DetectionPostProcess.hpp File Reference
#include "armnn/Tensor.hpp"
#include "armnn/Descriptors.hpp"
#include "Decoders.hpp"
#include <vector>

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 Copyright (c) 2021 ARM Limited and Contributors.


void DetectionPostProcess (const TensorInfo &boxEncodingsInfo, const TensorInfo &scoresInfo, const TensorInfo &anchorsInfo, const TensorInfo &detectionBoxesInfo, const TensorInfo &detectionClassesInfo, const TensorInfo &detectionScoresInfo, const TensorInfo &numDetectionsInfo, const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor &desc, Decoder< float > &boxEncodings, Decoder< float > &scores, Decoder< float > &anchors, float *detectionBoxes, float *detectionClasses, float *detectionScores, float *numDetections)
void TopKSort (unsigned int k, unsigned int *indices, const float *values, unsigned int numElement)
float IntersectionOverUnion (const float *boxI, const float *boxJ)
std::vector< unsigned int > NonMaxSuppression (unsigned int numBoxes, const std::vector< float > &boxCorners, const std::vector< float > &scores, float nmsScoreThreshold, unsigned int maxDetection, float nmsIouThreshold)