NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp File Reference
#include <Graph.hpp>
#include <Network.hpp>
#include <neon/NeonTensorHandle.hpp>
#include <neon/NeonTensorHandleFactory.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/PolymorphicDowncast.hpp>
#include <test/GraphUtils.hpp>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/Allocator.h>
#include <backendsCommon/test/CommonTestUtils.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/Assert.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (NeonTensorHandleGetCapabilitiesNoPadding)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (NeonTensorHandleGetCapabilitiesPadding)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (ConcatOnXorYSubTensorsNoPaddingRequiredTest)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (ConcatonXorYPaddingRequiredTest)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (SplitteronXorYNoPaddingRequiredTest)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (SplitteronXorYPaddingRequiredTest)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (NeonTensorHandleFactoryMemoryManaged)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (NeonTensorHandleFactoryImport)

Function Documentation


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( NeonTensorHandleGetCapabilitiesNoPadding  )

Definition at line 23 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References IOutputSlot::Connect(), INetwork::Create(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), SoftmaxDescriptor::m_Beta, and armnn::PaddingRequired.

24 {
25  std::shared_ptr<NeonMemoryManager> memoryManager = std::make_shared<NeonMemoryManager>();
26  NeonTensorHandleFactory handleFactory(memoryManager);
28  INetworkPtr network(INetwork::Create());
30  // Add the layers
31  IConnectableLayer* input = network->AddInputLayer(0);
32  SoftmaxDescriptor descriptor;
33  descriptor.m_Beta = 1.0f;
34  IConnectableLayer* softmax = network->AddSoftmaxLayer(descriptor);
35  IConnectableLayer* output = network->AddOutputLayer(2);
37  // Establish connections
38  input->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(softmax->GetInputSlot(0));
39  softmax->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(output->GetInputSlot(0));
41  // No padding required for input
42  std::vector<Capability> capabilities = handleFactory.GetCapabilities(input,
43  softmax,
44  CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired);
45  BOOST_TEST(capabilities.empty());
47  // No padding required for Softmax
48  capabilities = handleFactory.GetCapabilities(softmax, output, CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired);
49  BOOST_TEST(capabilities.empty());
51  // No padding required for output
52  capabilities = handleFactory.GetCapabilities(output, nullptr, CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired);
53  BOOST_TEST(capabilities.empty());
54 }
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:61
float m_Beta
Exponentiation value.
virtual const IInputSlot & GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get a const input slot handle by slot index.
virtual const IOutputSlot & GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get the const output slot handle by slot index.
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:101
virtual int Connect(IInputSlot &destination)=0
A SoftmaxDescriptor for the SoftmaxLayer.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( NeonTensorHandleGetCapabilitiesPadding  )

Definition at line 56 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References IOutputSlot::Connect(), INetwork::Create(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), and armnn::PaddingRequired.

57 {
58  std::shared_ptr<NeonMemoryManager> memoryManager = std::make_shared<NeonMemoryManager>();
59  NeonTensorHandleFactory handleFactory(memoryManager);
61  INetworkPtr network(INetwork::Create());
63  // Add the layers
64  IConnectableLayer* input = network->AddInputLayer(0);
65  Pooling2dDescriptor descriptor;
66  IConnectableLayer* pooling = network->AddPooling2dLayer(descriptor);
67  IConnectableLayer* output = network->AddOutputLayer(2);
69  // Establish connections
70  input->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(pooling->GetInputSlot(0));
71  pooling->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(output->GetInputSlot(0));
73  // No padding required for input
74  std::vector<Capability> capabilities = handleFactory.GetCapabilities(input,
75  pooling,
76  CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired);
77  BOOST_TEST(capabilities.empty());
79  // No padding required for output
80  capabilities = handleFactory.GetCapabilities(output, nullptr, CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired);
81  BOOST_TEST(capabilities.empty());
83  // Padding required for Pooling2d
84  capabilities = handleFactory.GetCapabilities(pooling, output, CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired);
85  BOOST_TEST(capabilities.size() == 1);
86  BOOST_TEST((capabilities[0].m_CapabilityClass == CapabilityClass::PaddingRequired));
87  BOOST_TEST(capabilities[0].m_Value);
88 }
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:61
virtual const IInputSlot & GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get a const input slot handle by slot index.
virtual const IOutputSlot & GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get the const output slot handle by slot index.
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:101
virtual int Connect(IInputSlot &destination)=0
A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( ConcatOnXorYSubTensorsNoPaddingRequiredTest  )

Definition at line 90 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References armnn::Abs, ARMNN_ASSERT, armnn::Concat, IOutputSlot::Connect(), armnn::CpuAcc, INetwork::Create(), IRuntime::Create(), armnn::CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(), armnn::Float32, OutputHandler::GetData(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), OutputSlot::GetOutputHandler(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), armnn::Optimize(), and IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

91 {
94  // Set up tensor infos
95  const armnn::TensorInfo inputInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({2, 3, 2, 2}, armnn::DataType::Float32);
96  const armnn::TensorInfo intermediateInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({2, 3, 2, 2}, armnn::DataType::Float32);
97  const armnn::TensorInfo outputInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({2, 3, 4, 2}, armnn::DataType::Float32);
101  // Create the network
102  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const input0Layer = net->AddInputLayer(0, "input_0");
103  input0Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(inputInfo);
104  armnn::IConnectableLayer* elementwiseUnaryLayer0 = net->AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(descriptor, "elementwiseUnary_0");
105  elementwiseUnaryLayer0->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(intermediateInfo);
106  input0Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(elementwiseUnaryLayer0->GetInputSlot(0));
108  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const input1Layer = net->AddInputLayer(1, "input_1");
109  input1Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(inputInfo);
110  armnn::IConnectableLayer* elementwiseUnaryLayer1 = net->AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(descriptor, "elementwiseUnary_1");
111  elementwiseUnaryLayer1->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(intermediateInfo);
112  input1Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(elementwiseUnaryLayer1->GetInputSlot(0));
114  std::array<armnn::TensorShape, 2> concatInputShapes = { intermediateInfo.GetShape(), intermediateInfo.GetShape() };
115  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const concatLayer = net->AddConcatLayer(armnn::CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(
116  concatInputShapes.begin(), concatInputShapes.end(), 2), "concatenation");
117  concatLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo);
118  elementwiseUnaryLayer0->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(concatLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
119  elementwiseUnaryLayer1->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(concatLayer->GetInputSlot(1));
121  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const outputLayer = net->AddOutputLayer(0, "output");
122  concatLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
127  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends = { armnn::Compute::CpuAcc };
128  armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optimizedNet = armnn::Optimize(*net, backends, runtime->GetDeviceSpec());
130  const armnn::Graph& theGraph = static_cast<armnn::OptimizedNetwork*>(optimizedNet.get())->GetGraph();
132  // Load graph into runtime
133  armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
134  runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optimizedNet));
136  // now check the concat how many sub-tensors it is using..
137  auto TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry = [](armnn::ITensorHandle* const subTensorHandle)
138  {
139  if (subTensorHandle && subTensorHandle->GetParent())
140  {
141  return true;
142  }
143  return false;
144  };
146  for (auto&& layer : theGraph)
147  {
148  if(layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Concat)
149  {
150  unsigned int numberOfSubTensors = 0;
151  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumInputSlots(); ++i)
152  {
153  const armnn::OutputSlot* slot = layer->GetInputSlot(i).GetConnectedOutputSlot();
154  if (TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry(slot->GetOutputHandler().GetData()))
155  {
156  ++numberOfSubTensors;
157  }
158  }
159  // sub-tensors should be supported in this configuration
160  ARMNN_ASSERT(numberOfSubTensors > 0);
161  }
162  }
163 }
static IRuntimePtr Create(const CreationOptions &options)
Definition: Runtime.cpp:32
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:61
std::unique_ptr< IRuntime, void(*)(IRuntime *runtime)> IRuntimePtr
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:25
int NetworkId
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:20
virtual void SetTensorInfo(const TensorInfo &tensorInfo)=0
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options=OptimizerOptions(), Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages=EmptyOptional())
Create an optimized version of the network.
Definition: Network.cpp:1014
std::unique_ptr< IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork *network)> IOptimizedNetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:593
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
ITensorHandle * GetData() const
Gets the allocated tensor memory.
A ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseUnaryLayer.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:90
CPU Execution: NEON: ArmCompute.
virtual const IInputSlot & GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get a const input slot handle by slot index.
const OutputHandler & GetOutputHandler() const
Definition: Layer.hpp:119
virtual const IOutputSlot & GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get the const output slot handle by slot index.
OriginsDescriptor CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(TensorShapeIt first, TensorShapeIt last, unsigned int concatenationDimension)
Convenience template to create an OriginsDescriptor to use when creating a ConcatLayer for performing...
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:101
virtual int Connect(IInputSlot &destination)=0
static INetworkPtr Create(NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
Definition: Network.cpp:50


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( ConcatonXorYPaddingRequiredTest  )

Definition at line 165 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References ARMNN_ASSERT, armnn::Average, armnn::Concat, IOutputSlot::Connect(), armnn::CpuAcc, INetwork::Create(), IRuntime::Create(), armnn::CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(), armnn::Float32, OutputHandler::GetData(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), OutputSlot::GetOutputHandler(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), armnn::IgnoreValue, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolType, armnn::Optimize(), and IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

166 {
169  // Set up tensor infos
170  const armnn::TensorInfo inputInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({2, 3, 2, 2}, armnn::DataType::Float32);
171  const armnn::TensorInfo intermediateInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({2, 3, 2, 2}, armnn::DataType::Float32);
172  const armnn::TensorInfo outputInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({2, 3, 4, 2}, armnn::DataType::Float32);
174  armnn::Pooling2dDescriptor descriptor;
176  descriptor.m_PoolWidth = descriptor.m_PoolHeight = 3;
177  descriptor.m_StrideX = descriptor.m_StrideY = 1;
178  descriptor.m_PadLeft = 1;
179  descriptor.m_PadRight = 1;
180  descriptor.m_PadTop = 1;
181  descriptor.m_PadBottom = 1;
182  descriptor.m_PaddingMethod = armnn::PaddingMethod::IgnoreValue;
184  // Create the network
185  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const input0Layer = net->AddInputLayer(0, "input_0");
186  input0Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(inputInfo);
187  armnn::IConnectableLayer* pooling2dLayer0 = net->AddPooling2dLayer(descriptor, "pooling2d_0");
188  pooling2dLayer0->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(intermediateInfo);
189  input0Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(pooling2dLayer0->GetInputSlot(0));
191  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const input1Layer = net->AddInputLayer(1, "input_1");
192  input1Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(inputInfo);
193  armnn::IConnectableLayer* pooling2dLayer1 = net->AddPooling2dLayer(descriptor, "pooling2d_1");
194  pooling2dLayer1->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(intermediateInfo);
195  input1Layer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(pooling2dLayer1->GetInputSlot(0));
197  std::array<armnn::TensorShape, 2> concatInputShapes = { intermediateInfo.GetShape(), intermediateInfo.GetShape() };
198  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const concatLayer = net->AddConcatLayer(armnn::CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(
199  concatInputShapes.begin(), concatInputShapes.end(), 2), "concatenation");
200  concatLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo);
201  pooling2dLayer0->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(concatLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
202  pooling2dLayer1->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(concatLayer->GetInputSlot(1));
204  armnn::IConnectableLayer* const outputLayer = net->AddOutputLayer(0, "output");
205  concatLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
210  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends = { armnn::Compute::CpuAcc };
211  armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optimizedNet = armnn::Optimize(*net, backends, runtime->GetDeviceSpec());
213  const armnn::Graph& theGraph = static_cast<armnn::OptimizedNetwork*>(optimizedNet.get())->GetGraph();
215  // Load graph into runtime
216  armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
217  runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optimizedNet));
219  // now check the concat how many sub-tensors it is using..
220  auto TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry = [](armnn::ITensorHandle* const subTensorHandle)
221  {
222  if (subTensorHandle && subTensorHandle->GetParent())
223  {
224  return true;
225  }
226  return false;
227  };
229  unsigned int numberOfSubTensors = 0;
230  for (auto&& layer : theGraph)
231  {
232  if(layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Concat)
233  {
234  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumInputSlots(); ++i)
235  {
236  const armnn::OutputSlot* slot = layer->GetInputSlot(i).GetConnectedOutputSlot();
237  if (TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry(slot->GetOutputHandler().GetData()))
238  {
239  ++numberOfSubTensors;
240  }
241  }
242  }
243  }
244  // sub-tensors should not be supported in this configuration
245  ARMNN_ASSERT(numberOfSubTensors == 0);
246 }
static IRuntimePtr Create(const CreationOptions &options)
Definition: Runtime.cpp:32
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:61
std::unique_ptr< IRuntime, void(*)(IRuntime *runtime)> IRuntimePtr
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:25
int NetworkId
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:20
virtual void SetTensorInfo(const TensorInfo &tensorInfo)=0
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options=OptimizerOptions(), Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages=EmptyOptional())
Create an optimized version of the network.
Definition: Network.cpp:1014
std::unique_ptr< IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork *network)> IOptimizedNetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:593
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
ITensorHandle * GetData() const
Gets the allocated tensor memory.
PoolingAlgorithm m_PoolType
The pooling algorithm to use (Max. Average, L2).
The padding fields count, but are ignored.
CPU Execution: NEON: ArmCompute.
virtual const IInputSlot & GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get a const input slot handle by slot index.
const OutputHandler & GetOutputHandler() const
Definition: Layer.hpp:119
virtual const IOutputSlot & GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const =0
Get the const output slot handle by slot index.
OriginsDescriptor CreateDescriptorForConcatenation(TensorShapeIt first, TensorShapeIt last, unsigned int concatenationDimension)
Convenience template to create an OriginsDescriptor to use when creating a ConcatLayer for performing...
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:101
virtual int Connect(IInputSlot &destination)=0
A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer.
static INetworkPtr Create(NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
Definition: Network.cpp:50


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( SplitteronXorYNoPaddingRequiredTest  )

Definition at line 248 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References armnn::Abs, ARMNN_ASSERT, Connect(), armnn::CpuAcc, INetwork::Create(), IRuntime::Create(), armnn::ElementwiseUnary, armnn::Float32, OutputHandler::GetData(), TensorShape::GetNumDimensions(), OutputSlot::GetOutputHandler(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), armnn::Optimize(), and ViewsDescriptor::SetViewSize().

249 {
250  using namespace armnn;
252  unsigned int splitAxis = 2;
253  unsigned int numSplit = 2;
255  const TensorShape& inputShape = { 2, 3, 4, 2 };
256  const armnn::TensorInfo intermediateInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({ 2, 3, 2, 2 }, armnn::DataType::Float32);
257  const std::vector<TensorShape> outputShapes{{ 2, 3, 2, 2 },
258  { 2, 3, 2, 2 }};
259  const float qScale = 1.0f;
260  const int32_t qOffset = 0;
262  // Creates structures for input & output.
263  std::vector<float> inputData{
264  1, 2,
265  3, 4,
266  5, 6,
267  7, 8,
268  9, 10,
269  11, 12,
270  13, 14,
271  15, 16,
272  17, 18,
273  19, 20,
274  21, 22,
275  23, 24,
276  25, 26,
277  27, 28,
278  29, 30,
279  31, 32,
280  33, 34,
281  35, 36,
282  37, 38,
283  39, 40,
284  41, 42,
285  43, 44,
286  45, 46,
287  47, 48
288  };
290  std::vector<float> expectedOutput0{
291  1, 2,
292  3, 4,
293  9, 10,
294  11, 12,
295  17, 18,
296  19, 20,
297  25, 26,
298  27, 28,
299  33, 34,
300  35, 36,
301  41, 42,
302  43, 44
303  };
305  std::vector<float> expectedOutput1{
306  5, 6,
307  7, 8,
308  13, 14,
309  15, 16,
310  21, 22,
311  23, 24,
312  29, 30,
313  31, 32,
314  37, 38,
315  39, 40,
316  45, 46,
317  47, 48
318  };
320  // Builds up the structure of the network.
323  TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(inputShape, armnn::DataType::Float32, qScale, qOffset);
327  // Splitter
328  std::vector<unsigned int> splitterDimSizes(inputShape.GetNumDimensions());
330  // Add current input shape to splitterDimSizes
331  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
332  {
333  splitterDimSizes[i] = inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[i];
334  }
336  if (splitterDimSizes[splitAxis] % numSplit != 0)
337  {
338  throw ParseException("Number of splits must evenly divide the dimension");
339  }
341  splitterDimSizes[splitAxis] /= numSplit;
343  SplitterDescriptor splitDesc(numSplit, inputShape.GetNumDimensions());
345  for (unsigned int g = 0; g < numSplit; ++g)
346  {
347  // Set the size of the views.
348  for (unsigned int dimIdx = 0; dimIdx < splitterDimSizes.size(); ++dimIdx)
349  {
350  splitDesc.SetViewSize(g, dimIdx, splitterDimSizes[dimIdx]);
351  }
352  splitDesc.SetViewOriginCoord(g, splitAxis, splitterDimSizes[splitAxis] * g);
353  }
354  IConnectableLayer* input = net->AddInputLayer(0, "input");
355  IConnectableLayer* elementWiseUnary0 = net->AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(descriptor, "elementwiseunary_0");
356  IConnectableLayer* elementWiseUnary1 = net->AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(descriptor, "elementwiseunary_0");
357  IConnectableLayer* splitter = net->AddSplitterLayer(splitDesc, "splitter");
359  // Connections
360  Connect(input, splitter, inputTensorInfo, 0, 0);
361  Connect(splitter, elementWiseUnary0, intermediateInfo, 0, 0);
362  Connect(splitter, elementWiseUnary1, intermediateInfo, 1, 0);
364  std::vector<IConnectableLayer*> pooling2dLayers{elementWiseUnary0, elementWiseUnary1};
366  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outputShapes.size(); ++i)
367  {
368  TensorInfo outputTensorInfo(outputShapes[i], armnn::DataType::Float32, qScale, qOffset);
369  IConnectableLayer* output = net->AddOutputLayer(boost::numeric_cast<LayerBindingId>(i));
370  Connect(pooling2dLayers[i], output, outputTensorInfo, 0, 0);
371  }
373  std::map<int, std::vector<float>> inputTensorData = {{ 0,inputData }};
374  std::map<int, std::vector<float>> expectedOutputData = {{ 0, expectedOutput0 }, { 1, expectedOutput1 }};
379  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends = { armnn::Compute::CpuAcc };
380  armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optimizedNet = armnn::Optimize(*net, backends, runtime->GetDeviceSpec());
382  const armnn::Graph& theGraph = static_cast<armnn::OptimizedNetwork*>(optimizedNet.get())->GetGraph();
384  // Load graph into runtime
385  armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
386  runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optimizedNet));
388  // now check the concat how many sub-tensors it is using..
389  auto TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry = [](armnn::ITensorHandle* const subTensorHandle)
390  {
391  if (subTensorHandle && subTensorHandle->GetParent())
392  {
393  return true;
394  }
395  return false;
396  };
398  for (auto&& layer : theGraph)
399  {
400  if(layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::ElementwiseUnary)
401  {
402  unsigned int numberOfSubTensors = 0;
403  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumInputSlots(); ++i)
404  {
405  const armnn::OutputSlot* slot = layer->GetInputSlot(i).GetConnectedOutputSlot();
406  if (TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry(slot->GetOutputHandler().GetData()))
407  {
408  ++numberOfSubTensors;
409  }
410  }
411  // sub-tensors should be supported in this configuration
412  ARMNN_ASSERT(numberOfSubTensors > 0);
413  }
414  }
416  InputTensors inputTensors;
417  inputTensors.reserve(inputTensorData.size());
418  for (auto&& it : inputTensorData)
419  {
420  inputTensors.push_back({it.first,
421  ConstTensor(runtime->GetInputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, it.first),});
422  }
423  OutputTensors outputTensors;
424  outputTensors.reserve(expectedOutputData.size());
425  std::map<int, std::vector<float>> outputStorage;
426  for (auto&& it : expectedOutputData)
427  {
428  std::vector<float> out(it.second.size());
429  outputStorage.emplace(it.first, out);
430  outputTensors.push_back({it.first,
431  Tensor(runtime->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, it.first),
433  }
435  // Does the inference.
436  runtime->EnqueueWorkload(networkIdentifier, inputTensors, outputTensors);
438  // Checks the results.
439  float tolerance = 0.000001f;
440  for (auto&& it : expectedOutputData)
441  {
442  std::vector<float> out =;
443  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i)
444  {
445  BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(Compare<armnn::DataType::Float32>(it.second[i], out[i], tolerance) == true,
446  "Actual output: " << out[i] << ". Expected output:" << it.second[i]);
448  }
449  }
450 }
static IRuntimePtr Create(const CreationOptions &options)
Definition: Runtime.cpp:32
A ViewsDescriptor for the SplitterLayer.
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:61
std::unique_ptr< IRuntime, void(*)(IRuntime *runtime)> IRuntimePtr
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:25
std::vector< std::pair< LayerBindingId, class ConstTensor > > InputTensors
Definition: Tensor.hpp:324
int NetworkId
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:20
Copyright (c) 2020 ARM Limited.
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and a mutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:290
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options=OptimizerOptions(), Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages=EmptyOptional())
Create an optimized version of the network.
Definition: Network.cpp:1014
Status SetViewSize(uint32_t view, uint32_t coord, uint32_t value)
Set the size of the views.
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and an immutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:298
std::vector< std::pair< LayerBindingId, class Tensor > > OutputTensors
Definition: Tensor.hpp:325
std::unique_ptr< IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork *network)> IOptimizedNetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:593
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
ITensorHandle * GetData() const
Gets the allocated tensor memory.
A ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor for the ElementwiseUnaryLayer.
Definition: Descriptors.hpp:90
CPU Execution: NEON: ArmCompute.
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const
Function that returns the tensor rank.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:175
const OutputHandler & GetOutputHandler() const
Definition: Layer.hpp:119
void Connect(armnn::IConnectableLayer *from, armnn::IConnectableLayer *to, const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, unsigned int fromIndex, unsigned int toIndex)
Definition: TestUtils.cpp:12
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:101
static INetworkPtr Create(NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
Definition: Network.cpp:50


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( SplitteronXorYPaddingRequiredTest  )

Definition at line 452 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References ARMNN_ASSERT, armnn::Average, Connect(), armnn::CpuAcc, INetwork::Create(), IRuntime::Create(), armnn::Float32, OutputHandler::GetData(), TensorShape::GetNumDimensions(), OutputSlot::GetOutputHandler(), TensorInfo::GetShape(), armnn::IgnoreValue, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadBottom, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PaddingMethod, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadLeft, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadRight, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PadTop, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolHeight, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolType, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_PoolWidth, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_StrideX, Pooling2dDescriptor::m_StrideY, armnn::Optimize(), armnn::Pooling2d, and ViewsDescriptor::SetViewSize().

453 {
454  using namespace armnn;
456  unsigned int splitAxis = 2;
457  unsigned int numSplit = 2;
459  const TensorShape& inputShape = { 1, 1, 4, 4 };
460  const armnn::TensorInfo intermediateInfo = armnn::TensorInfo({ 1, 1, 2, 4 }, armnn::DataType::Float32);
461  const std::vector<TensorShape> outputShapes{{ 1, 1, 2, 4 },
462  { 1, 1, 2, 4 }};
464  const float qScale = 1.0f;
465  const int32_t qOffset = 0;
467  // Creates structures for input & output.
468  std::vector<float> inputData{
469  9.0f, 27.0f, 18.0f, 36.0f,
470  18.0f, 9.0f, 18.0f, 9.0f,
471  27.0f, 18.0f, 9.0f, 27.0f,
472  9.0f, 27.0f, 9.0f, 18.0f,
473  };
475  std::vector<float> expectedOutput0{
476  7.0f, 11.0f, 13.0f, 9.0f,
477  7.0f, 11.0f, 13.0f, 9.0f
478  };
480  std::vector<float> expectedOutput1{
481  9.0f, 11.0f, 12.0f, 7.0f,
482  9.0f, 11.0f, 12.0f, 7.0f
483  };
485  // Builds up the structure of the network.
488  TensorInfo inputTensorInfo(inputShape, armnn::DataType::Float32, qScale, qOffset);
490  // Pooling
491  armnn::Pooling2dDescriptor descriptor;
493  descriptor.m_PoolWidth = descriptor.m_PoolHeight = 3;
494  descriptor.m_StrideX = descriptor.m_StrideY = 1;
495  descriptor.m_PadLeft = 1;
496  descriptor.m_PadRight = 1;
497  descriptor.m_PadTop = 1;
498  descriptor.m_PadBottom = 1;
501  // Splitter
502  std::vector<unsigned int> splitterDimSizes(inputShape.GetNumDimensions());
504  // Add current input shape to splitterDimSizes
505  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputShape.GetNumDimensions(); ++i)
506  {
507  splitterDimSizes[i] = inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[i];
508  }
510  if (splitterDimSizes[splitAxis] % numSplit != 0)
511  {
512  throw ParseException("Number of splits must evenly divide the dimension");
513  }
515  splitterDimSizes[splitAxis] /= numSplit;
517  SplitterDescriptor splitDesc(numSplit, inputShape.GetNumDimensions());
519  for (unsigned int g = 0; g < numSplit; ++g)
520  {
521  // Set the size of the views.
522  for (unsigned int dimIdx = 0; dimIdx < splitterDimSizes.size(); ++dimIdx)
523  {
524  splitDesc.SetViewSize(g, dimIdx, splitterDimSizes[dimIdx]);
525  }
526  splitDesc.SetViewOriginCoord(g, splitAxis, splitterDimSizes[splitAxis] * g);
527  }
529  IConnectableLayer* input = net->AddInputLayer(0, "input");
530  IConnectableLayer* pooling2d0 = net->AddPooling2dLayer(descriptor, "pooling2d_0");
531  IConnectableLayer* pooling2d1 = net->AddPooling2dLayer(descriptor, "pooling2d_1");
532  IConnectableLayer* splitter = net->AddSplitterLayer(splitDesc, "splitter");
534  // Connections
535  Connect(input, splitter, inputTensorInfo, 0, 0);
536  Connect(splitter, pooling2d0, intermediateInfo, 0, 0);
537  Connect(splitter, pooling2d1, intermediateInfo, 1, 0);
539  std::vector<IConnectableLayer*> pooling2dLayers{pooling2d0, pooling2d1};
541  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outputShapes.size(); ++i)
542  {
543  TensorInfo outputTensorInfo(outputShapes[i], armnn::DataType::Float32, qScale, qOffset);
544  IConnectableLayer* output = net->AddOutputLayer(boost::numeric_cast<LayerBindingId>(i));
545  Connect(pooling2dLayers[i], output, outputTensorInfo, 0, 0);
546  }
548  std::map<int, std::vector<float>> inputTensorData = {{ 0,inputData }};
549  std::map<int, std::vector<float>> expectedOutputData = {{ 0, expectedOutput0 }, { 1, expectedOutput1 }};
554  std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends = { armnn::Compute::CpuAcc };
555  armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optimizedNet = armnn::Optimize(*net, backends, runtime->GetDeviceSpec());
557  const armnn::Graph& theGraph = static_cast<armnn::OptimizedNetwork*>(optimizedNet.get())->GetGraph();
559  // Load graph into runtime
560  armnn::NetworkId networkIdentifier;
561  runtime->LoadNetwork(networkIdentifier, std::move(optimizedNet));
563  // now check the concat how many sub-tensors it is using..
564  auto TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry = [](armnn::ITensorHandle* const subTensorHandle)
565  {
566  if (subTensorHandle && subTensorHandle->GetParent())
567  {
568  return true;
569  }
570  return false;
571  };
573  for (auto&& layer : theGraph)
574  {
575  if(layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Pooling2d)
576  {
577  unsigned int numberOfSubTensors = 0;
578  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumInputSlots(); ++i)
579  {
580  const armnn::OutputSlot* slot = layer->GetInputSlot(i).GetConnectedOutputSlot();
581  if (TraceSubTensorHandleAncestry(slot->GetOutputHandler().GetData()))
582  {
583  ++numberOfSubTensors;
584  }
585  }
586  // sub-tensors should be supported in this configuration
587  ARMNN_ASSERT(numberOfSubTensors == 0);
588  }
589  }
591  InputTensors inputTensors;
592  inputTensors.reserve(inputTensorData.size());
593  for (auto&& it : inputTensorData)
594  {
595  inputTensors.push_back({it.first,
596  ConstTensor(runtime->GetInputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, it.first),});
597  }
598  OutputTensors outputTensors;
599  outputTensors.reserve(expectedOutputData.size());
600  std::map<int, std::vector<float>> outputStorage;
601  for (auto&& it : expectedOutputData)
602  {
603  std::vector<float> out(it.second.size());
604  outputStorage.emplace(it.first, out);
605  outputTensors.push_back({it.first,
606  Tensor(runtime->GetOutputTensorInfo(networkIdentifier, it.first),
608  }
610  // Does the inference.
611  runtime->EnqueueWorkload(networkIdentifier, inputTensors, outputTensors);
613  // Checks the results.
614  float tolerance = 0.000001f;
615  for (auto&& it : expectedOutputData)
616  {
617  std::vector<float> out =;
618  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i)
619  {
620  BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(Compare<armnn::DataType::Float32>(it.second[i], out[i], tolerance) == true,
621  "Actual output: " << out[i] << ". Expected output:" << it.second[i]);
623  }
624  }
625 }
static IRuntimePtr Create(const CreationOptions &options)
Definition: Runtime.cpp:32
A ViewsDescriptor for the SplitterLayer.
Interface for a layer that is connectable to other layers via InputSlots and OutputSlots.
Definition: INetwork.hpp:61
uint32_t m_PadBottom
Padding bottom value in the height dimension.
uint32_t m_PadLeft
Padding left value in the width dimension.
uint32_t m_PoolWidth
Pooling width value.
std::unique_ptr< IRuntime, void(*)(IRuntime *runtime)> IRuntimePtr
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:25
PaddingMethod m_PaddingMethod
The padding method to be used. (Exclude, IgnoreValue).
uint32_t m_PadTop
Padding top value in the height dimension.
std::vector< std::pair< LayerBindingId, class ConstTensor > > InputTensors
Definition: Tensor.hpp:324
int NetworkId
Definition: IRuntime.hpp:20
Copyright (c) 2020 ARM Limited.
uint32_t m_StrideX
Stride value when proceeding through input for the width dimension.
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and a mutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:290
uint32_t m_PoolHeight
Pooling height value.
uint32_t m_PadRight
Padding right value in the width dimension.
IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork &network, const std::vector< BackendId > &backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec &deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions &options=OptimizerOptions(), Optional< std::vector< std::string > &> messages=EmptyOptional())
Create an optimized version of the network.
Definition: Network.cpp:1014
Status SetViewSize(uint32_t view, uint32_t coord, uint32_t value)
Set the size of the views.
A tensor defined by a TensorInfo (shape and data type) and an immutable backing store.
Definition: Tensor.hpp:298
std::vector< std::pair< LayerBindingId, class Tensor > > OutputTensors
Definition: Tensor.hpp:325
std::unique_ptr< IOptimizedNetwork, void(*)(IOptimizedNetwork *network)> IOptimizedNetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:593
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
ITensorHandle * GetData() const
Gets the allocated tensor memory.
PoolingAlgorithm m_PoolType
The pooling algorithm to use (Max. Average, L2).
The padding fields count, but are ignored.
CPU Execution: NEON: ArmCompute.
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const
Function that returns the tensor rank.
Definition: Tensor.cpp:175
const OutputHandler & GetOutputHandler() const
Definition: Layer.hpp:119
void Connect(armnn::IConnectableLayer *from, armnn::IConnectableLayer *to, const armnn::TensorInfo &tensorInfo, unsigned int fromIndex, unsigned int toIndex)
Definition: TestUtils.cpp:12
std::unique_ptr< INetwork, void(*)(INetwork *network)> INetworkPtr
Definition: INetwork.hpp:101
A Pooling2dDescriptor for the Pooling2dLayer.
static INetworkPtr Create(NetworkOptions networkOptions={})
Definition: Network.cpp:50
uint32_t m_StrideY
Stride value when proceeding through input for the height dimension.


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( NeonTensorHandleFactoryMemoryManaged  )

Definition at line 627 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References NeonTensorHandleFactory::CreateTensorHandle(), armnn::Float32, armnn::info, armnn::Malloc, and BaseMemoryManager::Offset.

628 {
629  std::shared_ptr<NeonMemoryManager> memoryManager = std::make_shared<NeonMemoryManager>(
630  std::make_unique<arm_compute::Allocator>(),
632  NeonTensorHandleFactory handleFactory(memoryManager);
633  TensorInfo info({ 1, 1, 2, 1 }, DataType::Float32);
635  // create TensorHandle with memory managed
636  auto handle = handleFactory.CreateTensorHandle(info, true);
637  handle->Manage();
638  handle->Allocate();
640  memoryManager->Acquire();
641  {
642  float* buffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(handle->Map());
643  BOOST_CHECK(buffer != nullptr); // Yields a valid pointer
644  buffer[0] = 1.5f;
645  buffer[1] = 2.5f;
646  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[0] == 1.5f); // Memory is writable and readable
647  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[1] == 2.5f); // Memory is writable and readable
648  }
649  memoryManager->Release();
651  memoryManager->Acquire();
652  {
653  float* buffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(handle->Map());
654  BOOST_CHECK(buffer != nullptr); // Yields a valid pointer
655  buffer[0] = 3.5f;
656  buffer[1] = 4.5f;
657  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[0] == 3.5f); // Memory is writable and readable
658  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[1] == 4.5f); // Memory is writable and readable
659  }
660  memoryManager->Release();
662  float testPtr[2] = { 2.5f, 5.5f };
663  // Cannot import as import is disabled
664  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(handle->Import(static_cast<void*>(testPtr), MemorySource::Malloc), MemoryImportException);
665 }
unsigned int Offset(const TensorShape &shape, unsigned int batch, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, unsigned int channels, const DataLayoutIndexed &dataLayout)


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( NeonTensorHandleFactoryImport  )

Definition at line 667 of file NeonTensorHandleTests.cpp.

References BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END(), NeonTensorHandleFactory::CreateTensorHandle(), armnn::Float32, armnn::info, armnn::Malloc, and BaseMemoryManager::Offset.

668 {
669  std::shared_ptr<NeonMemoryManager> memoryManager = std::make_shared<NeonMemoryManager>(
670  std::make_unique<arm_compute::Allocator>(),
672  NeonTensorHandleFactory handleFactory(memoryManager);
673  TensorInfo info({ 1, 1, 2, 1 }, DataType::Float32);
675  // create TensorHandle without memory managed
676  auto handle = handleFactory.CreateTensorHandle(info, false);
677  handle->Manage();
678  handle->Allocate();
679  memoryManager->Acquire();
681  // No buffer allocated when import is enabled
682  BOOST_CHECK((PolymorphicDowncast<NeonTensorHandle*>(handle.get()))->GetTensor().buffer() == nullptr);
684  float testPtr[2] = { 2.5f, 5.5f };
685  // Correctly import
686  BOOST_CHECK(handle->Import(static_cast<void*>(testPtr), MemorySource::Malloc));
687  float* buffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(handle->Map());
688  BOOST_CHECK(buffer != nullptr); // Yields a valid pointer after import
689  BOOST_CHECK(buffer == testPtr); // buffer is pointing to testPtr
690  // Memory is writable and readable with correct value
691  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[0] == 2.5f);
692  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[1] == 5.5f);
693  buffer[0] = 3.5f;
694  buffer[1] = 10.0f;
695  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[0] == 3.5f);
696  BOOST_CHECK(buffer[1] == 10.0f);
697  memoryManager->Release();
698 }
unsigned int Offset(const TensorShape &shape, unsigned int batch, unsigned int height, unsigned int width, unsigned int channels, const DataLayoutIndexed &dataLayout)