Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4 //
5 #pragma once
7 #include "armnn/INetwork.hpp"
9 #include "armnn/Types.hpp"
11 #include <schema_generated.h>
12 #include <functional>
13 #include <unordered_map>
14 #include <vector>
16 namespace armnnTfLiteParser
17 {
20 {
21 public:
22  // Shorthands for TfLite types
23  using ModelPtr = std::unique_ptr<tflite::ModelT>;
24  using SubgraphPtr = std::unique_ptr<tflite::SubGraphT>;
25  using OperatorPtr = std::unique_ptr<tflite::OperatorT>;
26  using OperatorCodePtr = std::unique_ptr<tflite::OperatorCodeT>;
27  using TensorPtr = std::unique_ptr<tflite::TensorT>;
28  using TensorRawPtr = const tflite::TensorT *;
29  using TensorRawPtrVector = std::vector<TensorRawPtr>;
30  using TensorIdRawPtr = std::pair<size_t, TensorRawPtr>;
31  using TensorIdRawPtrVector = std::vector<TensorIdRawPtr>;
32  using BufferPtr = std::unique_ptr<tflite::BufferT>;
33  using BufferRawPtr = const tflite::BufferT *;
35 public:
36  /// Create the network from a flatbuffers binary file on disk
37  armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(const char* graphFile);
39  /// Create the network from a flatbuffers binary
40  armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromBinary(const std::vector<uint8_t> & binaryContent);
43  /// Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network input identified by
44  /// the given layer name and subgraph id
46  const std::string& name) const;
48  /// Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network output identified by
49  /// the given layer name and subgraph id
51  const std::string& name) const;
53  /// Return the number of subgraphs in the parsed model
54  size_t GetSubgraphCount() const;
56  /// Return the input tensor names for a given subgraph
57  std::vector<std::string> GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(size_t subgraphId) const;
59  /// Return the output tensor names for a given subgraph
60  std::vector<std::string> GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(size_t subgraphId) const;
63  ~TfLiteParserImpl() = default;
65 public:
66  // testable helpers
67  static ModelPtr LoadModelFromFile(const char * fileName);
68  static ModelPtr LoadModelFromBinary(const uint8_t * binaryContent, size_t len);
69  static TensorRawPtrVector GetInputs(const ModelPtr & model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
70  static TensorRawPtrVector GetOutputs(const ModelPtr & model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
71  static TensorIdRawPtrVector GetSubgraphInputs(const ModelPtr & model, size_t subgraphIndex);
72  static TensorIdRawPtrVector GetSubgraphOutputs(const ModelPtr & model, size_t subgraphIndex);
73  static std::vector<int32_t>& GetInputTensorIds(const ModelPtr& model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
74  static std::vector<int32_t>& GetOutputTensorIds(const ModelPtr& model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
76  static BufferRawPtr GetBuffer(const ModelPtr& model, size_t bufferIndex);
77  static armnn::TensorInfo OutputShapeOfSqueeze(const std::vector<uint32_t> & squeezeDims,
78  const armnn::TensorInfo & inputTensorInfo);
79  static armnn::TensorInfo OutputShapeOfReshape(const armnn::TensorInfo & inputTensorInfo,
80  const std::vector<int32_t> & targetDimsIn);
82  /// Retrieve version in X.Y.Z form
83  static const std::string GetVersion();
85 private:
87  // No copying allowed until it is wanted and properly implemented
88  TfLiteParserImpl(const TfLiteParserImpl &) = delete;
89  TfLiteParserImpl & operator=(const TfLiteParserImpl &) = delete;
91  /// Create the network from an already loaded flatbuffers model
92  armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromModel();
94  // signature for the parser functions
95  using OperatorParsingFunction = void(TfLiteParserImpl::*)(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
97  void ParseCustomOperator(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
98  void ParseUnsupportedOperator(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
100  void ParseAbs(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
101  void ParseActivation(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex, armnn::ActivationFunction activationType);
102  void ParseAdd(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
103  void ParseArgMinMax(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex, armnn::ArgMinMaxFunction argMinMaxFunction);
104  void ParseArgMin(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
105  void ParseArgMax(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
106  void ParseAveragePool2D(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
107  void ParseBatchToSpaceND(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
108  void ParseCast(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
109  void ParseConcatenation(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
110  void ParseConv2D(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
111  void ParseDepthToSpace(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
112  void ParseDepthwiseConv2D(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
113  void ParseDequantize(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
114  void ParseDetectionPostProcess(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
115  void ParseDiv(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
116  void ParseElementwiseUnary(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex, armnn::UnaryOperation unaryOperation);
117  void ParseElu(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
118  void ParseExp(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
119  void ParseFullyConnected(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
120  void ParseGather(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
121  void ParseHardSwish(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
122  void ParseLeakyRelu(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
123  void ParseLogicalNot(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
124  void ParseLogistic(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
125  void ParseL2Normalization(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
126  void ParseMaxPool2D(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
127  void ParseMaximum(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
128  void ParseMean(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
129  void ParseMinimum(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
130  void ParseMul(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
131  void ParseNeg(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
132  void ParsePack(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
133  void ParsePad(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
134  void ParsePool(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex, armnn::PoolingAlgorithm algorithm);
135  void ParseQuantize(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
136  void ParseReduce(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex, armnn::ReduceOperation reduceOperation);
137  void ParseReduceMax(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
138  void ParseReduceMin(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
139  void ParseRelu(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
140  void ParseRelu6(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
141  void ParseReshape(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
142  void ParseResize(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex, armnn::ResizeMethod resizeMethod);
143  void ParseResizeBilinear(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
144  void ParseResizeNearestNeighbor(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
145  void ParseRsqrt(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
146  void ParseSlice(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
147  void ParseSoftmax(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
148  void ParseSpaceToBatchND(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
149  void ParseSplit(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
150  void ParseSplitV(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
151  void ParseSqueeze(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
152  void ParseStridedSlice(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
153  void ParseSub(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
154  void ParseSum(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
155  void ParseTanH(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
156  void ParseTranspose(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
157  void ParseTransposeConv(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
158  void ParseUnpack(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex);
160  void RegisterProducerOfTensor(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t tensorIndex, armnn::IOutputSlot* slot);
161  void RegisterConsumerOfTensor(size_t subgraphIndex, size_t tensorIndex, armnn::IInputSlot* slot);
162  void RegisterInputSlots(size_t subgraphIndex,
163  size_t operatorIndex,
165  const std::vector<unsigned int>& tensorIndexes,
166  unsigned int startingSlotIndex = 0);
167  void RegisterOutputSlots(size_t subgraphIndex,
168  size_t operatorIndex,
170  const std::vector<unsigned int>& tensorIndexes);
172  void SetupInputLayers(size_t subgraphIndex);
173  void SetupOutputLayers(size_t subgraphIndex);
174  void SetupConstantLayers(size_t subgraphIndex);
176  void ResetParser();
178  void AddBroadcastReshapeLayer(size_t subgraphIndex,
179  size_t operatorIndex,
180  armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer);
182  /// Attach an activation layer to the one passed as a parameter
183  armnn::IConnectableLayer* AddFusedActivationLayer(armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
184  unsigned int outputSlot,
185  tflite::ActivationFunctionType activationType);
187  // SupportedDataStorage's purpose is to hold data till we pass over to the network.
188  // We don't care about the content, and we want a single datatype to simplify the code.
189  struct SupportedDataStorage
190  {
191  public:
192  // Convenience constructors
193  SupportedDataStorage(std::unique_ptr<float[]>&& data);
194  SupportedDataStorage(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>&& data);
195  SupportedDataStorage(std::unique_ptr<int8_t[]>&& data);
196  SupportedDataStorage(std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]>&& data);
198  private:
199  // Pointers to the data buffers
200  std::unique_ptr<float[]> m_FloatData;
201  std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> m_Uint8Data;
202  std::unique_ptr<int8_t[]> m_Int8Data;
203  std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> m_Int32Data;
204  };
206  bool IsConstTensor(TensorRawPtr tensorPtr);
207  armnn::ConstTensor CreateConstTensorNonPermuted(TensorRawPtr tensorPtr,
208  armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo);
209  std::pair<armnn::ConstTensor, SupportedDataStorage>
210  CreateConstTensorPermuted(TensorRawPtr tensorPtr,
211  armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo,
214  template<typename T>
215  std::pair<armnn::ConstTensor, TfLiteParserImpl::SupportedDataStorage>
216  CreateConstTensorAndStoreData(TfLiteParserImpl::BufferRawPtr bufferPtr,
218  armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo,
221  // Settings for configuring the TfLiteParser
224  /// The network we're building. Gets cleared after it is passed to the user
225  armnn::INetworkPtr m_Network;
226  ModelPtr m_Model;
228  std::vector<OperatorParsingFunction> m_ParserFunctions;
229  std::unordered_map<std::string, OperatorParsingFunction> m_CustomParserFunctions;
231  /// A mapping of an output slot to each of the input slots it should be connected to
232  /// The outputSlot is from the layer that creates this tensor as one of its ouputs
233  /// The inputSlots are from the layers that use this tensor as one of their inputs
234  struct TensorSlots
235  {
236  armnn::IOutputSlot* outputSlot;
237  std::vector<armnn::IInputSlot*> inputSlots;
239  TensorSlots() : outputSlot(nullptr) { }
240  };
241  typedef std::vector<TensorSlots> TensorConnections;
242  /// Connections for tensors in each subgraph
243  /// The first index is the subgraph ID, the second index is the tensor ID
244  std::vector<TensorConnections> m_SubgraphConnections;
246  /// This is used in case that the model does not speciry the output.
247  /// The shape can be calculated from the options.
248  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_OverridenOutputShapes;
249 };
251 }
std::unique_ptr< tflite::TensorT > TensorPtr
std::unique_ptr< tflite::ModelT > ModelPtr
static TensorIdRawPtrVector GetSubgraphOutputs(const ModelPtr &model, size_t subgraphIndex)
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:62
const tflite::TensorT * TensorRawPtr
const tflite::BufferT * BufferRawPtr
BindingPointInfo GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(size_t subgraphId, const std::string &name) const
Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network output identified by the given layer...
std::vector< std::string > GetSubgraphOutputTensorNames(size_t subgraphId) const
Return the output tensor names for a given subgraph.
std::unique_ptr< tflite::OperatorT > OperatorPtr
static armnn::TensorInfo OutputShapeOfReshape(const armnn::TensorInfo &inputTensorInfo, const std::vector< int32_t > &targetDimsIn)
Definition: Types.hpp:115
TfLiteParserImpl(const armnn::Optional< ITfLiteParser::TfLiteParserOptions > &options=armnn::EmptyOptional())
std::unique_ptr< tflite::BufferT > BufferPtr
armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromBinary(const std::vector< uint8_t > &binaryContent)
Create the network from a flatbuffers binary.
static BufferRawPtr GetBuffer(const ModelPtr &model, size_t bufferIndex)
armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(const char *graphFile)
Create the network from a flatbuffers binary file on disk.
std::unique_ptr< tflite::OperatorCodeT > OperatorCodePtr
Definition: Types.hpp:122
BindingPointInfo GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(size_t subgraphId, const std::string &name) const
Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network input identified by the given layer ...
static ModelPtr LoadModelFromBinary(const uint8_t *binaryContent, size_t len)
static armnn::TensorInfo OutputShapeOfSqueeze(const std::vector< uint32_t > &squeezeDims, const armnn::TensorInfo &inputTensorInfo)
std::vector< TensorIdRawPtr > TensorIdRawPtrVector
static std::vector< int32_t > & GetInputTensorIds(const ModelPtr &model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex)
An output connection slot for a layer.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:38
static const std::string GetVersion()
Retrieve version in X.Y.Z form.
static ModelPtr LoadModelFromFile(const char *fileName)
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and an immutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:314
std::vector< TensorRawPtr > TensorRawPtrVector
size_t GetSubgraphCount() const
Return the number of subgraphs in the parsed model.
std::pair< size_t, TensorRawPtr > TensorIdRawPtr
std::unique_ptr< tflite::SubGraphT > SubgraphPtr
static TensorIdRawPtrVector GetSubgraphInputs(const ModelPtr &model, size_t subgraphIndex)
static TensorRawPtrVector GetInputs(const ModelPtr &model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex)
static TensorRawPtrVector GetOutputs(const ModelPtr &model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex)
EmptyOptional is used to initialize the Optional class in case we want to have default value for an O...
Definition: Optional.hpp:32
static std::vector< int32_t > & GetOutputTensorIds(const ModelPtr &model, size_t subgraphIndex, size_t operatorIndex)
Definition: Types.hpp:83
Definition: Types.hpp:130
Definition: Types.hpp:105
armnn::BindingPointInfo BindingPointInfo
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:173
std::vector< std::string > GetSubgraphInputTensorNames(size_t subgraphId) const
Return the input tensor names for a given subgraph.
An input connection slot for a layer.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:25
Definition: Types.hpp:67