INetwork Class Reference

Main network class which provides the interface for building up a neural network. More...

#include <INetwork.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Status PrintGraph ()
IConnectableLayerAddInputLayer (LayerBindingId id, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an input layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddArgMinMaxLayer (const ArgMinMaxDescriptor &desc, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an ArgMinMax layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddCastLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a cast layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddComparisonLayer (const ComparisonDescriptor &comparisonDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a Comparison layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddConcatLayer (const ConcatDescriptor &concatDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a concatenation layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 2D convolution layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 2D convolution layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const char *name=nullptr)
IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const ConstTensor &biases, const char *name=nullptr)
IConnectableLayerAddConvolution3dLayer (const Convolution3dDescriptor &convolution3dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 3D convolution layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddDepthToSpaceLayer (const DepthToSpaceDescriptor &depthToSpaceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a depth to space layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 2D depthwise convolution layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 2D depthwise convolution layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddDequantizeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a Dequantize layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddDetectionPostProcessLayer (const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor &descriptor, const ConstTensor &anchors, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a Detection PostProcess layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddElementwiseUnaryLayer (const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add an ElementwiseUnary layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddFillLayer (const FillDescriptor &fillDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add an Fill layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddFullyConnectedLayer (const FullyConnectedDescriptor &fullyConnectedDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a fully connected layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddPermuteLayer (const PermuteDescriptor &permuteDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a permute layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddBatchToSpaceNdLayer (const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor &batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a batch to space ND layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddPooling2dLayer (const Pooling2dDescriptor &pooling2dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 2D pooling layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddPooling3dLayer (const Pooling3dDescriptor &pooling3dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 3D pooling layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddPrecompiledLayer (const PreCompiledDescriptor &preCompiledDescriptor, CompiledBlobPtr compiledBlobPtr, const Optional< BackendId > &backend, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a Precompiled layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddActivationLayer (const ActivationDescriptor &activationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an activation layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddNormalizationLayer (const NormalizationDescriptor &normalizationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a normalization layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSliceLayer (const SliceDescriptor &sliceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a slice layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSoftmaxLayer (const SoftmaxDescriptor &softmaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a softmax layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSplitterLayer (const ViewsDescriptor &splitterDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a splitter layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddMergeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a merge layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddAdditionLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an addition layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddMultiplicationLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a multiplication layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddBatchNormalizationLayer (const BatchNormalizationDescriptor &desc, const ConstTensor &mean, const ConstTensor &variance, const ConstTensor &beta, const ConstTensor &gamma, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a batch normalization layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddRankLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a rank layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddResizeLayer (const ResizeDescriptor &resizeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a resize layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddReduceLayer (const ReduceDescriptor &reduceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a reduce layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddInstanceNormalizationLayer (const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor &desc, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an instance normalization layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddL2NormalizationLayer (const L2NormalizationDescriptor &desc, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an L2 normalization layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddLogSoftmaxLayer (const LogSoftmaxDescriptor &logSoftmaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a log softmax layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddConstantLayer (const ConstTensor &input, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor. More...
IConnectableLayerAddReshapeLayer (const ReshapeDescriptor &reshapeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a reshape layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddShapeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a shape layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSpaceToBatchNdLayer (const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor &spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a space to batch layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSpaceToDepthLayer (const SpaceToDepthDescriptor &spaceToDepthDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a space to depth layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddFloorLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a floor layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddOutputLayer (LayerBindingId id, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds an output layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddLstmLayer (const LstmDescriptor &descriptor, const LstmInputParams &params, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a Lstm layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddDivisionLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a division layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSubtractionLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a subtraction layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddMaximumLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a Maximum layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddMeanLayer (const MeanDescriptor &meanDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a Mean layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddPadLayer (const PadDescriptor &padDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a fully pad layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddQuantizeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a quantize layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddStridedSliceLayer (const StridedSliceDescriptor &stridedSliceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a strided slice layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddMinimumLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a Minimum layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddGatherLayer (const GatherDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add Gather layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddGatherNdLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Add GatherNd layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddSwitchLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a switch layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddPreluLayer (const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a PReLU layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddTransposeConvolution2dLayer (const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a 2D transpose convolution layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddTransposeLayer (const TransposeDescriptor &transposeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a transpose layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddStackLayer (const StackDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a stack layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddStandInLayer (const StandInDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a stand-in layer for a type unknown to the Arm NN framework. More...
IConnectableLayerAddQuantizedLstmLayer (const QuantizedLstmInputParams &params, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a QuantizedLstm layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddQLstmLayer (const QLstmDescriptor &descriptor, const LstmInputParams &params, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a QLstm layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddLogicalBinaryLayer (const LogicalBinaryDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Adds a Logical Binary layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddUnidirectionalSequenceLstmLayer (const UnidirectionalSequenceLstmDescriptor &descriptor, const LstmInputParams &params, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a UnidirectionalSequenceLstm layer to the network. More...
IConnectableLayerAddChannelShuffleLayer (const ChannelShuffleDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)
 Add a ChannelShuffle layer to the network. More...
ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE ("Accept is deprecated. The ILayerVisitor that works in conjunction with this " "Accept function is deprecated. Use IStrategy in combination with " "ExecuteStrategy instead, which is an ABI/API stable version of the " "visitor pattern.", "22.05") void Accept(ILayerVisitor &visitor) const
 Apply a visitor to this layer. More...
ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END void ExecuteStrategy (IStrategy &strategy) const

Static Public Member Functions

static INetworkCreateRaw (NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
static INetworkPtr Create (NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
static void Destroy (INetwork *network)

Protected Member Functions

 ~INetwork ()
 INetwork (NetworkOptions networkOptions={})

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr< NetworkImplpNetworkImpl


class TestConnectionPreservation
void VisitLayersTopologically (const INetwork *inputNetwork, IStrategy &strategy)
TensorInfo GetInputTensorInfo (const INetwork *network)
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize (const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options, Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages)
 Create an optimized version of the network. More...

Detailed Description

Main network class which provides the interface for building up a neural network.

This object is subsequently required by the IRuntime::Load() method.

Definition at line 249 of file INetwork.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~INetwork()

~INetwork ( )

Referenced by INetwork::INetwork().

◆ INetwork()

INetwork ( NetworkOptions  networkOptions = {})

Definition at line 45 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::~INetwork().

Referenced by INetwork::CreateRaw().

45 : pNetworkImpl(new NetworkImpl(networkOptions)) {}
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddActivationLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddActivationLayer ( const ActivationDescriptor activationDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds an activation layer to the network.

activationDescriptor- ActivationDescriptor to configure the activation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 204 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

206 {
207  return pNetworkImpl->AddActivationLayer(activationDescriptor, name);
208 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddAdditionLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddAdditionLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds an addition layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 237 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

238 {
239  return pNetworkImpl->AddAdditionLayer(name);
240 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddArgMinMaxLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddArgMinMaxLayer ( const ArgMinMaxDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds an ArgMinMax layer to the network.

desc- Parameters for the L2 normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 60 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

62 {
63  return pNetworkImpl->AddArgMinMaxLayer(desc, name);
64 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddBatchNormalizationLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddBatchNormalizationLayer ( const BatchNormalizationDescriptor desc,
const ConstTensor mean,
const ConstTensor variance,
const ConstTensor beta,
const ConstTensor gamma,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a batch normalization layer to the network.

mean- Pre-calculated mean for each channel.
variance- Pre-calculated variance for each channel.
beta- Per-channel additive factor.
gamma- Per-channel multiplicative factor.
- Interface for configuring the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Definition at line 247 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

253 {
254  return pNetworkImpl->AddBatchNormalizationLayer(desc, mean, variance, beta, gamma, name);
255 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer ( const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor batchToSpaceNdDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a batch to space ND layer to the network.

batchToSpaceNdDescriptor- Description of the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 178 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

180 {
181  return pNetworkImpl->AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer(batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, name);
182 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddCastLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddCastLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a cast layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 66 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

67 {
68  return pNetworkImpl->AddCastLayer(name);
69 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddChannelShuffleLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddChannelShuffleLayer ( const ChannelShuffleDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a ChannelShuffle layer to the network.

descriptor- Parameters for the ChannelShuffle operation
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer

Definition at line 453 of file Network.cpp.


455 {
456  return pNetworkImpl->AddChannelShuffleLayer(descriptor, name);
457 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddComparisonLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddComparisonLayer ( const ComparisonDescriptor comparisonDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a Comparison layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
desc- Descriptor for the comparison operation.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 71 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

73 {
74  return pNetworkImpl->AddComparisonLayer(comparisonDescriptor, name);
75 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddConcatLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddConcatLayer ( const ConcatDescriptor concatDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a concatenation layer to the network.

concatDescriptor- ConcatDescriptor (synonym for OriginsDescriptor) to configure the concatenation process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the second input, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 78 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

80 {
81  return pNetworkImpl->AddConcatLayer(concatDescriptor, name);
82 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddConstantLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddConstantLayer ( const ConstTensor input,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor.

input- Tensor to be provided as the only output of the layer. The layer will maintain its own copy of the tensor data, meaning the memory referenced by input can be freed or reused after this function is called.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 292 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

Referenced by TEST_SUITE().

294 {
295  return pNetworkImpl->AddConstantLayer(input, name);
296 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [1/4]

IConnectableLayer * AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 2D convolution layer to the network.

convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D convolution layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 85 of file Network.cpp.

References ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN, and INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

Referenced by TEST_SUITE().

87 {
88  return pNetworkImpl->AddConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor, name);
89 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [2/4]

ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN IConnectableLayer * AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 2D convolution layer to the network.

convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 92 of file Network.cpp.

References ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END, and INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

96 {
97  return pNetworkImpl->AddConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor,
98  weights,
100  name);
101 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [3/4]

IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const char *  name = nullptr 

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [4/4]

IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const ConstTensor biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

◆ AddConvolution3dLayer()

ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END IConnectableLayer * AddConvolution3dLayer ( const Convolution3dDescriptor convolution3dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 3D convolution layer to the network.

convolution3dDescriptor- Description of the 3D convolution layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 104 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

106 {
107  return pNetworkImpl->AddConvolution3dLayer(convolution3dDescriptor, name);
108 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddDepthToSpaceLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddDepthToSpaceLayer ( const DepthToSpaceDescriptor depthToSpaceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a depth to space layer to the network.

depthToSpaceDescriptor- Parameters for the depth to space operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 111 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

113 {
114  return pNetworkImpl->AddDepthToSpaceLayer(depthToSpaceDescriptor, name);
115 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer() [1/2]

IConnectableLayer * AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer ( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 2D depthwise convolution layer to the network.

convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D depthwise convolution layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 118 of file Network.cpp.

References ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN, and INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

Referenced by TEST_SUITE().

121 {
122  return pNetworkImpl->AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor, name);
123 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer() [2/2]

ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN IConnectableLayer * AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer ( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 2D depthwise convolution layer to the network.

convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D depthwise convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights. Expected format: [channelMultiplier, inputChannels, height, width].
biasesOptional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 127 of file Network.cpp.

References ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END, and INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

132 {
133  return pNetworkImpl->AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, biases, name);
134 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddDequantizeLayer()

ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END IConnectableLayer * AddDequantizeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a Dequantize layer to the network.

- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 138 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

139 {
140  return pNetworkImpl->AddDequantizeLayer(name);
141 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddDetectionPostProcessLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddDetectionPostProcessLayer ( const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor descriptor,
const ConstTensor anchors,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a Detection PostProcess layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the Detection PostProcess layer.
anchors- Tensor for anchors.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 144 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

148 {
149  return pNetworkImpl->AddDetectionPostProcessLayer(descriptor, anchors, name);
150 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddDivisionLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddDivisionLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a division layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 332 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

333 {
334  return pNetworkImpl->AddDivisionLayer(name);
335 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddElementwiseUnaryLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddElementwiseUnaryLayer ( const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor elementwiseUnaryDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add an ElementwiseUnary layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
desc- Descriptor for the elementwiseUnary operation.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 153 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

155 {
156  return pNetworkImpl->AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, name);
157 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddFillLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddFillLayer ( const FillDescriptor fillDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add an Fill layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
fillDescriptor- Descriptor for the fill operation.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 160 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

162 {
163  return pNetworkImpl->AddFillLayer(fillDescriptor, name);
164 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddFloorLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddFloorLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a floor layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 316 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

317 {
318  return pNetworkImpl->AddFloorLayer(name);
319 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddFullyConnectedLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddFullyConnectedLayer ( const FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a fully connected layer to the network.

fullyConnectedDescriptor- Description of the fully connected layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.
Weights and biases are passed in as inputs. If they are constant tensors you can simply store them in a ConstantLayer as seen below. A full example can be found in samples/SimpleSample.cpp.
// Make sure the IsConstant flag is set on the weightsInfo before passing it to the ConstTensor.
ConstTensor weights(weightsInfo, weightsData);
// Constant layer that now holds weights data for FullyConnected
IConnectableLayer* const constantWeightsLayer = myNetwork->AddConstantLayer(weights, "weights");
FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDesc;
IConnectableLayer* const fullyConnectedLayer = myNetwork->AddFullyConnectedLayer(fullyConnectedDesc,
"fully connected");
IConnectableLayer* InputLayer = myNetwork->AddInputLayer(0);

Definition at line 166 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

168 {
169  return pNetworkImpl->AddFullyConnectedLayer(fullyConnectedDescriptor, name);
170 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddGatherLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddGatherLayer ( const GatherDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add Gather layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the gather layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 374 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

376 {
377  return pNetworkImpl->AddGatherLayer(descriptor, name);
378 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddGatherNdLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddGatherNdLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Add GatherNd layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 380 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

381 {
382  return pNetworkImpl->AddGatherNdLayer(name);
383 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddInputLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddInputLayer ( LayerBindingId  id,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds an input layer to the network.

id- User generated id to uniquely identify a particular input. The same id needs to be specified. when passing the inputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 54 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

55 {
56  return pNetworkImpl->AddInputLayer(id, name);
57 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddInstanceNormalizationLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddInstanceNormalizationLayer ( const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds an instance normalization layer to the network.

desc- Parameters for the instance normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 274 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

276 {
277  return pNetworkImpl->AddInstanceNormalizationLayer(desc, name);
278 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddL2NormalizationLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddL2NormalizationLayer ( const L2NormalizationDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds an L2 normalization layer to the network.

Normalization is performed along dimension 1, but requires a 4d input.

desc- Parameters for the L2 normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 280 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

282 {
283  return pNetworkImpl->AddL2NormalizationLayer(desc, name);
284 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddLogicalBinaryLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddLogicalBinaryLayer ( const LogicalBinaryDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a Logical Binary layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the Logical Binary layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 439 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

441 {
442  return pNetworkImpl->AddLogicalBinaryLayer(descriptor, name);
443 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddLogSoftmaxLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddLogSoftmaxLayer ( const LogSoftmaxDescriptor logSoftmaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a log softmax layer to the network.

logSoftmaxDescriptor- LogSoftmaxDescriptor to configure the log softmax.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 286 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

288 {
289  return pNetworkImpl->AddLogSoftmaxLayer(logSoftmaxDescriptor, name);
290 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddLstmLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddLstmLayer ( const LstmDescriptor descriptor,
const LstmInputParams params,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a Lstm layer to the network.

descriptor- Parameters for the Lstm operation
params- Weights and biases for the LSTM cell
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 325 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

328 {
329  return pNetworkImpl->AddLstmLayer(descriptor, params, name);
330 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddMaximumLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddMaximumLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Add a Maximum layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 342 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

343 {
344  return pNetworkImpl->AddMaximumLayer(name);
345 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddMeanLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddMeanLayer ( const MeanDescriptor meanDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a Mean layer to the network.

meanDescriptor- Parameters for the mean operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 347 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

348 {
349  return pNetworkImpl->AddMeanLayer(meanDescriptor, name);
350 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddMergeLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddMergeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a merge layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 232 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

233 {
234  return pNetworkImpl->AddMergeLayer(name);
235 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddMinimumLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddMinimumLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Add a Minimum layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 369 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

370 {
371  return pNetworkImpl->AddMinimumLayer(name);
372 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddMultiplicationLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddMultiplicationLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a multiplication layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 242 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

243 {
244  return pNetworkImpl->AddMultiplicationLayer(name);
245 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddNormalizationLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddNormalizationLayer ( const NormalizationDescriptor normalizationDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a normalization layer to the network.

normalizationDescriptor- NormalizationDescriptor to configure the normalization.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 210 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

212 {
213  return pNetworkImpl->AddNormalizationLayer(normalizationDescriptor, name);
214 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddOutputLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddOutputLayer ( LayerBindingId  id,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds an output layer to the network.

id- User generated id to uniquely identify a particular output. The same id needs to be specified when passing the outputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 320 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

321 {
322  return pNetworkImpl->AddOutputLayer(id, name);
323 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddPadLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddPadLayer ( const PadDescriptor padDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a fully pad layer to the network.

paddings- n by 2 tensor, where n is the rank of the input tensor, such that paddings[i,0] indicates the amount of padding to add in front of dimonsion i, and paddings[i,1] indicates the amount of padding to add after the end of dimension i
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 352 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

354 {
355  return pNetworkImpl->AddPadLayer(padDescriptor, name);
356 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddPermuteLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddPermuteLayer ( const PermuteDescriptor permuteDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a permute layer to the network.

permuteDescriptor- PermuteDescriptor to configure the permute.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 172 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

174 {
175  return pNetworkImpl->AddPermuteLayer(permuteDescriptor, name);
176 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddPooling2dLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddPooling2dLayer ( const Pooling2dDescriptor pooling2dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 2D pooling layer to the network.

pooling2dDescriptor- Pooling2dDescriptor to configure the pooling.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 184 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

186 {
187  return pNetworkImpl->AddPooling2dLayer(pooling2dDescriptor, name);
188 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddPooling3dLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddPooling3dLayer ( const Pooling3dDescriptor pooling3dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 3D pooling layer to the network.

pooling3dDescriptor- Pooling3dDescriptor to configure the pooling.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 190 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

192 {
193  return pNetworkImpl->AddPooling3dLayer(pooling3dDescriptor, name);
194 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddPrecompiledLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddPrecompiledLayer ( const PreCompiledDescriptor preCompiledDescriptor,
CompiledBlobPtr  compiledBlobPtr,
const Optional< BackendId > &  backend,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a Precompiled layer to the network.

Method use is for backend users.

preCompiledDescriptor- PreCompiledDescriptor contains parameters for the Precompiled layer.
compiledBlobPtr- CompiledBlobPtr pre-compiled object set for the Precompiled layer.
backend- optional BackendId set for the Precompiled layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 196 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

200 {
201  return pNetworkImpl->AddPrecompiledLayer(preCompiledDescriptor, std::move(compiledBlobPtr), backend, name);
202 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddPreluLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddPreluLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a PReLU layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 390 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

391 {
392  return pNetworkImpl->AddPreluLayer(name);
393 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddQLstmLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddQLstmLayer ( const QLstmDescriptor descriptor,
const LstmInputParams params,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a QLstm layer to the network.

descriptor- Parameters for the QLstm operation
params- Weights and biases for the layer
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 432 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

435 {
436  return pNetworkImpl->AddQLstmLayer(descriptor, params, name);
437 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddQuantizedLstmLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddQuantizedLstmLayer ( const QuantizedLstmInputParams params,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a QuantizedLstm layer to the network.

params- The weights and biases for the Quantized LSTM cell
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 426 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

428 {
429  return pNetworkImpl->AddQuantizedLstmLayer(params, name);
430 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddQuantizeLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddQuantizeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Add a quantize layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 358 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

359 {
360  return pNetworkImpl->AddQuantizeLayer(name);
361 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddRankLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddRankLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a rank layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 257 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

258 {
259  return pNetworkImpl->AddRankLayer(name);
260 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddReduceLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddReduceLayer ( const ReduceDescriptor reduceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a reduce layer to the network.

ReduceDescriptor- Parameters for the reduce operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 268 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

270 {
271  return pNetworkImpl->AddReduceLayer(reduceDescriptor, name);
272 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddReshapeLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddReshapeLayer ( const ReshapeDescriptor reshapeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a reshape layer to the network.

reshapeDescriptor- Parameters for the reshape operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 298 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

300 {
301  return pNetworkImpl->AddReshapeLayer(reshapeDescriptor, name);
302 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddResizeLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddResizeLayer ( const ResizeDescriptor resizeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a resize layer to the network.

resizeDescriptor- Parameters for the resize operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 262 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

264 {
265  return pNetworkImpl->AddResizeLayer(resizeDescriptor, name);
266 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddShapeLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddShapeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a shape layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 409 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

410 {
411  return pNetworkImpl->AddShapeLayer(name);
412 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSliceLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSliceLayer ( const SliceDescriptor sliceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a slice layer to the network.

sliceDescriptor- SliceDescriptor to configure the slice operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 216 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

217 {
218  return pNetworkImpl->AddSliceLayer(sliceDescriptor, name);
219 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSoftmaxLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSoftmaxLayer ( const SoftmaxDescriptor softmaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a softmax layer to the network.

If the data type is QAsymm8, then the output quantization parameters must have a scale of 1/256 and an offset of 0

softmaxDescriptor- SoftmaxDescriptor to configure the softmax.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 220 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

222 {
223  return pNetworkImpl->AddSoftmaxLayer(softmaxDescriptor, name);
224 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer ( const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor spaceToBatchNdDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a space to batch layer to the network.

spaceToBatchNdDescriptor- Parameters for the space to batch operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 304 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

306 {
307  return pNetworkImpl->AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer(spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, name);
308 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSpaceToDepthLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSpaceToDepthLayer ( const SpaceToDepthDescriptor spaceToDepthDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a space to depth layer to the network.

spaceToDepthDescriptor- Parameters for the space to depth operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 310 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

312 {
313  return pNetworkImpl->AddSpaceToDepthLayer(spaceToDepthDescriptor, name);
314 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSplitterLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSplitterLayer ( const ViewsDescriptor splitterDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a splitter layer to the network.

splitterDescriptor- ViewsDescriptor to configure the splitting process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of outputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first output, second view to the second output, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 226 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

228 {
229  return pNetworkImpl->AddSplitterLayer(splitterDescriptor, name);
230 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddStackLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddStackLayer ( const StackDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a stack layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the stack layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 414 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

416 {
417  return pNetworkImpl->AddStackLayer(descriptor, name);
418 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddStandInLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddStandInLayer ( const StandInDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a stand-in layer for a type unknown to the Arm NN framework.

Note: Due to the nature of this layer, no validation can be performed by the framework. Furthermore, Any model containing this layer cannot make use of dynamic tensors since the tensor sizes cannot be inferred. - Descriptor for the StandIn layer.

- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 420 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

422 {
423  return pNetworkImpl->AddStandInLayer(descriptor, name);
424 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddStridedSliceLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddStridedSliceLayer ( const StridedSliceDescriptor stridedSliceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a strided slice layer to the network.

StridedSliceDescriptor- Parameters for the strided slice operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 363 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

365 {
366  return pNetworkImpl->AddStridedSliceLayer(stridedSliceDescriptor, name);
367 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSubtractionLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSubtractionLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a subtraction layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 337 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

338 {
339  return pNetworkImpl->AddSubtractionLayer(name);
340 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddSwitchLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddSwitchLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)

Adds a switch layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 385 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

386 {
387  return pNetworkImpl->AddSwitchLayer(name);
388 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer ( const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a 2D transpose convolution layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the 2D transpose convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 395 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

399 {
400  return pNetworkImpl->AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer(descriptor, weights, biases, name);
401 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddTransposeLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddTransposeLayer ( const TransposeDescriptor transposeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Adds a transpose layer to the network.

transposeDescriptor- TransposeDescriptor to configure the transpose.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 403 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

405 {
406  return pNetworkImpl->AddTransposeLayer(transposeDescriptor, name);
407 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ AddUnidirectionalSequenceLstmLayer()

IConnectableLayer * AddUnidirectionalSequenceLstmLayer ( const UnidirectionalSequenceLstmDescriptor descriptor,
const LstmInputParams params,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Add a UnidirectionalSequenceLstm layer to the network.

descriptor- Parameters for the UnidirectionalSequenceLstm operation
params- Weights and biases for the UnidirectionalSequenceLstm
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Definition at line 445 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

449 {
450  return pNetworkImpl->AddUnidirectionalSequenceLstmLayer(descriptor, params, name);
451 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786


ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE ( "Accept is deprecated. The ILayerVisitor that works in conjunction with this " "Accept function is deprecated. Use IStrategy in combination with " "ExecuteStrategy  instead,
which is an ABI/API stable version of the " "visitor pattern."  ,
) const &

Apply a visitor to this layer.

◆ Create()

armnn::INetworkPtr Create ( NetworkOptions  networkOptions = {})
AsyncExecutionSample.cpp, DynamicSample.cpp, and SimpleSample.cpp.

Definition at line 476 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::CreateRaw(), and INetwork::Destroy().

Referenced by armnn::experimental::CreateStridedSliceNetwork(), CreateTestNetwork(), OptimizationViews::GetINetwork(), GetSoftmaxProfilerJson(), OptimizationViews::OptimizationViews(), QLstmEndToEnd(), TEST_SUITE(), and VerifyPostOptimisationStructureTestImpl().

477 {
478  return INetworkPtr(CreateRaw(networkOptions), &INetwork::Destroy);
479 }
static void Destroy(INetwork *network)
Definition: Network.cpp:481
static INetwork * CreateRaw(NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
Definition: Network.cpp:471
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:241

◆ CreateRaw()

armnn::INetwork * CreateRaw ( NetworkOptions  networkOptions = {})

Definition at line 471 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::INetwork().

Referenced by INetwork::Create().

472 {
473  return new INetwork(networkOptions);
474 }
INetwork(NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
Definition: Network.cpp:45

◆ Destroy()

void Destroy ( INetwork network)

Definition at line 481 of file Network.cpp.

Referenced by INetwork::Create().

482 {
483  delete network;
484 }

◆ ExecuteStrategy()

ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END void ExecuteStrategy ( IStrategy strategy) const

Definition at line 466 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

Referenced by ISerializer::SerializerImpl::Serialize().

467 {
468  return pNetworkImpl->ExecuteStrategy(strategy);
469 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

◆ PrintGraph()

Status PrintGraph ( )

Definition at line 49 of file Network.cpp.

References INetwork::pNetworkImpl.

50 {
51  return pNetworkImpl->PrintGraph();
52 }
std::unique_ptr< NetworkImpl > pNetworkImpl
Definition: INetwork.hpp:786

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ GetInputTensorInfo

TensorInfo GetInputTensorInfo ( const INetwork network)

◆ Optimize

IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize ( const INetwork network,
const std::vector< BackendId > &  backendPreferences,
const IDeviceSpec deviceSpec,
const OptimizerOptions options = OptimizerOptions(),
Optional< std::vector< std::string > &>  messages = EmptyOptional() 

Create an optimized version of the network.

networkINetwork description of the network to be optimized.
backendPreferencesThe choice of the backend ordered by user preferences.
deviceSpecDeviceSpec object as queried from the runtime. See IRuntime::GetDeviceSpec()
messagesIf there are failures or warnings a string describing same will be added to the vector
optionsOptimizerOptions object with optimizer configuration options
An IOptimizedNetworkPtr interface to the optimized network, throws an exception derived from armnn::Exception if process fails.

Definition at line 1847 of file Network.cpp.

1852 {
1853  return Optimize(inNetwork.pNetworkImpl->GetGraph(),
1854  backendPreferences,
1855  deviceSpec,
1856  options,
1857  messages);
1858 }
friend IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options, Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages)
Create an optimized version of the network.
Definition: Network.cpp:1847

◆ TestConnectionPreservation

friend class TestConnectionPreservation

Definition at line 776 of file INetwork.hpp.

◆ VisitLayersTopologically

void VisitLayersTopologically ( const INetwork inputNetwork,
IStrategy strategy 

Member Data Documentation

◆ pNetworkImpl

std::unique_ptr<NetworkImpl> pNetworkImpl

Definition at line 786 of file INetwork.hpp.

Referenced by INetwork::AddActivationLayer(), INetwork::AddAdditionLayer(), INetwork::AddArgMinMaxLayer(), INetwork::AddBatchNormalizationLayer(), INetwork::AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer(), INetwork::AddCastLayer(), INetwork::AddChannelShuffleLayer(), INetwork::AddComparisonLayer(), INetwork::AddConcatLayer(), INetwork::AddConstantLayer(), INetwork::AddConvolution2dLayer(), INetwork::AddConvolution3dLayer(), INetwork::AddDepthToSpaceLayer(), INetwork::AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(), INetwork::AddDequantizeLayer(), INetwork::AddDetectionPostProcessLayer(), INetwork::AddDivisionLayer(), INetwork::AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(), INetwork::AddFillLayer(), INetwork::AddFloorLayer(), INetwork::AddFullyConnectedLayer(), INetwork::AddGatherLayer(), INetwork::AddGatherNdLayer(), INetwork::AddInputLayer(), INetwork::AddInstanceNormalizationLayer(), INetwork::AddL2NormalizationLayer(), INetwork::AddLogicalBinaryLayer(), INetwork::AddLogSoftmaxLayer(), INetwork::AddLstmLayer(), INetwork::AddMaximumLayer(), INetwork::AddMeanLayer(), INetwork::AddMergeLayer(), INetwork::AddMinimumLayer(), INetwork::AddMultiplicationLayer(), INetwork::AddNormalizationLayer(), INetwork::AddOutputLayer(), INetwork::AddPadLayer(), INetwork::AddPermuteLayer(), INetwork::AddPooling2dLayer(), INetwork::AddPooling3dLayer(), INetwork::AddPrecompiledLayer(), INetwork::AddPreluLayer(), INetwork::AddQLstmLayer(), INetwork::AddQuantizedLstmLayer(), INetwork::AddQuantizeLayer(), INetwork::AddRankLayer(), INetwork::AddReduceLayer(), INetwork::AddReshapeLayer(), INetwork::AddResizeLayer(), INetwork::AddShapeLayer(), INetwork::AddSliceLayer(), INetwork::AddSoftmaxLayer(), INetwork::AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer(), INetwork::AddSpaceToDepthLayer(), INetwork::AddSplitterLayer(), INetwork::AddStackLayer(), INetwork::AddStandInLayer(), INetwork::AddStridedSliceLayer(), INetwork::AddSubtractionLayer(), INetwork::AddSwitchLayer(), INetwork::AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer(), INetwork::AddTransposeLayer(), INetwork::AddUnidirectionalSequenceLstmLayer(), INetwork::ExecuteStrategy(), armnn::Optimize(), and INetwork::PrintGraph().

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