Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 Software ToolsOn this page you can find all software tools contained in the Arm NN repository
 TfLite Delegate
 ParsersExecute models from different machine learning platforms efficiently with our parsers
 SerializerThe armnnSerializer is a library for serializing an Arm NN network to a stream
 DeserializerThe armnnDeserializer is a library for loading neural networks defined by Arm NN FlatBuffers files into the Arm NN runtime
 Installation and build GuidesThis page links all guides to build and/or install Arm NN tools hosted in our repository
 How to install ArmNN via our APT repository on Ubuntu's Launchpad
 Delegate build guide introduction
 How to use the Android NDK to build Arm NN
 How to Cross-Compile Arm NN on x86_64 for arm64
 Integration GuidesThis page links all guides that explain how to use Arm NN tools and how to integrate them into your own project
 Integrate the TfLite delegate into TfLite using Python
 Contribution GuidesThis is a collection of guides that should help you contribute code to Arm NN
 Backend Developer Guide
 Dynamically loadable Backend
 Arm NN Operators
 Frequently asked questions
 Contribution Guidelines