Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4 //
6 #pragma once
8 #include <armnn/Logging.hpp>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <fstream>
15 #include <iomanip>
16 #include <iterator>
18 /**
19  * Given a measured duration and a threshold time tell the user whether we succeeded or not.
20  *
21  * @param duration the measured inference duration.
22  * @param thresholdTime the threshold time in milliseconds.
23  * @return false if the measured time exceeded the threshold.
24  */
25 bool CheckInferenceTimeThreshold(const std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>& duration,
26  const double& thresholdTime);
28 inline bool CheckRequestedBackendsAreValid(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backendIds,
30 {
31  if (backendIds.empty())
32  {
33  return false;
34  }
38  bool allValid = true;
39  for (const auto& backendId : backendIds)
40  {
41  if (std::find(validBackendIds.begin(), validBackendIds.end(), backendId) == validBackendIds.end())
42  {
43  allValid = false;
44  if (invalidBackendIds)
45  {
46  if (!invalidBackendIds.value().empty())
47  {
48  invalidBackendIds.value() += ", ";
49  }
50  invalidBackendIds.value() += backendId;
51  }
52  }
53  }
54  return allValid;
55 }
57 std::vector<unsigned int> ParseArray(std::istream& stream);
59 /// Splits a given string at every accurance of delimiter into a vector of string
60 std::vector<std::string> ParseStringList(const std::string& inputString, const char* delimiter);
62 /// Dequantize an array of a given type
63 /// @param array Type erased array to dequantize
64 /// @param numElements Elements in the array
65 /// @param array Type erased array to dequantize
66 template <typename T>
67 std::vector<float> DequantizeArray(const void* array, unsigned int numElements, float scale, int32_t offset)
68 {
69  const T* quantizedArray = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(array);
70  std::vector<float> dequantizedVector;
71  dequantizedVector.reserve(numElements);
72  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
73  {
74  float f = armnn::Dequantize(*(quantizedArray + i), scale, offset);
75  dequantizedVector.push_back(f);
76  }
77  return dequantizedVector;
78 }
80 void LogAndThrow(std::string eMsg);
82 /**
83  * Verifies if the given string is a valid path. Reports invalid paths to std::err.
84  * @param file string - A string containing the path to check
85  * @param expectFile bool - If true, checks for a regular file.
86  * @return bool - True if given string is a valid path., false otherwise.
87  * */
88 bool ValidatePath(const std::string& file, const bool expectFile);
90 /**
91  * Verifies if a given vector of strings are valid paths. Reports invalid paths to std::err.
92  * @param fileVec vector of string - A vector of string containing the paths to check
93  * @param expectFile bool - If true, checks for a regular file.
94  * @return bool - True if all given strings are valid paths., false otherwise.
95  * */
96 bool ValidatePaths(const std::vector<std::string>& fileVec, const bool expectFile);
98 /// Returns a function of read the given type as a string
99 template <typename Integer, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>* = nullptr>
100 std::function<Integer(const std::string&)> GetParseElementFunc()
101 {
102  return [](const std::string& s) { return armnn::numeric_cast<Integer>(std::stoi(s)); };
103 }
105 template <typename Float, std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<Float>::value>* = nullptr>
106 std::function<Float(const std::string&)> GetParseElementFunc()
107 {
108  return [](const std::string& s) { return std::stof(s); };
109 }
111 template <typename T>
112 void PopulateTensorWithData(T* tensor,
113  const unsigned int numElements,
114  const armnn::Optional<std::string>& dataFile,
115  const std::string& inputName)
116 {
117  const bool readFromFile = dataFile.has_value() && !dataFile.value().empty();
119  std::ifstream inputTensorFile;
120  if (!readFromFile)
121  {
122  std::fill(tensor, tensor + numElements, 0);
123  return;
124  }
125  else
126  {
127  inputTensorFile = std::ifstream(dataFile.value());
128  }
130  auto parseElementFunc = GetParseElementFunc<T>();
131  std::string line;
132  unsigned int index = 0;
133  while (std::getline(inputTensorFile, line))
134  {
135  std::vector<std::string> tokens = armnn::stringUtils::StringTokenizer(line, "\t ,:");
136  for (const std::string& token : tokens)
137  {
138  if (!token.empty()) // See
139  {
140  try
141  {
142  if (index == numElements)
143  {
144  ARMNN_LOG(error) << "Number of elements: " << (index +1) << " in file \"" << dataFile.value()
145  << "\" does not match number of elements: " << numElements
146  << " for input \"" << inputName << "\".";
147  }
148  *(tensor + index) = parseElementFunc(token);
149  index++;
150  }
151  catch (const std::exception&)
152  {
153  ARMNN_LOG(error) << "'" << token << "' is not a valid number. It has been ignored.";
154  }
155  }
156  }
157  }
159  if (index != numElements)
160  {
161  ARMNN_LOG(error) << "Number of elements: " << (index +1) << " in file \"" << inputName
162  << "\" does not match number of elements: " << numElements
163  << " for input \"" << inputName << "\".";
164  }
165 }
167 template<typename T>
168 void WriteToFile(const std::string& outputTensorFileName,
169  const std::string& outputName,
170  const T* const array,
171  const unsigned int numElements)
172 {
173  std::ofstream outputTensorFile;
174, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
175  if (outputTensorFile.is_open())
176  {
177  outputTensorFile << outputName << ": ";
178  std::copy(array, array + numElements, std::ostream_iterator<T>(outputTensorFile, " "));
179  }
180  else
181  {
182  ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Output Tensor File: " << outputTensorFileName << " could not be opened!";
183  }
184  outputTensorFile.close();
185 }
188 {
190  const std::string& m_OutputName;
192  const bool m_PrintTensor;
193 };
195 template <typename T>
196 void PrintTensor(OutputWriteInfo& info, const char* formatString)
197 {
198  const T* array = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(info.m_Tensor.GetMemoryArea());
200  if (info.m_OutputTensorFile.has_value())
201  {
203  info.m_OutputName,
204  array,
205  info.m_Tensor.GetNumElements());
206  }
208  if (info.m_PrintTensor)
209  {
210  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < info.m_Tensor.GetNumElements(); i++)
211  {
212  printf(formatString, array[i]);
213  }
214  }
215 }
217 template <typename T>
219 {
220  std::vector<float> dequantizedValues;
221  auto tensor = info.m_Tensor;
222  dequantizedValues = DequantizeArray<T>(tensor.GetMemoryArea(),
223  tensor.GetNumElements(),
224  tensor.GetInfo().GetQuantizationScale(),
225  tensor.GetInfo().GetQuantizationOffset());
227  if (info.m_OutputTensorFile.has_value())
228  {
230  info.m_OutputName,
232  tensor.GetNumElements());
233  }
235  if (info.m_PrintTensor)
236  {
237  std::for_each(dequantizedValues.begin(), dequantizedValues.end(), [&](float value)
238  {
239  printf("%f ", value);
240  });
241  }
242 }
244 template<typename T, typename TParseElementFunc>
245 std::vector<T> ParseArrayImpl(std::istream& stream, TParseElementFunc parseElementFunc, const char* chars = "\t ,:")
246 {
247  std::vector<T> result;
248  // Processes line-by-line.
249  std::string line;
250  while (std::getline(stream, line))
251  {
252  std::vector<std::string> tokens = armnn::stringUtils::StringTokenizer(line, chars);
253  for (const std::string& token : tokens)
254  {
255  if (!token.empty()) // See
256  {
257  try
258  {
259  result.push_back(parseElementFunc(token));
260  }
261  catch (const std::exception&)
262  {
263  ARMNN_LOG(error) << "'" << token << "' is not a valid number. It has been ignored.";
264  }
265  }
266  }
267  }
269  return result;
270 }
272 /// Compute the root-mean-square error (RMSE)
273 /// @param expected
274 /// @param actual
275 /// @param size size of the tensor
276 /// @return float the RMSE
277 template<typename T>
278 float ComputeRMSE(const void* expected, const void* actual, const size_t size)
279 {
280  auto typedExpected = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(expected);
281  auto typedActual = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(actual);
283  T errorSum = 0;
285  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
286  {
287  if (std::abs(typedExpected[i] - typedActual[i]) != 0)
288  {
289  std::cout << "";
290  }
291  errorSum += std::pow(std::abs(typedExpected[i] - typedActual[i]), 2);
292  }
294  float rmse = std::sqrt(armnn::numeric_cast<float>(errorSum) / armnn::numeric_cast<float>(size / sizeof(T)));
295  return rmse;
296 }
std::vector< std::string > StringTokenizer(const std::string &str, const char *delimiters, bool tokenCompression=true)
Function to take a string and a list of delimiters and split the string into tokens based on those de...
Definition: StringUtils.hpp:23
float Dequantize(QuantizedType value, float scale, int32_t offset)
Dequantize an 8-bit data type into a floating point data type.
Definition: TypesUtils.cpp:46
BackendIdSet GetBackendIds() const
std::unordered_set< BackendId > BackendIdSet
Definition: BackendId.hpp:193
bool ValidatePath(const std::string &file, const bool expectFile)
Verifies if the given string is a valid path.
void PrintTensor(OutputWriteInfo &info, const char *formatString)
#define ARMNN_LOG(severity)
Definition: Logging.hpp:205
unsigned int GetNumElements() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:303
BackendRegistry & BackendRegistryInstance()
MemoryType GetMemoryArea() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:305
std::vector< unsigned int > ParseArray(std::istream &stream)
void PopulateTensorWithData(T *tensor, const unsigned int numElements, const armnn::Optional< std::string > &dataFile, const std::string &inputName)
std::vector< std::string > ParseStringList(const std::string &inputString, const char *delimiter)
Splits a given string at every accurance of delimiter into a vector of string.
std::vector< float > DequantizeArray(const void *array, unsigned int numElements, float scale, int32_t offset)
Dequantize an array of a given type.
const std::string & m_OutputName
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and a mutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:319
std::function< Integer(const std::string &)> GetParseElementFunc()
Returns a function of read the given type as a string.
const armnn::Tensor & m_Tensor
bool has_value() const noexcept
Definition: Optional.hpp:53
bool CheckRequestedBackendsAreValid(const std::vector< armnn::BackendId > &backendIds, armnn::Optional< std::string &> invalidBackendIds=armnn::EmptyOptional())
const armnn::Optional< std::string > & m_OutputTensorFile
float ComputeRMSE(const void *expected, const void *actual, const size_t size)
Compute the root-mean-square error (RMSE)
void WriteToFile(const std::string &outputTensorFileName, const std::string &outputName, const T *const array, const unsigned int numElements)
bool CheckInferenceTimeThreshold(const std::chrono::duration< double, std::milli > &duration, const double &thresholdTime)
Given a measured duration and a threshold time tell the user whether we succeeded or not...
std::vector< T > ParseArrayImpl(std::istream &stream, TParseElementFunc parseElementFunc, const char *chars="\,:")
bool ValidatePaths(const std::vector< std::string > &fileVec, const bool expectFile)
Verifies if a given vector of strings are valid paths.
EmptyOptional is used to initialize the Optional class in case we want to have default value for an O...
Definition: Optional.hpp:32
void LogAndThrow(std::string eMsg)
void PrintQuantizedTensor(OutputWriteInfo &info)
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< Source >::value &&std::is_unsigned< Dest >::value, Dest > numeric_cast(Source source)
Definition: NumericCast.hpp:35