TestLayerVisitor Class Reference

#include <TestLayerVisitor.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for TestLayerVisitor:
LayerVisitorBase< VisitorNoThrowPolicy > ILayerVisitor TestBatchNormalizationLayerVisitor TestConstantLayerVisitor TestConvolution2dLayerVisitor TestDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerVisitor TestFullyConnectedLayerVistor TestInputLayerVisitor TestLstmLayerVisitor TestOutputLayerVisitor TestQuantizedLstmLayerVisitor TestActivationLayerVisitor TestAdditionLayerVisitor TestArgMinMaxLayerVisitor TestBatchToSpaceNdLayerVisitor TestComparisonLayerVisitor TestConcatLayerVisitor TestDepthToSpaceLayerVisitor TestDequantizeLayerVisitor TestDivisionLayerVisitor TestElementwiseUnaryLayerVisitor TestFloorLayerVisitor TestGatherLayerVisitor TestInstanceNormalizationLayerVisitor TestL2NormalizationLayerVisitor TestLogSoftmaxLayerVisitor TestMaximumLayerVisitor TestMeanLayerVisitor TestMergeLayerVisitor TestMinimumLayerVisitor TestMultiplicationLayerVisitor TestNormalizationLayerVisitor TestPadLayerVisitor TestPermuteLayerVisitor TestPooling2dLayerVisitor TestPreluLayerVisitor TestQuantizeLayerVisitor TestReshapeLayerVisitor TestResizeLayerVisitor TestSliceLayerVisitor TestSoftmaxLayerVisitor TestSpaceToBatchNdLayerVisitor TestSpaceToDepthLayerVisitor TestSplitterLayerVisitor TestStackLayerVisitor TestStandInLayerVisitor TestStridedSliceLayerVisitor TestSubtractionLayerVisitor TestSwitchLayerVisitor TestTransposeLayerVisitor

Public Member Functions

 TestLayerVisitor (const char *name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LayerVisitorBase< VisitorNoThrowPolicy >
void VisitAbsLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function an absolute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitActivationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ActivationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitAdditionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that an addition layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitArgMinMaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ArgMinMaxDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an arg min max layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitBatchNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const BatchNormalizationDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const ConstTensor &, const ConstTensor &, const ConstTensor &, const char *) override
 Function that a batch normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitBatchToSpaceNdLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a batch to space ND layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitComparisonLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ComparisonDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a Comparison layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConcatLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ConcatDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a concat layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConstantLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ConstTensor &, const char *) override
 Function a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const Convolution2dDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a 2D convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDepthToSpaceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const DepthToSpaceDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a depth to space layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a 2D depthwise convolution layer with biases should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDequantizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a Dequantize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDetectionPostProcessLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const char *) override
 Function that a Detection PostProcess layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDivisionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a division layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a ElementwiseUnary layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitEqualLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function an Equal layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitFloorLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a floor layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitFullyConnectedLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const FullyConnectedDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a fully connected layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitGatherLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Gather layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitGreaterLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Greater layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitInputLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, LayerBindingId, const char *) override
 Function that an InputLayer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitInstanceNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an instance normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitL2NormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const L2NormalizationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an L2 normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitLogSoftmaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const LogSoftmaxDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a log softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitLstmLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const LstmDescriptor &, const LstmInputParams &, const char *) override
 Function an Lstm layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMaximumLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Maximum layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMeanLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const MeanDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a Mean layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMergeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a merge layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMergerLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const MergerDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a merger layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMinimumLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Minimum layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMultiplicationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a multiplication layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const NormalizationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitOutputLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, LayerBindingId, const char *) override
 Function an output layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPadLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const PadDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a pad layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPermuteLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const PermuteDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a permute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPooling2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const Pooling2dDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a pooling layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPreluLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a PReLU activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitQuantizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a quantize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitQuantizedLstmLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const QuantizedLstmInputParams &, const char *) override
 Function a QuantizedLstm layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitReshapeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ReshapeDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a reshape layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitResizeBilinearLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ResizeBilinearDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a resize bilinear layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitResizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ResizeDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a resize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitRsqrtLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Reciprocal of square root layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSliceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SliceDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSoftmaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SoftmaxDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSpaceToBatchNdLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a space to batch layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSpaceToDepthLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SpaceToDepthDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a space to depth layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSplitterLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ViewsDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a splitter layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStackLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const StackDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a stack layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStandInLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const StandInDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a StandInLayer should call back to when its Accept(ILaterVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStridedSliceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const StridedSliceDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a strided slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSubtractionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a subtraction layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSwitchLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a switch layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitTransposeConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a 2D transpose convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitTransposeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const TransposeDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a transpose layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILayerVisitor
virtual void StartVisit ()
virtual void FinishVisit ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~TestLayerVisitor ()
void CheckLayerName (const char *name)
void CheckLayerPointer (const IConnectableLayer *layer)
void CheckConstTensors (const ConstTensor &expected, const ConstTensor &actual)
void CheckOptionalConstTensors (const Optional< ConstTensor > &expected, const Optional< ConstTensor > &actual)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LayerVisitorBase< VisitorNoThrowPolicy >
 LayerVisitorBase ()
virtual ~LayerVisitorBase ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ILayerVisitor
 ILayerVisitor ()
virtual ~ILayerVisitor ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file TestLayerVisitor.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~TestLayerVisitor()

◆ TestLayerVisitor()

TestLayerVisitor ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 30 of file TestLayerVisitor.hpp.

30  : m_LayerName(name)
31  {
32  if (name == nullptr)
33  {
34  m_LayerName = "";
35  }
36  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ CheckConstTensors()

void CheckConstTensors ( const ConstTensor expected,
const ConstTensor actual 

Definition at line 33 of file TestLayerVisitor.cpp.

References BOOST_CHECK(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetInfo(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetMemoryArea(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetNumBytes(), BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetNumDimensions(), and BaseTensor< MemoryType >::GetNumElements().

Referenced by TestLstmLayerVisitor::CheckConstTensorPtrs(), TestQuantizedLstmLayerVisitor::CheckConstTensorPtrs(), TestLayerVisitor::CheckOptionalConstTensors(), TestBatchNormalizationLayerVisitor::VisitBatchNormalizationLayer(), TestConstantLayerVisitor::VisitConstantLayer(), TestConvolution2dLayerVisitor::VisitConvolution2dLayer(), TestDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerVisitor::VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(), TestFullyConnectedLayerVistor::VisitFullyConnectedLayer(), and TestLayerVisitor::~TestLayerVisitor().

34 {
35  BOOST_CHECK(expected.GetInfo() == actual.GetInfo());
36  BOOST_CHECK(expected.GetNumDimensions() == actual.GetNumDimensions());
37  BOOST_CHECK(expected.GetNumElements() == actual.GetNumElements());
38  BOOST_CHECK(expected.GetNumBytes() == actual.GetNumBytes());
39  if (expected.GetNumBytes() == actual.GetNumBytes())
40  {
41  //check data is the same byte by byte
42  const unsigned char* expectedPtr = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(expected.GetMemoryArea());
43  const unsigned char* actualPtr = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(actual.GetMemoryArea());
44  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expected.GetNumBytes(); i++)
45  {
46  BOOST_CHECK(*(expectedPtr + i) == *(actualPtr + i));
47  }
48  }
49 }

◆ CheckLayerName()

void CheckLayerName ( const char *  name)

◆ CheckLayerPointer()

◆ CheckOptionalConstTensors()

void CheckOptionalConstTensors ( const Optional< ConstTensor > &  expected,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  actual 

Definition at line 51 of file TestLayerVisitor.cpp.

References BOOST_CHECK(), TestLayerVisitor::CheckConstTensors(), OptionalBase::has_value(), and OptionalReferenceSwitch< std::is_reference< T >::value, T >::value().

Referenced by TestConvolution2dLayerVisitor::VisitConvolution2dLayer(), TestDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerVisitor::VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(), TestFullyConnectedLayerVistor::VisitFullyConnectedLayer(), and TestLayerVisitor::~TestLayerVisitor().

53 {
54  BOOST_CHECK(expected.has_value() == actual.has_value());
55  if (expected.has_value() && actual.has_value())
56  {
57  CheckConstTensors(expected.value(), actual.value());
58  }
59 }
void CheckConstTensors(const ConstTensor &expected, const ConstTensor &actual)

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