: return "Unknown";
68  }
69 }

◆ GetSoftwareInfo()

std::string GetSoftwareInfo ( )

Definition at line 282 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and SendCounterPacket::SendStreamMetaDataPacket().

283 {
284  return std::string("ArmNN");
285 }

◆ GetSoftwareVersion()

std::string GetSoftwareVersion ( )

Definition at line 292 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.


Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and SendCounterPacket::SendStreamMetaDataPacket().

293 {
294  std::string armnnVersion(ARMNN_VERSION);
295  std::string result = "Armnn " + armnnVersion.substr(2,2) + "." + armnnVersion.substr(4,2);
296  return result;
297 }
Definition: Version.hpp:24

◆ GetTimestamp()

uint64_t GetTimestamp ( )

Definition at line 1127 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by TimelineUtilityMethods::RecordEvent(), and PeriodicCounterCapture::Stop().

1128 {
1130  using clock = MonotonicClockRaw;
1131 #else
1132  using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
1133 #endif
1135  // Take a timestamp
1136  auto timestamp = clock::now();
1138  return static_cast<uint64_t>(timestamp.time_since_epoch().count());
1139 }

◆ IsValidSwTraceString()

bool armnn::profiling::IsValidSwTraceString ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 87 of file ProfilingUtils.hpp.

88 {
89  // Check that all the characters in the given string conform to the given policy
90  return std::all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return SwTracePolicy::IsValidChar(c); });
91 }

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& armnn::profiling::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Version version 

Definition at line 75 of file EncodeVersion.hpp.

References Version::ToString().

76 {
77  os << version.ToString();
78  return os;
79 }

◆ PrintCategoryDetails()

void armnn::profiling::PrintCategoryDetails ( const std::unique_ptr< Category > &  category,
std::unordered_map< unsigned short, std::shared_ptr< Counter >>  counterMap 

Definition at line 1009 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CentreAlignFormatting(), and PrintCounterDetails().

Referenced by PrintCounterDirectory().

1011 {
1012  std::string categoryBody;
1013  std::string categoryHeader;
1015  categoryHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Name", 20));
1016  categoryHeader.append(" | ");
1017  categoryHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Device", 12));
1018  categoryHeader.append(" | ");
1019  categoryHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Counter set UID:", 16));
1020  categoryHeader.append(" | ");
1021  categoryHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Event Count", 14));
1022  categoryHeader.append("\n");
1024  categoryBody.append(CentreAlignFormatting(category->m_Name, 20));
1025  categoryBody.append(" | ");
1026  categoryBody.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(category->m_DeviceUid), 12));
1027  categoryBody.append(" | ");
1028  categoryBody.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(category->m_CounterSetUid), 16));
1029  categoryBody.append(" | ");
1030  categoryBody.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(category->m_Counters.size()), 14));
1032  std::cout << "\n" << "\n";
1033  std::cout << CentreAlignFormatting("CATEGORY", static_cast<int>(categoryHeader.size()));
1034  std::cout << "\n";
1035  std::cout << std::string(categoryHeader.size(), '=') << "\n";
1037  std::cout << categoryHeader;
1039  std::cout << std::string(categoryBody.size(), '-') << "\n";
1041  std::cout << categoryBody;
1043  std::string counterHeader;
1045  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Counter Name", 20));
1046  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1047  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Description", 50));
1048  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1049  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Units", 14));
1050  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1051  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("UID", 6));
1052  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1053  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Max UID", 10));
1054  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1055  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Class", 8));
1056  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1057  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Interpolation", 14));
1058  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1059  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Multiplier", 20));
1060  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1061  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Counter set UID", 16));
1062  counterHeader.append(" | ");
1063  counterHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Device UID", 14));
1064  counterHeader.append("\n");
1066  std::cout << "\n" << "\n";
1067  std::cout << CentreAlignFormatting("EVENTS IN CATEGORY: " + category->m_Name,
1068  static_cast<int>(counterHeader.size()));
1069  std::cout << "\n";
1070  std::cout << std::string(counterHeader.size(), '=') << "\n";
1071  std::cout << counterHeader;
1072  for (auto& it: category->m_Counters) {
1073  auto search = counterMap.find(it);
1074  if(search != counterMap.end()) {
1075  PrintCounterDetails(search->second);
1076  }
1077  }
1078 }
std::string CentreAlignFormatting(const std::string &stringToPass, const int spacingWidth)
void PrintCounterDetails(std::shared_ptr< Counter > &counter)

◆ PrintCounterDetails()

void armnn::profiling::PrintCounterDetails ( std::shared_ptr< Counter > &  counter)

Definition at line 978 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CentreAlignFormatting().

Referenced by PrintCategoryDetails().

979 {
980  std::string body;
982  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(counter->m_Name, 20));
983  body.append(" | ");
984  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(counter->m_Description, 50));
985  body.append(" | ");
986  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(counter->m_Units, 14));
987  body.append(" | ");
988  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_Uid), 6));
989  body.append(" | ");
990  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_MaxCounterUid), 10));
991  body.append(" | ");
992  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_Class), 8));
993  body.append(" | ");
994  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_Interpolation), 14));
995  body.append(" | ");
996  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_Multiplier), 20));
997  body.append(" | ");
998  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_CounterSetUid), 16));
999  body.append(" | ");
1000  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counter->m_DeviceUid), 14));
1002  body.append("\n");
1004  std::cout << std::string(body.size(), '-') << "\n";
1006  std::cout << body;
1007 }
std::string CentreAlignFormatting(const std::string &stringToPass, const int spacingWidth)

◆ PrintCounterDirectory()

void PrintCounterDirectory ( ICounterDirectory counterDirectory)

Definition at line 1080 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CentreAlignFormatting(), ICounterDirectory::GetCategories(), ICounterDirectory::GetCounters(), ICounterDirectory::GetCounterSets(), ICounterDirectory::GetDevices(), PrintCategoryDetails(), PrintCounterSetDetails(), and PrintDeviceDetails().

Referenced by DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler::operator()().

1081 {
1082  std::string devicesHeader;
1084  devicesHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Device name", 20));
1085  devicesHeader.append(" | ");
1086  devicesHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("UID", 13));
1087  devicesHeader.append(" | ");
1088  devicesHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Cores", 10));
1089  devicesHeader.append("\n");
1091  std::cout << "\n" << "\n";
1092  std::cout << CentreAlignFormatting("DEVICES", static_cast<int>(devicesHeader.size()));
1093  std::cout << "\n";
1094  std::cout << std::string(devicesHeader.size(), '=') << "\n";
1095  std::cout << devicesHeader;
1096  for (auto& it: counterDirectory.GetDevices()) {
1097  PrintDeviceDetails(it);
1098  }
1100  std::string counterSetHeader;
1102  counterSetHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Counter set name", 20));
1103  counterSetHeader.append(" | ");
1104  counterSetHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("UID", 13));
1105  counterSetHeader.append(" | ");
1106  counterSetHeader.append(CentreAlignFormatting("Count", 10));
1107  counterSetHeader.append("\n");
1109  std::cout << "\n" << "\n";
1110  std::cout << CentreAlignFormatting("COUNTER SETS", static_cast<int>(counterSetHeader.size()));
1111  std::cout << "\n";
1112  std::cout << std::string(counterSetHeader.size(), '=') << "\n";
1114  std::cout << counterSetHeader;
1116  for (auto& it: counterDirectory.GetCounterSets()) {
1118  }
1120  auto counters = counterDirectory.GetCounters();
1121  for (auto& it: counterDirectory.GetCategories()) {
1122  PrintCategoryDetails(it, counters);
1123  }
1124  std::cout << "\n";
1125 }
std::string CentreAlignFormatting(const std::string &stringToPass, const int spacingWidth)
void PrintDeviceDetails(const std::pair< const unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< Device >> &devicePair)
void PrintCounterSetDetails(const std::pair< const unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< CounterSet >> &counterSetPair)
void PrintCategoryDetails(const std::unique_ptr< Category > &category, std::unordered_map< unsigned short, std::shared_ptr< Counter >> counterMap)

◆ PrintCounterSetDetails()

void armnn::profiling::PrintCounterSetDetails ( const std::pair< const unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< CounterSet >> &  counterSetPair)

Definition at line 962 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CentreAlignFormatting().

Referenced by PrintCounterDirectory().

963 {
964  std::string body;
966  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(counterSetPair.second->m_Name, 20));
967  body.append(" | ");
968  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counterSetPair.first), 13));
969  body.append(" | ");
970  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(counterSetPair.second->m_Count), 10));
971  body.append("\n");
973  std::cout << std::string(body.size(), '-') << "\n";
975  std::cout<< body;
976 }
std::string CentreAlignFormatting(const std::string &stringToPass, const int spacingWidth)

◆ PrintDeviceDetails()

void armnn::profiling::PrintDeviceDetails ( const std::pair< const unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< Device >> &  devicePair)

Definition at line 947 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CentreAlignFormatting().

Referenced by PrintCounterDirectory().

948 {
949  std::string body;
951  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(devicePair.second->m_Name, 20));
952  body.append(" | ");
953  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(devicePair.first), 13));
954  body.append(" | ");
955  body.append(CentreAlignFormatting(std::to_string(devicePair.second->m_Cores), 10));
956  body.append("\n");
958  std::cout << std::string(body.size(), '-') << "\n";
959  std::cout<< body;
960 }
std::string CentreAlignFormatting(const std::string &stringToPass, const int spacingWidth)

◆ ReadBytes() [1/2]

void ReadBytes ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  valueSize,
uint8_t  outValue[] 

Definition at line 190 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), TimelineCaptureCommandHandler::ReadEvent(), and VerifyTimelineEventBinaryPacket().

191 {
192  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
194  ReadBytes(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset, valueSize, outValue);
195 }
void ReadBytes(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned int valueSize, uint8_t outValue[])

◆ ReadBytes() [2/2]

void ReadBytes ( const unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  valueSize,
uint8_t  outValue[] 

Definition at line 225 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

226 {
227  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
228  BOOST_ASSERT(outValue);
230  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < valueSize; i++, offset++)
231  {
232  outValue[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(buffer[offset]);
233  }
234 }

◆ ReadSwTraceMessage()

SwTraceMessage ReadSwTraceMessage ( const unsigned char *  packetBuffer,
unsigned int &  offset 

Definition at line 320 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString(), SwTraceMessage::m_ArgNames, SwTraceMessage::m_ArgTypes, SwTraceMessage::m_Id, SwTraceMessage::m_Name, SwTraceMessage::m_UiName, ReadUint32(), and uint32_t_size.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

321 {
322  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
324  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
326  SwTraceMessage swTraceMessage;
328  // Read the decl_id
329  uint32_t readDeclId = ReadUint32(packetBuffer, offset);
330  swTraceMessage.m_Id = readDeclId;
332  // SWTrace "namestring" format
333  // length of the string (first 4 bytes) + string + null terminator
335  // Check the decl_name
336  offset += uint32_t_size;
337  uint32_t swTraceDeclNameLength = ReadUint32(packetBuffer, offset);
339  offset += uint32_t_size;
340  std::vector<unsigned char> swTraceStringBuffer(swTraceDeclNameLength - 1);
341  std::memcpy(,
342  packetBuffer + offset, swTraceStringBuffer.size());
344  swTraceMessage.m_Name.assign(swTraceStringBuffer.begin(), swTraceStringBuffer.end()); // name
346  // Check the ui_name
347  offset += CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString(swTraceMessage.m_Name);
348  uint32_t swTraceUINameLength = ReadUint32(packetBuffer, offset);
350  offset += uint32_t_size;
351  swTraceStringBuffer.resize(swTraceUINameLength - 1);
352  std::memcpy(,
353  packetBuffer + offset, swTraceStringBuffer.size());
355  swTraceMessage.m_UiName.assign(swTraceStringBuffer.begin(), swTraceStringBuffer.end()); // ui_name
357  // Check arg_types
358  offset += CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString(swTraceMessage.m_UiName);
359  uint32_t swTraceArgTypesLength = ReadUint32(packetBuffer, offset);
361  offset += uint32_t_size;
362  swTraceStringBuffer.resize(swTraceArgTypesLength - 1);
363  std::memcpy(,
364  packetBuffer + offset, swTraceStringBuffer.size());
366  swTraceMessage.m_ArgTypes.assign(swTraceStringBuffer.begin(), swTraceStringBuffer.end()); // arg_types
368  std::string swTraceString(swTraceStringBuffer.begin(), swTraceStringBuffer.end());
370  // Check arg_names
371  offset += CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString(swTraceString);
372  uint32_t swTraceArgNamesLength = ReadUint32(packetBuffer, offset);
374  offset += uint32_t_size;
375  swTraceStringBuffer.resize(swTraceArgNamesLength - 1);
376  std::memcpy(,
377  packetBuffer + offset, swTraceStringBuffer.size());
379  swTraceString.assign(swTraceStringBuffer.begin(), swTraceStringBuffer.end());
380  std::stringstream stringStream(swTraceString);
381  std::string argName;
382  while (std::getline(stringStream, argName, ','))
383  {
384  swTraceMessage.m_ArgNames.push_back(argName);
385  }
387  offset += CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString(swTraceString);
389  return swTraceMessage;
390 }
uint32_t ReadUint32(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)
uint32_t CalculateSizeOfPaddedSwString(const std::string &str)

◆ ReadUint16() [1/2]

uint16_t ReadUint16 ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 211 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and armnn::gatordmock::ReadString().

212 {
213  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
215  return ReadUint16(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset);
216 }
uint16_t ReadUint16(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)

◆ ReadUint16() [2/2]

uint16_t ReadUint16 ( const unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 265 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

266 {
267  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
269  uint32_t value = 0;
270  value = static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer[offset]);
271  value |= static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer[offset + 1]) << 8;
272  return static_cast<uint16_t>(value);
273 }

◆ ReadUint32() [1/2]

◆ ReadUint32() [2/2]

uint32_t ReadUint32 ( const unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 253 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

254 {
255  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
257  uint32_t value = 0;
258  value = static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer[offset]);
259  value |= static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer[offset + 1]) << 8;
260  value |= static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer[offset + 2]) << 16;
261  value |= static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer[offset + 3]) << 24;
262  return value;
263 }

◆ ReadUint64() [1/2]

◆ ReadUint64() [2/2]

uint64_t ReadUint64 ( const unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 236 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

237 {
238  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
240  uint64_t value = 0;
241  value = static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset]);
242  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 1]) << 8;
243  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 2]) << 16;
244  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 3]) << 24;
245  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 4]) << 32;
246  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 5]) << 40;
247  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 6]) << 48;
248  value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[offset + 7]) << 56;
250  return value;
251 }

◆ ReadUint8() [1/2]

uint8_t ReadUint8 ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 218 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler::GetCounterDirectory(), and TimelineCaptureCommandHandler::ReadLabel().

219 {
220  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
222  return ReadUint8(packetBuffer->GetReadableData(), offset);
223 }
uint8_t ReadUint8(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset)

◆ ReadUint8() [2/2]

uint8_t ReadUint8 ( const unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 275 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

276 {
277  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
279  return buffer[offset];
280 }

◆ StringToSwTraceString()

bool armnn::profiling::StringToSwTraceString ( const std::string &  s,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  outputBuffer 

Definition at line 94 of file ProfilingUtils.hpp.

References uint32_t_size.

95 {
96  // Converts the given string to an SWTrace "string" (i.e. a string of "chars"), and writes it into
97  // the given buffer including the null-terminator. It also pads it to the next uint32_t if necessary
99  // Clear the output buffer
100  outputBuffer.clear();
102  // Check that the given string is a valid SWTrace "string" (i.e. a string of "chars")
103  if (!IsValidSwTraceString<SwTracePolicy>(s))
104  {
105  return false;
106  }
108  // Prepare the output buffer
109  size_t s_size = s.size() + 1; // The size of the string (in chars) plus the null-terminator
110  size_t uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
111  size_t outBufferSize = 1 + s_size / uint32_t_size + (s_size % uint32_t_size != 0 ? 1 : 0);
112  outputBuffer.resize(outBufferSize, '\0');
114  // Write the SWTrace string to the output buffer
115  outputBuffer[0] = boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(s_size);
116  std::memcpy( + 1,, s_size);
118  return true;
119 }

◆ WriteBytes() [1/3]

void armnn::profiling::WriteBytes ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
const void *  value,
unsigned int  valueSize 

Definition at line 89 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and WriteTimelineEventBinaryPacket().

90 {
91  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
93  WriteBytes(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value, valueSize);
94 }
void WriteBytes(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, const void *value, unsigned int valueSize)

◆ WriteBytes() [2/3]

void WriteBytes ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset,
const void *  value,
unsigned int  valueSize 

Definition at line 140 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

141 {
142  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
143  BOOST_ASSERT(value);
145  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < valueSize; i++, offset++)
146  {
147  buffer[offset] = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(value) + i);
148  }
149 }

◆ WriteBytes() [3/3]

void armnn::profiling::WriteBytes ( const IPacketBuffer packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
const void *  value,
unsigned int  valueSize 

◆ WriteTimelineEntityBinaryPacket()

TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEntityBinaryPacket ( uint64_t  profilingGuid,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  bufferSize,
unsigned int &  numberOfBytesWritten 

Definition at line 530 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References BufferExhaustion, CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(), Ok, uint32_t_size, WriteUint32(), and WriteUint64().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineEntityBinaryPacket().

534 {
535  // Initialize the output value
536  numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
538  // Check that the given buffer is valid
539  if (buffer == nullptr || bufferSize == 0)
540  {
541  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
542  }
544  // Utils
545  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
546  unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
548  // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
549  unsigned int timelineEntityPacketDataLength = uint32_t_size + uint64_t_size; // decl_id + Profiling GUID
552  // Calculate the timeline binary packet size (in bytes)
553  unsigned int timelineEntityPacketSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
554  timelineEntityPacketDataLength; // Profiling GUID
556  // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
557  if (timelineEntityPacketSize > bufferSize)
558  {
559  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
560  }
562  // Create packet header
563  std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> packetHeader = CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(timelineEntityPacketDataLength);
565  // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
566  unsigned int offset = 0;
568  // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
569  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
570  offset += uint32_t_size;
571  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
572  offset += uint32_t_size;
574  // Write the decl_Id to the buffer
575  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, 1u);
576  offset += uint32_t_size;
578  // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
579  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
581  // Update the number of bytes written
582  numberOfBytesWritten = timelineEntityPacketSize;
584  return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
585 }
void WriteUint32(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(unsigned int dataLength)
void WriteUint64(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)

◆ WriteTimelineEventBinaryPacket()

TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventBinaryPacket ( uint64_t  timestamp,
std::thread::id  threadId,
uint64_t  profilingGuid,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  bufferSize,
unsigned int &  numberOfBytesWritten 

Definition at line 859 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References BufferExhaustion, CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(), Ok, uint32_t_size, WriteBytes(), WriteUint32(), and WriteUint64().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineEventBinaryPacket().

865 {
866  // Initialize the output value
867  numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
869  // Check that the given buffer is valid
870  if (buffer == nullptr || bufferSize == 0)
871  {
872  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
873  }
875  // Utils
876  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
877  unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
878  unsigned int threadId_size = sizeof(std::thread::id);
880  // decl_id of the timeline message
881  uint32_t declId = 4;
883  // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
884  unsigned int timelineEventPacketDataLength = uint32_t_size + // decl_id
885  uint64_t_size + // Timestamp
886  threadId_size + // Thread id
887  uint64_t_size; // Profiling GUID
889  // Calculate the timeline binary packet size (in bytes)
890  unsigned int timelineEventPacketSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
891  timelineEventPacketDataLength; // Timestamp + thread id + profiling GUID
893  // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
894  if (timelineEventPacketSize > bufferSize)
895  {
896  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
897  }
899  // Create packet header
900  std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> packetHeader = CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(timelineEventPacketDataLength);
902  // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
903  unsigned int offset = 0;
905  // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
906  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
907  offset += uint32_t_size;
908  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
909  offset += uint32_t_size;
911  // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
912  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, declId); // decl_id
913  offset += uint32_t_size;
914  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, timestamp); // Timestamp
915  offset += uint64_t_size;
916  WriteBytes(buffer, offset, &threadId, threadId_size); // Thread id
917  offset += threadId_size;
918  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
919  offset += uint64_t_size;
921  // Update the number of bytes written
922  numberOfBytesWritten = timelineEventPacketSize;
924  return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
925 }
void WriteUint32(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(unsigned int dataLength)
void WriteBytes(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, const void *value, unsigned int valueSize)
void WriteUint64(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)

◆ WriteTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket()

TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket ( uint64_t  profilingGuid,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  bufferSize,
unsigned int &  numberOfBytesWritten 

Definition at line 802 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References BufferExhaustion, CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(), Ok, uint32_t_size, WriteUint32(), and WriteUint64().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket().

806 {
807  // Initialize the output value
808  numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
810  // Check that the given buffer is valid
811  if (buffer == nullptr || bufferSize == 0)
812  {
813  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
814  }
816  // Utils
817  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
818  unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
820  // decl_id of the timeline message
821  uint32_t declId = 2;
823  // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
824  unsigned int packetBodySize = uint32_t_size + uint64_t_size; // decl_id + Profiling GUID
826  // Calculate the timeline binary packet size (in bytes)
827  unsigned int packetSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
828  packetBodySize; // Body
830  // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
831  if (packetSize > bufferSize)
832  {
833  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
834  }
836  // Create packet header
837  std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> packetHeader = CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(packetBodySize);
839  // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
840  unsigned int offset = 0;
842  // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
843  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
844  offset += uint32_t_size;
845  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
846  offset += uint32_t_size;
848  // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
849  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, declId); // decl_id
850  offset += uint32_t_size;
851  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
853  // Update the number of bytes written
854  numberOfBytesWritten = packetSize;
856  return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
857 }
void WriteUint32(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(unsigned int dataLength)
void WriteUint64(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)

◆ WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket()

TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket ( uint64_t  profilingGuid,
const std::string &  label,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  bufferSize,
unsigned int &  numberOfBytesWritten 

Definition at line 454 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References BufferExhaustion, CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(), Error, Ok, uint32_t_size, WriteUint32(), and WriteUint64().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket().

459 {
460  // Initialize the output value
461  numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
463  // Check that the given buffer is valid
464  if (buffer == nullptr || bufferSize == 0)
465  {
466  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
467  }
469  // Utils
470  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
471  unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
473  // Convert the label into a SWTrace string
474  std::vector<uint32_t> swTraceLabel;
475  bool result = StringToSwTraceString<SwTraceCharPolicy>(label, swTraceLabel);
476  if (!result)
477  {
478  return TimelinePacketStatus::Error;
479  }
481  // Calculate the size of the SWTrace string label (in bytes)
482  unsigned int swTraceLabelSize = boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(swTraceLabel.size()) * uint32_t_size;
484  // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
485  unsigned int timelineLabelPacketDataLength = uint32_t_size + // decl_Id
486  uint64_t_size + // Profiling GUID
487  swTraceLabelSize; // Label
489  // Calculate the timeline binary packet size (in bytes)
490  unsigned int timelineLabelPacketSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
491  timelineLabelPacketDataLength; // decl_Id + Profiling GUID + label
493  // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
494  if (timelineLabelPacketSize > bufferSize)
495  {
496  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
497  }
499  // Create packet header
500  std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> packetHeader = CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(timelineLabelPacketDataLength);
502  // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
503  unsigned int offset = 0;
505  // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
506  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
507  offset += uint32_t_size;
508  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
509  offset += uint32_t_size;
511  // Write decl_Id to the buffer
512  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, 0u);
513  offset += uint32_t_size;
515  // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
516  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, profilingGuid); // Profiling GUID
517  offset += uint64_t_size;
518  for (uint32_t swTraceLabelWord : swTraceLabel)
519  {
520  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, swTraceLabelWord); // Label
521  offset += uint32_t_size;
522  }
524  // Update the number of bytes written
525  numberOfBytesWritten = timelineLabelPacketSize;
527  return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
528 }
void WriteUint32(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(unsigned int dataLength)
void WriteUint64(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)

◆ WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage()

TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  bufferSize,
unsigned int &  numberOfBytesWritten 

Definition at line 674 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References BufferExhaustion, CreateTimelinePacketHeader(), Error, Ok, uint32_t_size, WriteUint32(), and WriteUint8().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage().

677 {
678  // Initialize the output value
679  numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
681  // Check that the given buffer is valid
682  if (buffer == nullptr || bufferSize == 0)
683  {
684  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
685  }
687  // Utils
688  unsigned int uint8_t_size = sizeof(uint8_t);
689  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
690  unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
691  unsigned int threadId_size = sizeof(std::thread::id);
693  // The payload/data of the packet consists of swtrace event definitions encoded according
694  // to the swtrace directory specification. The messages being the five defined below:
695  //
696  // | decl_id | decl_name | ui_name | arg_types | arg_names |
697  // |-----------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------------|-------------------------------------|
698  // | 0 | declareLabel | declare label | ps | guid,value |
699  // | 1 | declareEntity | declare entity | p | guid |
700  // | 2 | declareEventClass | declare event class | p | guid |
701  // | 3 | declareRelationship | declare relationship | Ippp | relationshipType,relationshipGuid, |
702  // | | | | | headGuid,tailGuid |
703  // | 4 | declareEvent | declare event | @tp | timestamp,threadId,eventGuid |
704  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> timelineDirectoryMessages
705  {
706  { "0", "declareLabel", "declare label", "ps", "guid,value" },
707  { "1", "declareEntity", "declare entity", "p", "guid" },
708  { "2", "declareEventClass", "declare event class", "p", "guid" },
709  { "3", "declareRelationship", "declare relationship", "Ippp",
710  "relationshipType,relationshipGuid,headGuid,tailGuid" },
711  { "4", "declareEvent", "declare event", "@tp", "timestamp,threadId,eventGuid" }
712  };
714  // Build the message declarations
715  std::vector<uint32_t> swTraceBuffer;
716  for (const auto& directoryComponent : timelineDirectoryMessages)
717  {
718  // decl_id
719  uint32_t declId = 0;
720  try
721  {
722  declId = boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(std::stoul(directoryComponent[0]));
723  }
724  catch (const std::exception&)
725  {
726  return TimelinePacketStatus::Error;
727  }
728  swTraceBuffer.push_back(declId);
730  bool result = true;
731  result &= ConvertDirectoryComponent<SwTraceNameCharPolicy>(directoryComponent[1], swTraceBuffer); // decl_name
732  result &= ConvertDirectoryComponent<SwTraceCharPolicy> (directoryComponent[2], swTraceBuffer); // ui_name
733  result &= ConvertDirectoryComponent<SwTraceTypeCharPolicy>(directoryComponent[3], swTraceBuffer); // arg_types
734  result &= ConvertDirectoryComponent<SwTraceCharPolicy> (directoryComponent[4], swTraceBuffer); // arg_names
735  if (!result)
736  {
737  return TimelinePacketStatus::Error;
738  }
739  }
741  unsigned int dataLength = 3 * uint8_t_size + // Stream header (3 bytes)
742  boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(swTraceBuffer.size()) *
743  uint32_t_size; // Trace directory (5 messages)
745  // Calculate the timeline directory binary packet size (in bytes)
746  unsigned int timelineDirectoryPacketSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
747  dataLength; // Payload
749  // Check whether the timeline directory binary packet fits in the given buffer
750  if (timelineDirectoryPacketSize > bufferSize)
751  {
752  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
753  }
755  // Create packet header
756  auto packetHeader = CreateTimelinePacketHeader(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(dataLength));
758  // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
759  unsigned int offset = 0;
761  // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
762  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
763  offset += uint32_t_size;
764  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
765  offset += uint32_t_size;
767  // Write the stream header
768  uint8_t streamVersion = 4;
769  uint8_t pointerBytes = boost::numeric_cast<uint8_t>(uint64_t_size); // All GUIDs are uint64_t
770  uint8_t threadIdBytes = boost::numeric_cast<uint8_t>(threadId_size);
771  switch (threadIdBytes)
772  {
773  case 4: // Typically Windows and Android
774  case 8: // Typically Linux
775  break; // Valid values
776  default:
777  return TimelinePacketStatus::Error; // Invalid value
778  }
779  WriteUint8(buffer, offset, streamVersion);
780  offset += uint8_t_size;
781  WriteUint8(buffer, offset, pointerBytes);
782  offset += uint8_t_size;
783  WriteUint8(buffer, offset, threadIdBytes);
784  offset += uint8_t_size;
786  // Write the SWTrace directory
787  uint32_t numberOfDeclarations = boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(timelineDirectoryMessages.size());
788  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, numberOfDeclarations); // Number of declarations
789  offset += uint32_t_size;
790  for (uint32_t i : swTraceBuffer)
791  {
792  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, i); // Message declarations
793  offset += uint32_t_size;
794  }
796  // Update the number of bytes written
797  numberOfBytesWritten = timelineDirectoryPacketSize;
799  return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
800 }
void WriteUint32(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
void WriteUint8(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelinePacketHeader(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetClass, uint32_t packetType, uint32_t streamId, uint32_t sequenceNumbered, uint32_t dataLength)

◆ WriteTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket()

TimelinePacketStatus WriteTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket ( ProfilingRelationshipType  relationshipType,
uint64_t  relationshipGuid,
uint64_t  headGuid,
uint64_t  tailGuid,
unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  bufferSize,
unsigned int &  numberOfBytesWritten 

Definition at line 587 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

References BufferExhaustion, CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(), DataLink, ExecutionLink, LabelLink, Ok, RetentionLink, uint32_t_size, WriteUint32(), and WriteUint64().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and SendTimelinePacket::SendTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket().

594 {
595  // Initialize the output value
596  numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
598  // Check that the given buffer is valid
599  if (buffer == nullptr || bufferSize == 0)
600  {
601  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
602  }
604  // Utils
605  unsigned int uint32_t_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
606  unsigned int uint64_t_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
608  // Calculate the length of the data (in bytes)
609  unsigned int timelineRelationshipPacketDataLength = uint32_t_size * 2 + // decl_id + Relationship Type
610  uint64_t_size * 3; // Relationship GUID + Head GUID + tail GUID
612  // Calculate the timeline binary packet size (in bytes)
613  unsigned int timelineRelationshipPacketSize = 2 * uint32_t_size + // Header (2 words)
614  timelineRelationshipPacketDataLength;
616  // Check whether the timeline binary packet fits in the given buffer
617  if (timelineRelationshipPacketSize > bufferSize)
618  {
619  return TimelinePacketStatus::BufferExhaustion;
620  }
622  // Create packet header
623  uint32_t dataLength = boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(timelineRelationshipPacketDataLength);
624  std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> packetHeader = CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(dataLength);
626  // Initialize the offset for writing in the buffer
627  unsigned int offset = 0;
629  // Write the timeline binary packet header to the buffer
630  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.first);
631  offset += uint32_t_size;
632  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, packetHeader.second);
633  offset += uint32_t_size;
635  uint32_t relationshipTypeUint = 0;
637  switch (relationshipType)
638  {
640  relationshipTypeUint = 0;
641  break;
643  relationshipTypeUint = 1;
644  break;
646  relationshipTypeUint = 2;
647  break;
649  relationshipTypeUint = 3;
650  break;
651  default:
652  throw InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relationship type given.");
653  }
655  // Write the timeline binary packet payload to the buffer
656  // decl_id of the timeline message
657  uint32_t declId = 3;
658  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, declId); // decl_id
659  offset += uint32_t_size;
660  WriteUint32(buffer, offset, relationshipTypeUint); // Relationship Type
661  offset += uint32_t_size;
662  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, relationshipGuid); // GUID of this relationship
663  offset += uint64_t_size;
664  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, headGuid); // head of relationship GUID
665  offset += uint64_t_size;
666  WriteUint64(buffer, offset, tailGuid); // tail of relationship GUID
668  // Update the number of bytes written
669  numberOfBytesWritten = timelineRelationshipPacketSize;
671  return TimelinePacketStatus::Ok;
672 }
Head retains(parents) Tail.
Definition: TimelineModel.h:20
void WriteUint32(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint32_t value)
Head execution start depends on Tail execution completion.
Definition: TimelineModel.h:21
Head uses data of Tail.
Definition: TimelineModel.h:22
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > CreateTimelineMessagePacketHeader(unsigned int dataLength)
void WriteUint64(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)

◆ WriteUint16() [1/2]

void WriteUint16 ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint16_t  value 

Definition at line 126 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), FileOnlyProfilingConnection::Close(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), PacketWriter(), SendCounterPacket::SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(), GatordMockService::SendPeriodicCounterSelectionList(), and SendCounterPacket::SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket().

127 {
128  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
130  WriteUint16(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
131 }
void WriteUint16(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint16_t value)

◆ WriteUint16() [2/2]

void WriteUint16 ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint16_t  value 

Definition at line 175 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

176 {
177  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
179  buffer[offset] = static_cast<unsigned char>(value & 0xFF);
180  buffer[offset + 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
181 }

◆ WriteUint32() [1/2]

◆ WriteUint32() [2/2]

void WriteUint32 ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint32_t  value 

Definition at line 165 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

166 {
167  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
169  buffer[offset] = static_cast<unsigned char>(value & 0xFF);
170  buffer[offset + 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
171  buffer[offset + 2] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
172  buffer[offset + 3] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
173 }

◆ WriteUint64() [1/3]

void armnn::profiling::WriteUint64 ( const std::unique_ptr< IPacketBuffer > &  packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint64_t  value 

Definition at line 112 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ConvertDirectoryComponent(), SendCounterPacket::SendPeriodicCounterCapturePacket(), WriteTimelineEntityBinaryPacket(), WriteTimelineEventBinaryPacket(), WriteTimelineEventClassBinaryPacket(), WriteTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(), and WriteTimelineRelationshipBinaryPacket().

113 {
114  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
116  WriteUint64(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
117 }
void WriteUint64(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint64_t value)

◆ WriteUint64() [2/3]

void armnn::profiling::WriteUint64 ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint64_t  value 

◆ WriteUint64() [3/3]

void WriteUint64 ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint64_t  value 

Definition at line 151 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

152 {
153  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
155  buffer[offset] = static_cast<unsigned char>(value & 0xFF);
156  buffer[offset + 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
157  buffer[offset + 2] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
158  buffer[offset + 3] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
159  buffer[offset + 4] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 32) & 0xFF);
160  buffer[offset + 5] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 40) & 0xFF);
161  buffer[offset + 6] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 48) & 0xFF);
162  buffer[offset + 7] = static_cast<unsigned char>((value >> 56) & 0xFF);
163 }

◆ WriteUint8() [1/2]

void WriteUint8 ( const IPacketBufferPtr packetBuffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint8_t  value 

Definition at line 133 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

Referenced by ConvertDirectoryComponent(), and WriteTimelineMessageDirectoryPackage().

134 {
135  BOOST_ASSERT(packetBuffer);
137  WriteUint8(packetBuffer->GetWritableData(), offset, value);
138 }
void WriteUint8(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int offset, uint8_t value)

◆ WriteUint8() [2/2]

void WriteUint8 ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  offset,
uint8_t  value 

Definition at line 183 of file ProfilingUtils.cpp.

184 {
185  BOOST_ASSERT(buffer);
187  buffer[offset] = static_cast<unsigned char>(value);
188 }

Variable Documentation

◆ uint16_t_size

◆ uint32_t_size