Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4 //
6 #include "../ImageTensorGenerator/ImageTensorGenerator.hpp"
7 #include "../InferenceTest.hpp"
14 #include <cxxopts/cxxopts.hpp>
15 #include <map>
17 using namespace armnn::test;
19 /** Load image names and ground-truth labels from the image directory and the ground truth label file
20  *
21  * @pre \p validationLabelPath exists and is valid regular file
22  * @pre \p imageDirectoryPath exists and is valid directory
23  * @pre labels in validation file correspond to images which are in lexicographical order with the image name
24  * @pre image index starts at 1
25  * @pre \p begIndex and \p endIndex are end-inclusive
26  *
27  * @param[in] validationLabelPath Path to validation label file
28  * @param[in] imageDirectoryPath Path to directory containing validation images
29  * @param[in] begIndex Begin index of images to be loaded. Inclusive
30  * @param[in] endIndex End index of images to be loaded. Inclusive
31  * @param[in] blacklistPath Path to blacklist file
32  * @return A map mapping image file names to their corresponding ground-truth labels
33  */
34 map<std::string, std::string> LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(const string& validationLabelPath,
35  const string& imageDirectoryPath,
36  size_t begIndex = 0,
37  size_t endIndex = 0,
38  const string& blacklistPath = "");
40 /** Load model output labels from file
41  *
42  * @pre \p modelOutputLabelsPath exists and is a regular file
43  *
44  * @param[in] modelOutputLabelsPath path to model output labels file
45  * @return A vector of labels, which in turn is described by a list of category names
46  */
47 std::vector<armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames> LoadModelOutputLabels(const std::string& modelOutputLabelsPath);
49 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
50 {
51  try
52  {
54  armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, level);
56  std::string modelPath;
57  std::string modelFormat;
58  std::vector<std::string> inputNames;
59  std::vector<std::string> outputNames;
60  std::string dataDir;
61  std::string modelOutputLabelsPath;
62  std::string validationLabelPath;
63  std::string inputLayout;
64  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> computeDevice;
65  std::string validationRange;
66  std::string blacklistPath;
68  const std::string backendsMessage = "Which device to run layers on by default. Possible choices: "
71  try
72  {
73  cxxopts::Options options("ModeAccuracyTool-Armnn","Options");
75  options.add_options()
76  ("h,help", "Display help messages")
77  ("m,model-path",
78  "Path to armnn format model file",
79  cxxopts::value<std::string>(modelPath))
80  ("f,model-format",
81  "The model format. Supported values: tflite",
82  cxxopts::value<std::string>(modelFormat))
83  ("i,input-name",
84  "Identifier of the input tensors in the network separated by comma with no space.",
85  cxxopts::value<std::vector<std::string>>(inputNames))
86  ("o,output-name",
87  "Identifier of the output tensors in the network separated by comma with no space.",
88  cxxopts::value<std::vector<std::string>>(outputNames))
89  ("d,data-dir",
90  "Path to directory containing the ImageNet test data",
91  cxxopts::value<std::string>(dataDir))
92  ("p,model-output-labels",
93  "Path to model output labels file.",
94  cxxopts::value<std::string>(modelOutputLabelsPath))
95  ("v,validation-labels-path",
96  "Path to ImageNet Validation Label file",
97  cxxopts::value<std::string>(validationLabelPath))
98  ("l,data-layout",
99  "Data layout. Supported value: NHWC, NCHW. Default: NHWC",
100  cxxopts::value<std::string>(inputLayout)->default_value("NHWC"))
101  ("c,compute",
102  backendsMessage.c_str(),
103  cxxopts::value<std::vector<armnn::BackendId>>(computeDevice)->default_value("CpuAcc,CpuRef"))
104  ("r,validation-range",
105  "The range of the images to be evaluated. Specified in the form <begin index>:<end index>."
106  "The index starts at 1 and the range is inclusive."
107  "By default the evaluation will be performed on all images.",
108  cxxopts::value<std::string>(validationRange)->default_value("1:0"))
109  ("b,blacklist-path",
110  "Path to a blacklist file where each line denotes the index of an image to be "
111  "excluded from evaluation.",
112  cxxopts::value<std::string>(blacklistPath)->default_value(""));
114  auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
116  if (result.count("help") > 0)
117  {
118  std::cout << << std::endl;
119  return EXIT_FAILURE;
120  }
122  // Check for mandatory single options.
123  std::string mandatorySingleParameters[] = { "model-path", "model-format", "input-name", "output-name",
124  "data-dir", "model-output-labels", "validation-labels-path" };
125  for (auto param : mandatorySingleParameters)
126  {
127  if (result.count(param) != 1)
128  {
129  std::cerr << "Parameter \'--" << param << "\' is required but missing." << std::endl;
130  return EXIT_FAILURE;
131  }
132  }
133  }
134  catch (const cxxopts::OptionException& e)
135  {
136  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl;
137  return EXIT_FAILURE;
138  }
139  catch (const std::exception& e)
140  {
141  ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Caught unexpected exception");
142  std::cerr << "Fatal internal error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
143  return EXIT_FAILURE;
144  }
146  // Check if the requested backend are all valid
147  std::string invalidBackends;
148  if (!CheckRequestedBackendsAreValid(computeDevice, armnn::Optional<std::string&>(invalidBackends)))
149  {
150  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "The list of preferred devices contains invalid backend IDs: "
151  << invalidBackends;
152  return EXIT_FAILURE;
153  }
154  armnn::Status status;
156  // Create runtime
159  std::ifstream file(modelPath);
161  // Create Parser
162  using IParser = armnnDeserializer::IDeserializer;
163  auto armnnparser(IParser::Create());
165  // Create a network
166  armnn::INetworkPtr network = armnnparser->CreateNetworkFromBinary(file);
168  // Optimizes the network.
169  armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optimizedNet(nullptr, nullptr);
170  try
171  {
172  optimizedNet = armnn::Optimize(*network, computeDevice, runtime->GetDeviceSpec());
173  }
174  catch (const armnn::Exception& e)
175  {
176  std::stringstream message;
177  message << "armnn::Exception (" << e.what() << ") caught from optimize.";
178  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << message.str();
179  return EXIT_FAILURE;
180  }
182  // Loads the network into the runtime.
183  armnn::NetworkId networkId;
184  status = runtime->LoadNetwork(networkId, std::move(optimizedNet));
185  if (status == armnn::Status::Failure)
186  {
187  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "armnn::IRuntime: Failed to load network";
188  return EXIT_FAILURE;
189  }
191  // Set up Network
194  // Handle inputNames and outputNames, there can be multiple.
195  std::vector<BindingPointInfo> inputBindings;
196  for(auto& input: inputNames)
197  {
199  inputBindingInfo = armnnparser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(0, input);
201  std::pair<armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo>
202  m_InputBindingInfo(inputBindingInfo.m_BindingId, inputBindingInfo.m_TensorInfo);
203  inputBindings.push_back(m_InputBindingInfo);
204  }
206  std::vector<BindingPointInfo> outputBindings;
207  for(auto& output: outputNames)
208  {
210  outputBindingInfo = armnnparser->GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(0, output);
212  std::pair<armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo>
213  m_OutputBindingInfo(outputBindingInfo.m_BindingId, outputBindingInfo.m_TensorInfo);
214  outputBindings.push_back(m_OutputBindingInfo);
215  }
217  // Load model output labels
218  if (modelOutputLabelsPath.empty() || !fs::exists(modelOutputLabelsPath) ||
219  !fs::is_regular_file(modelOutputLabelsPath))
220  {
221  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid model output labels path at " << modelOutputLabelsPath;
222  }
223  const std::vector<armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames> modelOutputLabels =
224  LoadModelOutputLabels(modelOutputLabelsPath);
226  // Parse begin and end image indices
227  std::vector<std::string> imageIndexStrs = armnnUtils::SplitBy(validationRange, ":");
228  size_t imageBegIndex;
229  size_t imageEndIndex;
230  if (imageIndexStrs.size() != 2)
231  {
232  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid validation range specification: Invalid format " << validationRange;
233  return EXIT_FAILURE;
234  }
235  try
236  {
237  imageBegIndex = std::stoul(imageIndexStrs[0]);
238  imageEndIndex = std::stoul(imageIndexStrs[1]);
239  }
240  catch (const std::exception& e)
241  {
242  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid validation range specification: " << validationRange;
243  return EXIT_FAILURE;
244  }
246  // Validate blacklist file if it's specified
247  if (!blacklistPath.empty() &&
248  !(fs::exists(blacklistPath) && fs::is_regular_file(blacklistPath)))
249  {
250  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid path to blacklist file at " << blacklistPath;
251  return EXIT_FAILURE;
252  }
254  fs::path pathToDataDir(dataDir);
255  const map<std::string, std::string> imageNameToLabel = LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(
256  validationLabelPath, pathToDataDir.string(), imageBegIndex, imageEndIndex, blacklistPath);
257  armnnUtils::ModelAccuracyChecker checker(imageNameToLabel, modelOutputLabels);
259  if (ValidateDirectory(dataDir))
260  {
263  params.m_ModelPath = modelPath;
264  params.m_IsModelBinary = true;
265  params.m_ComputeDevices = computeDevice;
266  // Insert inputNames and outputNames into params vector
267  params.m_InputBindings.insert(std::end(params.m_InputBindings),
268  std::begin(inputNames),
269  std::end(inputNames));
270  params.m_OutputBindings.insert(std::end(params.m_OutputBindings),
271  std::begin(outputNames),
272  std::end(outputNames));
274  using TParser = armnnDeserializer::IDeserializer;
275  // If dynamicBackends is empty it will be disabled by default.
276  InferenceModel<TParser, float> model(params, false, "");
278  // Get input tensor information
279  const armnn::TensorInfo& inputTensorInfo = model.GetInputBindingInfo().second;
280  const armnn::TensorShape& inputTensorShape = inputTensorInfo.GetShape();
281  const armnn::DataType& inputTensorDataType = inputTensorInfo.GetDataType();
282  armnn::DataLayout inputTensorDataLayout;
283  if (inputLayout == "NCHW")
284  {
285  inputTensorDataLayout = armnn::DataLayout::NCHW;
286  }
287  else if (inputLayout == "NHWC")
288  {
289  inputTensorDataLayout = armnn::DataLayout::NHWC;
290  }
291  else
292  {
293  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Invalid Data layout: " << inputLayout;
294  return EXIT_FAILURE;
295  }
296  const unsigned int inputTensorWidth =
297  inputTensorDataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW ? inputTensorShape[3] : inputTensorShape[2];
298  const unsigned int inputTensorHeight =
299  inputTensorDataLayout == armnn::DataLayout::NCHW ? inputTensorShape[2] : inputTensorShape[1];
300  // Get output tensor info
301  const unsigned int outputNumElements = model.GetOutputSize();
302  // Check output tensor shape is valid
303  if (modelOutputLabels.size() != outputNumElements)
304  {
305  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Number of output elements: " << outputNumElements
306  << " , mismatches the number of output labels: " << modelOutputLabels.size();
307  return EXIT_FAILURE;
308  }
310  const unsigned int batchSize = 1;
311  // Get normalisation parameters
312  SupportedFrontend modelFrontend;
313  if (modelFormat == "tflite")
314  {
315  modelFrontend = SupportedFrontend::TFLite;
316  }
317  else
318  {
319  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Unsupported frontend: " << modelFormat;
320  return EXIT_FAILURE;
321  }
322  const NormalizationParameters& normParams = GetNormalizationParameters(modelFrontend, inputTensorDataType);
323  for (const auto& imageEntry : imageNameToLabel)
324  {
325  const std::string imageName = imageEntry.first;
326  std::cout << "Processing image: " << imageName << "\n";
328  vector<armnnUtils::TContainer> inputDataContainers;
329  vector<armnnUtils::TContainer> outputDataContainers;
331  auto imagePath = pathToDataDir / fs::path(imageName);
332  switch (inputTensorDataType)
333  {
335  inputDataContainers.push_back(
336  PrepareImageTensor<int>(imagePath.string(),
337  inputTensorWidth, inputTensorHeight,
338  normParams,
339  batchSize,
340  inputTensorDataLayout));
341  outputDataContainers = { vector<int>(outputNumElements) };
342  break;
344  inputDataContainers.push_back(
345  PrepareImageTensor<uint8_t>(imagePath.string(),
346  inputTensorWidth, inputTensorHeight,
347  normParams,
348  batchSize,
349  inputTensorDataLayout));
350  outputDataContainers = { vector<uint8_t>(outputNumElements) };
351  break;
353  default:
354  inputDataContainers.push_back(
355  PrepareImageTensor<float>(imagePath.string(),
356  inputTensorWidth, inputTensorHeight,
357  normParams,
358  batchSize,
359  inputTensorDataLayout));
360  outputDataContainers = { vector<float>(outputNumElements) };
361  break;
362  }
364  status = runtime->EnqueueWorkload(networkId,
365  armnnUtils::MakeInputTensors(inputBindings, inputDataContainers),
366  armnnUtils::MakeOutputTensors(outputBindings, outputDataContainers));
368  if (status == armnn::Status::Failure)
369  {
370  ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "armnn::IRuntime: Failed to enqueue workload for image: " << imageName;
371  }
373  checker.AddImageResult<armnnUtils::TContainer>(imageName, outputDataContainers);
374  }
375  }
376  else
377  {
378  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
379  }
381  for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i)
382  {
383  std::cout << "Top " << i << " Accuracy: " << checker.GetAccuracy(i) << "%" << "\n";
384  }
386  ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Accuracy Tool ran successfully!";
387  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
388  }
389  catch (const armnn::Exception& e)
390  {
391  // Coverity fix: BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL (typically used to report errors) may throw an
392  // exception of type std::length_error.
393  // Using stderr instead in this context as there is no point in nesting try-catch blocks here.
394  std::cerr << "Armnn Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
395  return EXIT_FAILURE;
396  }
397  catch (const std::exception& e)
398  {
399  // Coverity fix: various boost exceptions can be thrown by methods called by this test.
400  std::cerr << "WARNING: ModelAccuracyTool-Armnn: An error has occurred when running the "
401  "Accuracy Tool: " << e.what() << std::endl;
402  return EXIT_FAILURE;
403  }
404 }
406 map<std::string, std::string> LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(const string& validationLabelPath,
407  const string& imageDirectoryPath,
408  size_t begIndex,
409  size_t endIndex,
410  const string& blacklistPath)
411 {
412  // Populate imageFilenames with names of all .JPEG, .PNG images
413  std::vector<std::string> imageFilenames;
414  for (const auto& imageEntry : fs::directory_iterator(fs::path(imageDirectoryPath)))
415  {
416  fs::path imagePath = imageEntry.path();
418  // Get extension and convert to uppercase
419  std::string imageExtension = imagePath.extension().string();
420  std::transform(imageExtension.begin(), imageExtension.end(), imageExtension.begin(), ::toupper);
422  if (fs::is_regular_file(imagePath) && (imageExtension == ".JPEG" || imageExtension == ".PNG"))
423  {
424  imageFilenames.push_back(imagePath.filename().string());
425  }
426  }
427  if (imageFilenames.empty())
428  {
429  throw armnn::Exception("No image file (JPEG, PNG) found at " + imageDirectoryPath);
430  }
432  // Sort the image filenames lexicographically
433  std::sort(imageFilenames.begin(), imageFilenames.end());
435  std::cout << imageFilenames.size() << " images found at " << imageDirectoryPath << std::endl;
437  // Get default end index
438  if (begIndex < 1 || endIndex > imageFilenames.size())
439  {
440  throw armnn::Exception("Invalid image index range");
441  }
442  endIndex = endIndex == 0 ? imageFilenames.size() : endIndex;
443  if (begIndex > endIndex)
444  {
445  throw armnn::Exception("Invalid image index range");
446  }
448  // Load blacklist if there is one
449  std::vector<unsigned int> blacklist;
450  if (!blacklistPath.empty())
451  {
452  std::ifstream blacklistFile(blacklistPath);
453  unsigned int index;
454  while (blacklistFile >> index)
455  {
456  blacklist.push_back(index);
457  }
458  }
460  // Load ground truth labels and pair them with corresponding image names
461  std::string classification;
462  map<std::string, std::string> imageNameToLabel;
463  ifstream infile(validationLabelPath);
464  size_t imageIndex = begIndex;
465  size_t blacklistIndexCount = 0;
466  while (std::getline(infile, classification))
467  {
468  if (imageIndex > endIndex)
469  {
470  break;
471  }
472  // If current imageIndex is included in blacklist, skip the current image
473  if (blacklistIndexCount < blacklist.size() && imageIndex == blacklist[blacklistIndexCount])
474  {
475  ++imageIndex;
476  ++blacklistIndexCount;
477  continue;
478  }
479  imageNameToLabel.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(imageFilenames[imageIndex - 1], classification));
480  ++imageIndex;
481  }
482  std::cout << blacklistIndexCount << " images blacklisted" << std::endl;
483  std::cout << imageIndex - begIndex - blacklistIndexCount << " images to be loaded" << std::endl;
484  return imageNameToLabel;
485 }
487 std::vector<armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames> LoadModelOutputLabels(const std::string& modelOutputLabelsPath)
488 {
489  std::vector<armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames> modelOutputLabels;
490  ifstream modelOutputLablesFile(modelOutputLabelsPath);
491  std::string line;
492  while (std::getline(modelOutputLablesFile, line))
493  {
495  armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames predictionCategoryNames = armnnUtils::SplitBy(tokens.back(), ",");
496  std::transform(predictionCategoryNames.begin(), predictionCategoryNames.end(), predictionCategoryNames.begin(),
497  [](const std::string& category) { return armnnUtils::Strip(category); });
498  modelOutputLabels.push_back(predictionCategoryNames);
499  }
500  return modelOutputLabels;
501 }
static IRuntimePtr Create(const CreationOptions &options)
Definition: Runtime.cpp:40
Definition: Types.hpp:49
const TensorShape & GetShape() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:191
void ConfigureLogging(bool printToStandardOutput, bool printToDebugOutput, LogSeverity severity)
Configures the logging behaviour of the ARMNN library.
Definition: Utils.cpp:18
NormalizationParameters GetNormalizationParameters(const SupportedFrontend &modelFormat, const armnn::DataType &outputType)
Get normalization parameters.
std::unique_ptr< IRuntime, void(*)(IRuntime *runtime)> IRuntimePtr
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:31
virtual const char * what() const noexcept override
Definition: Exceptions.cpp:32
#define ARMNN_LOG(severity)
Definition: Logging.hpp:202
BackendRegistry & BackendRegistryInstance()
const armnn::BindingPointInfo & GetInputBindingInfo(unsigned int inputIndex=0u) const
std::vector< uint8_t > PrepareImageTensor< uint8_t >(const std::string &imagePath, unsigned int newWidth, unsigned int newHeight, const NormalizationParameters &normParams, unsigned int batchSize, const armnn::DataLayout &outputLayout)
armnn::BindingPointInfo BindingPointInfo
std::string GetBackendIdsAsString() const
map< std::string, std::string > LoadValidationImageFilenamesAndLabels(const string &validationLabelPath, const string &imageDirectoryPath, size_t begIndex=0, size_t endIndex=0, const string &blacklistPath="")
Load image names and ground-truth labels from the image directory and the ground truth label file...
unsigned int GetOutputSize(unsigned int outputIndex=0u) const
std::vector< std::string > m_InputBindings
std::string Strip(const std::string &originalString, const std::string &characterSet)
Remove any preceding and trailing character specified in the characterSet.
Definition: Types.hpp:35
armnn::InputTensors MakeInputTensors(const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &inputBindings, const std::vector< TContainer > &inputDataContainers)
std::vector< std::string > SplitBy(const std::string &originalString, const std::string &delimiter, bool includeEmptyToken)
Split a string into tokens by a delimiter.
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options=OptimizerOptions(), Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages=EmptyOptional())
Create an optimized version of the network.
Definition: Network.cpp:1605
Definition: Assert.hpp:15
std::vector< std::string > m_OutputBindings
std::vector< armnn::BackendId > m_ComputeDevices
DataType GetDataType() const
Definition: Tensor.hpp:198
int NetworkId
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:25
Definition: Types.hpp:29
std::unique_ptr< IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork *network)> IOptimizedNetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:198
std::vector< int > PrepareImageTensor< int >(const std::string &imagePath, unsigned int newWidth, unsigned int newHeight, const NormalizationParameters &normParams, unsigned int batchSize, const armnn::DataLayout &outputLayout)
armnn::OutputTensors MakeOutputTensors(const std::vector< armnn::BindingPointInfo > &outputBindings, std::vector< TContainer > &outputDataContainers)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::pair< armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo > BindingPointInfo
Definition: Tensor.hpp:274
Base class for all ArmNN exceptions so that users can filter to just those.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:46
mapbox::util::variant< std::vector< float >, std::vector< int >, std::vector< unsigned char >, std::vector< int8_t > > TContainer
Definition: TContainer.hpp:18
bool ValidateDirectory(std::string &dir)
std::vector< armnnUtils::LabelCategoryNames > LoadModelOutputLabels(const std::string &modelOutputLabelsPath)
Load model output labels from file.
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:197
Definition: Utils.hpp:14
std::vector< std::string > LabelCategoryNames
std::vector< float > PrepareImageTensor< float >(const std::string &imagePath, unsigned int newWidth, unsigned int newHeight, const NormalizationParameters &normParams, unsigned int batchSize, const armnn::DataLayout &outputLayout)