ArmNN  NotReleased
Descriptors.hpp File Reference
#include "Deprecated.hpp"
#include "DescriptorsFwd.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include "Tensor.hpp"
#include "Types.hpp"

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struct  ActivationDescriptor
 An ActivationDescriptor for the ActivationLayer. More...
struct  ArgMinMaxDescriptor
 An ArgMinMaxDescriptor for ArgMinMaxLayer. More...
struct  ComparisonDescriptor
 A ComparisonDescriptor for the ComparisonLayer. More...
struct  ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor
 A ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseUnaryLayer. More...
struct  PermuteDescriptor
 A PermuteDescriptor for the PermuteLayer. More...
struct  SoftmaxDescriptor
 A SoftmaxDescriptor for the SoftmaxLayer. More...
struct  OriginsDescriptor
 An OriginsDescriptor for the ConcatLayer. Descriptor to configure the concatenation process. Number of views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the second input, etc. More...
struct  ViewsDescriptor
 A ViewsDescriptor for the SplitterLayer. Descriptor to configure the splitting process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of outputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first output, second view to the second output, etc. More...
struct  Pooling2dDescriptor
 A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer. More...
struct  FullyConnectedDescriptor
 A FullyConnectedDescriptor for the FullyConnectedLayer. More...
struct  Convolution2dDescriptor
 A Convolution2dDescriptor for the Convolution2dLayer. More...
struct  DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor
 A DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor for the DepthwiseConvolution2dLayer. More...
struct  DetectionPostProcessDescriptor
struct  NormalizationDescriptor
 A NormalizationDescriptor for the NormalizationLayer. More...
struct  L2NormalizationDescriptor
 A L2NormalizationDescriptor for the L2NormalizationLayer. More...
struct  BatchNormalizationDescriptor
 A BatchNormalizationDescriptor for the BatchNormalizationLayer. More...
struct  InstanceNormalizationDescriptor
 An InstanceNormalizationDescriptor for InstanceNormalizationLayer. More...
struct  BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor
 A BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor for the BatchToSpaceNdLayer. More...
struct  FakeQuantizationDescriptor
 A FakeQuantizationDescriptor for the FakeQuantizationLayer. More...
struct  ResizeBilinearDescriptor
 A ResizeBilinearDescriptor for the ResizeBilinearLayer. More...
struct  ResizeDescriptor
 A ResizeDescriptor for the ResizeLayer. More...
struct  ReshapeDescriptor
 A ReshapeDescriptor for the ReshapeLayer. More...
struct  SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor
 A SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor for the SpaceToBatchNdLayer. More...
struct  SpaceToDepthDescriptor
 A SpaceToDepthDescriptor for the SpaceToDepthLayer. More...
struct  LstmDescriptor
 An LstmDescriptor for the LstmLayer. More...
struct  MeanDescriptor
 A MeanDescriptor for the MeanLayer. More...
struct  PadDescriptor
 A PadDescriptor for the PadLayer. More...
struct  SliceDescriptor
 A SliceDescriptor for the SliceLayer. More...
struct  StackDescriptor
 A StackDescriptor for the StackLayer. More...
struct  StandInDescriptor
 A StandInDescriptor for the StandIn layer. More...
struct  StridedSliceDescriptor
 A StridedSliceDescriptor for the StridedSliceLayer. More...
struct  PreCompiledDescriptor
 A PreCompiledDescriptor for the PreCompiledLayer. More...
struct  TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor
 A TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor for the TransposeConvolution2dLayer. More...




using LogSoftmaxDescriptor = SoftmaxDescriptor
 A LogSoftmaxDescriptor for the LogSoftmaxLayer. More...
using DepthToSpaceDescriptor = SpaceToDepthDescriptor
 A DepthToSpaceDescriptor for the DepthToSpaceLayer. More...


template<typename TensorShapeIt >
OriginsDescriptor CreateMergerDescriptorForConcatenation (TensorShapeIt first, TensorShapeIt last, unsigned int concatenationDimension)
template<typename TensorShapeIt >
OriginsDescriptor CreateDescriptorForConcatenation (TensorShapeIt first, TensorShapeIt last, unsigned int concatenationDimension)
 Convenience template to create an OriginsDescriptor to use when creating a ConcatLayer for performing concatenation of a number of input tensors. More...