LoadScopeDynamicTensor.cpp File Reference

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 TEST_SUITE ("OnnxParser_LoadScopeDynamicTensor")

Function Documentation


TEST_SUITE ( "OnnxParser_LoadScopeDynamicTensor"  )

Definition at line 9 of file LoadScopeDynamicTensor.cpp.

References ParserPrototxtFixture< TParser >::Setup(), and TEST_CASE_FIXTURE().

10 {
12 struct DynamicBatchTensorFixture : public armnnUtils::ParserPrototxtFixture<armnnOnnxParser::IOnnxParser>
13 {
14  DynamicBatchTensorFixture()
15  {
16  m_Prototext = R"(
17  ir_version: 3
18  producer_name: "CNTK"
19  producer_version: "2.5.1"
20  domain: "ai.cntk"
21  model_version: 1
22  graph {
23  name: "CNTKGraph"
24  input {
25  name: "Input"
26  type {
27  tensor_type {
28  elem_type: 1
29  shape {
30  dim {
31  dim_value: 0
32  }
33  dim {
34  dim_value: 1
35  }
36  dim {
37  dim_value: 3
38  }
39  dim {
40  dim_value: 3
41  }
42  }
43  }
44  }
45  }
46  input {
47  name: "Weight"
48  type {
49  tensor_type {
50  elem_type: 1
51  shape {
52  dim {
53  dim_value: 1
54  }
55  dim {
56  dim_value: 1
57  }
58  dim {
59  dim_value: 3
60  }
61  dim {
62  dim_value: 3
63  }
64  }
65  }
66  }
67  }
68  initializer {
69  dims: 1
70  dims: 1
71  dims: 3
72  dims: 3
73  data_type: 1
74  float_data: 2
75  float_data: 1
76  float_data: 0
77  float_data: 6
78  float_data: 2
79  float_data: 1
80  float_data: 4
81  float_data: 1
82  float_data: 2
83  name: "Weight"
84  }
85  node {
86  input: "Input"
87  input: "Weight"
88  output: "Output"
89  name: "Convolution"
90  op_type: "Conv"
91  attribute {
92  name: "kernel_shape"
93  ints: 3
94  ints: 3
95  type: INTS
96  }
97  attribute {
98  name: "strides"
99  ints: 1
100  ints: 1
101  type: INTS
102  }
103  attribute {
104  name: "auto_pad"
105  s: "VALID"
106  type: STRING
107  }
108  attribute {
109  name: "group"
110  i: 1
111  type: INT
112  }
113  attribute {
114  name: "dilations"
115  ints: 1
116  ints: 1
117  type: INTS
118  }
119  doc_string: ""
120  domain: ""
121  }
122  output {
123  name: "Output"
124  type {
125  tensor_type {
126  elem_type: 1
127  shape {
128  dim {
129  dim_value: 0
130  }
131  dim {
132  dim_value: 1
133  }
134  dim {
135  dim_value: 1
136  }
137  dim {
138  dim_value: 1
139  }
140  }
141  }
142  }
143  }
144  }
145  opset_import {
146  version: 7
147  })";
148  }
149 };
151 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DynamicBatchTensorFixture, "DynamicBatchTensorTest")
152 {
153  Setup({{"Input", armnn::TensorShape({1, 1, 3, 3})}});
154  RunTest<4>({{"Input", {1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
155  4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
156  7.0, 8.0, 9.0}}},
157  {{"Output", {1.0 * 2 + 2.0 * 1 + 3.0 * 0 +
158  4.0 * 6 + 5.0 * 2 + 6.0 * 1 +
159  7.0 * 4 + 8.0 * 1 + 9.0 * 2}}});
160 }
162 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DynamicBatchTensorFixture, "TensorShapeNotSpecifiedTest")
163 {
164  CHECK_THROWS_AS(Setup(), armnn::ParseException);
165 }
167 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DynamicBatchTensorFixture, "IncorrectInputNameTest")
168 {
169  CHECK_THROWS_AS(Setup({{"Incorrect", armnn::TensorShape({1, 1, 3, 3})}}), armnn::ParseException);
170 }
172 TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(DynamicBatchTensorFixture, "IncorrectBatchTensorTest")
173 {
174  Setup({{"Input", armnn::TensorShape({2, 1, 3, 3}) }});
175  CHECK_THROWS_AS(RunTest<4>({{"Input", { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
176  4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
177  7.0, 8.0, 9.0 }}},
178  {{"Output", {1.0 * 2 + 2.0 * 1 + 3.0 * 0 +
179  4.0 * 6 + 5.0 * 2 + 6.0 * 1 +
180  7.0 * 4 + 8.0 * 1 + 9.0 * 2 }}}), armnn::Exception);
182 }
184 }
TEST_CASE_FIXTURE(ClContextControlFixture, "CopyBetweenNeonAndGpu")
Base class for all ArmNN exceptions so that users can filter to just those.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:46