PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler Class Reference

#include <PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler:

Public Member Functions

 PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler (uint32_t familyId, uint32_t packetId, uint32_t version, const std::unordered_map< BackendId, std::shared_ptr< armnn::profiling::IBackendProfilingContext >> &backendProfilingContexts, const ICounterMappings &counterIdMap, Holder &captureDataHolder, const uint16_t maxArmnnCounterId, IPeriodicCounterCapture &periodicCounterCapture, const IReadCounterValues &readCounterValue, ISendCounterPacket &sendCounterPacket, const ProfilingStateMachine &profilingStateMachine)
void operator() (const arm::pipe::Packet &packet) override

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler()

PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler ( uint32_t  familyId,
uint32_t  packetId,
uint32_t  version,
const std::unordered_map< BackendId, std::shared_ptr< armnn::profiling::IBackendProfilingContext >> &  backendProfilingContexts,
const ICounterMappings counterIdMap,
Holder captureDataHolder,
const uint16_t  maxArmnnCounterId,
IPeriodicCounterCapture periodicCounterCapture,
const IReadCounterValues readCounterValue,
ISendCounterPacket sendCounterPacket,
const ProfilingStateMachine profilingStateMachine 

Definition at line 35 of file PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp.

References ARMNN_LOG, OptionalBase::has_value(), PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::operator()(), OptionalReferenceSwitch< IsReference, T >::value(), and armnn::warning.

48  : CommandHandlerFunctor(familyId, packetId, version)
49  , m_BackendProfilingContexts(backendProfilingContexts)
50  , m_CounterIdMap(counterIdMap)
51  , m_CaptureDataHolder(captureDataHolder)
52  , m_MaxArmCounterId(maxArmnnCounterId)
53  , m_PeriodicCounterCapture(periodicCounterCapture)
54  , m_PrevCapturePeriod(0)
55  , m_ReadCounterValues(readCounterValue)
56  , m_SendCounterPacket(sendCounterPacket)
57  , m_StateMachine(profilingStateMachine)
59  {
61  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

void operator() ( const arm::pipe::Packet &  packet)

Definition at line 60 of file PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.cpp.

References armnn::profiling::Active, CaptureData::GetActiveBackends(), ICounterMappings::GetBackendId(), Holder::GetCaptureData(), CaptureData::GetCapturePeriod(), CaptureData::GetCounterIds(), ProfilingStateMachine::GetCurrentState(), armnn::profiling::GetProfilingStateName(), IReadCounterValues::IsCounterRegistered(), armnn::LOWEST_CAPTURE_PERIOD, armnn::profiling::NotConnected, ISendCounterPacket::SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(), Holder::SetCaptureData(), IPeriodicCounterCapture::Start(), IPeriodicCounterCapture::Stop(), armnn::profiling::Uninitialised, and armnn::profiling::WaitingForAck.

Referenced by PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler().

61 {
62  ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
63  switch (currentState)
64  {
68  throw RuntimeException(fmt::format("Periodic Counter Selection Command Handler invoked while in "
69  "an wrong state: {}",
70  GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
72  {
73  // Process the packet
74  if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 4u))
75  {
76  throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(fmt::format("Expected Packet family = 0, id = 4 but "
77  "received family = {}, id = {}",
78  packet.GetPacketFamily(),
79  packet.GetPacketId()));
80  }
82  // Parse the packet to get the capture period and counter UIDs
83  CaptureData captureData;
84  ParseData(packet, captureData);
86  // Get the capture data
87  uint32_t capturePeriod = captureData.GetCapturePeriod();
88  // Validate that the capture period is within the acceptable range.
89  if (capturePeriod > 0 && capturePeriod < LOWEST_CAPTURE_PERIOD)
90  {
91  capturePeriod = LOWEST_CAPTURE_PERIOD;
92  }
93  const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds = captureData.GetCounterIds();
95  // Check whether the selected counter UIDs are valid
96  std::vector<uint16_t> validCounterIds;
97  for (uint16_t counterId : counterIds)
98  {
99  // Check whether the counter is registered
100  if (!m_ReadCounterValues.IsCounterRegistered(counterId))
101  {
102  // Invalid counter UID, ignore it and continue
103  continue;
104  }
105  // The counter is valid
106  validCounterIds.emplace_back(counterId);
107  }
109  std::sort(validCounterIds.begin(), validCounterIds.end());
111  auto backendIdStart = std::find_if(validCounterIds.begin(), validCounterIds.end(), [&](uint16_t& counterId)
112  {
113  return counterId > m_MaxArmCounterId;
114  });
116  std::set<armnn::BackendId> activeBackends;
117  std::set<uint16_t> backendCounterIds = std::set<uint16_t>(backendIdStart, validCounterIds.end());
119  if (m_BackendCounterMap.size() != 0)
120  {
121  std::set<uint16_t> newCounterIds;
122  std::set<uint16_t> unusedCounterIds;
124  // Get any backend counter ids that is in backendCounterIds but not in m_PrevBackendCounterIds
125  std::set_difference(backendCounterIds.begin(), backendCounterIds.end(),
126  m_PrevBackendCounterIds.begin(), m_PrevBackendCounterIds.end(),
127  std::inserter(newCounterIds, newCounterIds.begin()));
129  // Get any backend counter ids that is in m_PrevBackendCounterIds but not in backendCounterIds
130  std::set_difference(m_PrevBackendCounterIds.begin(), m_PrevBackendCounterIds.end(),
131  backendCounterIds.begin(), backendCounterIds.end(),
132  std::inserter(unusedCounterIds, unusedCounterIds.begin()));
134  activeBackends = ProcessBackendCounterIds(capturePeriod, newCounterIds, unusedCounterIds);
135  }
136  else
137  {
138  activeBackends = ProcessBackendCounterIds(capturePeriod, backendCounterIds, {});
139  }
141  // save the new backend counter ids for next time
142  m_PrevBackendCounterIds = backendCounterIds;
144  // Set the capture data with only the valid armnn counter UIDs
145  m_CaptureDataHolder.SetCaptureData(capturePeriod, {validCounterIds.begin(), backendIdStart}, activeBackends);
147  // Echo back the Periodic Counter Selection packet to the Counter Stream Buffer
148  m_SendCounterPacket.SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(capturePeriod, validCounterIds);
150  if (capturePeriod == 0 || validCounterIds.empty())
151  {
152  // No data capture stop the thread
153  m_PeriodicCounterCapture.Stop();
154  }
155  else
156  {
157  // Start the Period Counter Capture thread (if not running already)
158  m_PeriodicCounterCapture.Start();
159  }
161  break;
162  }
163  default:
164  throw RuntimeException(fmt::format("Unknown profiling service state: {}",
165  static_cast<int>(currentState)));
166  }
167 }
virtual void SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(uint32_t capturePeriod, const std::vector< uint16_t > &selectedCounterIds)=0
Create and write a PeriodicCounterSelectionPacket from the parameters to the buffer.
void SetCaptureData(uint32_t capturePeriod, const std::vector< uint16_t > &counterIds, const std::set< armnn::BackendId > &activeBackends)
Definition: Holder.cpp:74
constexpr unsigned int LOWEST_CAPTURE_PERIOD
The lowest performance data capture interval we support is 10 miliseconds.
Definition: Types.hpp:21
virtual bool IsCounterRegistered(uint16_t counterUid) const =0
constexpr char const * GetProfilingStateName(ProfilingState state)

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