QuantizerVisitor Class Reference

Visitor object for quantizing layers in a network. More...

#include <QuantizerVisitor.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for QuantizerVisitor:
LayerVisitorBase< VisitorThrowingPolicy > ILayerVisitor

Public Member Functions

 QuantizerVisitor (const RangeTracker &rangeTracker, const IQuantizationScheme *quantizationScheme, bool preserveType=false)
 ~QuantizerVisitor ()=default
void VisitAbsLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Functions to quantize the individual layers, overridden from ILayerVisitor. More...
void VisitActivationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ActivationDescriptor &activationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that an activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitAdditionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that an addition layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitArgMinMaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ArgMinMaxDescriptor &argMinMaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that an arg min max layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitBatchNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const BatchNormalizationDescriptor &desc, const ConstTensor &mean, const ConstTensor &variance, const ConstTensor &beta, const ConstTensor &gamma, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a batch normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitBatchToSpaceNdLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor &batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a batch to space ND layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitComparisonLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ComparisonDescriptor &comparisonDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a Comparison layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConcatLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const OriginsDescriptor &originsDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a concat layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConstantLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ConstTensor &input, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a 2D convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDepthToSpaceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const DepthToSpaceDescriptor &depthToSpaceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a depth to space layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &desc, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a 2D depthwise convolution layer with biases should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a ElementwiseUnary layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitFullyConnectedLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const FullyConnectedDescriptor &desc, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a fully connected layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitInputLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, LayerBindingId id, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that an InputLayer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitInstanceNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor &instanceNormalizationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that an instance normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitLogSoftmaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const LogSoftmaxDescriptor &logSoftmaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a log softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMeanLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const MeanDescriptor &meanDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a Mean layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMultiplicationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a multiplication layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const NormalizationDescriptor &normalizationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitOutputLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, LayerBindingId id, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function an output layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPadLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const PadDescriptor &, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a pad layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPermuteLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const PermuteDescriptor &permuteDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a permute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPooling2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const Pooling2dDescriptor &pooling2dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a pooling layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPreluLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a PReLU activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitReshapeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ReshapeDescriptor &reshapeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a reshape layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitResizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ResizeDescriptor &resizeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a resize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitResizeBilinearLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ResizeBilinearDescriptor &resizeDesc, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a resize bilinear layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitRsqrtLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a Reciprocal of square root layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSliceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const SliceDescriptor &sliceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSoftmaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const SoftmaxDescriptor &softmaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSpaceToBatchNdLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor &spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a space to batch layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSpaceToDepthLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const SpaceToDepthDescriptor &spaceToDepthDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a space to depth layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSplitterLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const SplitterDescriptor &splitterDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a splitter layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStackLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const StackDescriptor &stackDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a stack layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStridedSliceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const StridedSliceDescriptor &stridedSliceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a strided slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSubtractionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function a subtraction layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitTransposeConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a 2D transpose convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitTransposeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *layer, const TransposeDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
 Function that a transpose layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
INetworkPtr RetrieveFinalNetwork ()
 Extract the quantized network. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LayerVisitorBase< VisitorThrowingPolicy >
void VisitAbsLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function an absolute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitActivationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ActivationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitAdditionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that an addition layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitArgMinMaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ArgMinMaxDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an arg min max layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitBatchNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const BatchNormalizationDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const ConstTensor &, const ConstTensor &, const ConstTensor &, const char *) override
 Function that a batch normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitBatchToSpaceNdLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a batch to space ND layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitComparisonLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ComparisonDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a Comparison layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConcatLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ConcatDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a concat layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConstantLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ConstTensor &, const char *) override
 Function a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const Convolution2dDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a 2D convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDepthToSpaceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const DepthToSpaceDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a depth to space layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a 2D depthwise convolution layer with biases should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDequantizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a Dequantize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDetectionPostProcessLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const char *) override
 Function that a Detection PostProcess layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitDivisionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a division layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a ElementwiseUnary layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitEqualLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function an Equal layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitFloorLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a floor layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitFullyConnectedLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const FullyConnectedDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a fully connected layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitGatherLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Gather layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitGreaterLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Greater layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitInputLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, LayerBindingId, const char *) override
 Function that an InputLayer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitInstanceNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an instance normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitL2NormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const L2NormalizationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that an L2 normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitLogSoftmaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const LogSoftmaxDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a log softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitLstmLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const LstmDescriptor &, const LstmInputParams &, const char *) override
 Function an Lstm layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMaximumLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Maximum layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMeanLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const MeanDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a Mean layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMergeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a merge layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMergerLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const MergerDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a merger layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMinimumLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Minimum layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitMultiplicationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a multiplication layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitNormalizationLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const NormalizationDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitOutputLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, LayerBindingId, const char *) override
 Function an output layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPadLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const PadDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a pad layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPermuteLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const PermuteDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a permute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPooling2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const Pooling2dDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a pooling layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitPreluLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function that a PReLU activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitQuantizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a quantize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitQLstmLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const QLstmDescriptor &, const LstmInputParams &, const char *) override
 Function a QLstm layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitQuantizedLstmLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const QuantizedLstmInputParams &, const char *) override
 Function a QuantizedLstm layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitReshapeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ReshapeDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a reshape layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitResizeBilinearLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ResizeBilinearDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a resize bilinear layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitResizeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ResizeDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a resize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitRsqrtLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a Reciprocal of square root layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSliceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SliceDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSoftmaxLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SoftmaxDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSpaceToBatchNdLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a space to batch layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSpaceToDepthLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const SpaceToDepthDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a space to depth layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSplitterLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const ViewsDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a splitter layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStackLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const StackDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a stack layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStandInLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const StandInDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a StandInLayer should call back to when its Accept(ILaterVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitStridedSliceLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const StridedSliceDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function a strided slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSubtractionLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a subtraction layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitSwitchLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const char *) override
 Function a switch layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitTransposeConvolution2dLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor &, const ConstTensor &, const Optional< ConstTensor > &, const char *) override
 Function that a 2D transpose convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
void VisitTransposeLayer (const IConnectableLayer *, const TransposeDescriptor &, const char *) override
 Function that a transpose layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILayerVisitor
virtual void StartVisit ()
virtual void FinishVisit ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from LayerVisitorBase< VisitorThrowingPolicy >
 LayerVisitorBase ()
virtual ~LayerVisitorBase ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ILayerVisitor
 ILayerVisitor ()
virtual ~ILayerVisitor ()

Detailed Description

Visitor object for quantizing layers in a network.

Definition at line 25 of file QuantizerVisitor.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QuantizerVisitor()

◆ ~QuantizerVisitor()

~QuantizerVisitor ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ RetrieveFinalNetwork()

INetworkPtr RetrieveFinalNetwork ( )

Extract the quantized network.

Definition at line 195 of file QuantizerVisitor.hpp.

195 { return std::move(m_QuantizedNetwork); }

◆ VisitAbsLayer()

void VisitAbsLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Functions to quantize the individual layers, overridden from ILayerVisitor.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 118 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::Abs, and QuantizerVisitor::VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer().

119 {
120  VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer(layer, ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor(UnaryOperation::Abs), name);
121 }
void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer(const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
Function a ElementwiseUnary layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is inv...

◆ VisitActivationLayer()

void VisitActivationLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ActivationDescriptor activationDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that an activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
activationDescriptor- ActivationDescriptor to configure the activation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 123 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

126 {
127  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddActivationLayer(activationDescriptor, name);
128  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
129  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
130 }

◆ VisitAdditionLayer()

void VisitAdditionLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that an addition layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 132 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

133 {
134  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddAdditionLayer(name);
135  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
136  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
137 }

◆ VisitArgMinMaxLayer()

void VisitArgMinMaxLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ArgMinMaxDescriptor argMinMaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that an arg min max layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
argMinMaxDescriptor- ArgMinMaxDescriptor to configure the activation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 139 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

142 {
143  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddArgMinMaxLayer(argMinMaxDescriptor, name);
144  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
145  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
146 }

◆ VisitBatchNormalizationLayer()

void VisitBatchNormalizationLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const BatchNormalizationDescriptor desc,
const ConstTensor mean,
const ConstTensor variance,
const ConstTensor beta,
const ConstTensor gamma,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a batch normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
mean- Pre-calculated mean for each channel.
variance- Pre-calculated variance for each channel.
beta- Per-channel additive factor.
gamma- Per-channel multiplicative factor.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 148 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::CreateQuantizedConst().

155 {
156  std::vector<uint8_t> meanBacking;
157  ConstTensor qMean = CreateQuantizedConst(mean, meanBacking);
159  std::vector<uint8_t> varianceBacking;
160  ConstTensor qVariance = CreateQuantizedConst(variance, varianceBacking);
162  std::vector<uint8_t> betaBacking;
163  ConstTensor qBeta = CreateQuantizedConst(beta, betaBacking);
165  std::vector<uint8_t> gammaBacking;
166  ConstTensor qGamma = CreateQuantizedConst(gamma, gammaBacking);
168  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddBatchNormalizationLayer(desc,
169  qMean,
170  qVariance,
171  qBeta,
172  qGamma,
173  name);
175  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
176  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
177 }
ConstTensor CreateQuantizedConst(const ConstTensor &tensor, std::vector< uint8_t > &backing)

◆ VisitBatchToSpaceNdLayer()

void VisitBatchToSpaceNdLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor batchToSpaceNdDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a batch to space ND layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
batchToSpaceNdDescriptor- Description of the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 179 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

182 {
183  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer(batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, name);
184  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
185  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
186 }

◆ VisitComparisonLayer()

void VisitComparisonLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ComparisonDescriptor comparisonDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a Comparison layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
comparisonDescriptor- Description of the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 188 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

191 {
192  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddComparisonLayer(comparisonDescriptor, name);
193  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
194  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
195 }

◆ VisitConcatLayer()

void VisitConcatLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const OriginsDescriptor concatDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a concat layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
concatDescriptor- ConcatDescriptor (synonym for OriginsDescriptor) to configure the concatenation process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the second input, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.

Reimplemented from ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 197 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

200 {
201  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddConcatLayer(originsDescriptor, name);
202  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
203  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
204 }

◆ VisitConstantLayer()

void VisitConstantLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ConstTensor input,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
input- Tensor to be provided as the only output of the layer. The layer will maintain its own copy of the tensor data, meaning the memory referenced by input can be freed or reused after this function is called.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 206 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::CreateQuantizedConst().

209 {
210  std::vector<uint8_t> inputBacking;
211  ConstTensor qInput = CreateQuantizedConst(input, inputBacking);
213  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddConstantLayer(qInput, name);
214  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
215 }
ConstTensor CreateQuantizedConst(const ConstTensor &tensor, std::vector< uint8_t > &backing)

◆ VisitConvolution2dLayer()

void VisitConvolution2dLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a 2D convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 217 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::CreateQuantizedConst(), and OptionalBase::has_value().

222 {
223  std::vector<uint8_t> weightsBacking;
224  ConstTensor qWeights = CreateQuantizedConst(weights, weightsBacking);
225  Optional<ConstTensor> optionalQBiases;
226  std::vector<int32_t> biasesBacking;
228  if (biases.has_value())
229  {
230  ConstTensor qBiases = CreateQuantizedBias(layer, qWeights, biases, biasesBacking);
231  optionalQBiases = Optional<ConstTensor>(qBiases);
232  }
234  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddConvolution2dLayer(convolution2dDescriptor,
235  qWeights,
236  optionalQBiases,
237  name);
239  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
240  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
241 }
ConstTensor CreateQuantizedConst(const ConstTensor &tensor, std::vector< uint8_t > &backing)

◆ VisitDepthToSpaceLayer()

void VisitDepthToSpaceLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const DepthToSpaceDescriptor depthToSpaceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a depth to space layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
depthToSpaceDescriptor- Parameters for the depth to space operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 243 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

246 {
247  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddDepthToSpaceLayer(descriptor, name);
248  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
249  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
250 }

◆ VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer()

void VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a 2D depthwise convolution layer with biases should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D depthwise convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights. Expected format: [channelMultiplier, inputChannels, height, width].
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 252 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::CreateQuantizedConst(), and OptionalBase::has_value().

257 {
258  std::vector<uint8_t> weightsBacking;
259  ConstTensor qWeights = CreateQuantizedConst(weights, weightsBacking);
260  Optional<ConstTensor> optionalQBiases;
261  std::vector<int32_t> biasesBacking;
263  if (biases.has_value())
264  {
265  ConstTensor qBiases = CreateQuantizedBias(layer, qWeights, biases, biasesBacking);
266  optionalQBiases = Optional<ConstTensor>(qBiases);
267  }
269  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(desc,
270  qWeights,
271  optionalQBiases,
272  name);
274  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
275  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
276 }
ConstTensor CreateQuantizedConst(const ConstTensor &tensor, std::vector< uint8_t > &backing)

◆ VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer()

void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor elementwiseUnaryDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a ElementwiseUnary layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
elementwiseUnaryDescriptor- Description of the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 278 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

Referenced by QuantizerVisitor::VisitAbsLayer(), and QuantizerVisitor::VisitRsqrtLayer().

281 {
282  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddElementwiseUnaryLayer(elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, name);
283  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
284  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
285 }

◆ VisitFullyConnectedLayer()

void VisitFullyConnectedLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a fully connected layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
fullyConnectedDescriptor- Description of the fully connected layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 287 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::CreateQuantizedConst(), and OptionalBase::has_value().

292 {
293  std::vector<uint8_t> weightsBacking;
294  ConstTensor qWeights = CreateQuantizedConst(weights, weightsBacking);
295  Optional<ConstTensor> optionalQBiases;
296  std::vector<int32_t> biasesBacking;
298  if (biases.has_value())
299  {
300  ConstTensor qBiases = CreateQuantizedBias(layer, qWeights, biases, biasesBacking);
301  optionalQBiases = Optional<ConstTensor>(qBiases);
302  }
304  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddFullyConnectedLayer(desc,
305  qWeights,
306  optionalQBiases,
307  name);
309  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
310  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
311 }
ConstTensor CreateQuantizedConst(const ConstTensor &tensor, std::vector< uint8_t > &backing)

◆ VisitInputLayer()

void VisitInputLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
LayerBindingId  id,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that an InputLayer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
id- User generated id to uniquely identify a particular input. The same id needs to be specified when passing the inputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 313 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References IOutputSlot::Connect(), armnn::Float16, armnn::Float32, TensorInfo::GetDataType(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), IOutputSlot::GetTensorInfo(), and IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

314 {
315  const DataType dataType = layer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo().GetDataType();
316  IConnectableLayer* inputLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddInputLayer(id, name);
318  if (m_PreserveType && (dataType == DataType::Float32 || dataType == DataType::Float16))
319  {
320  IConnectableLayer* quantizeLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddQuantizeLayer();
321  inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(quantizeLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
322  inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(layer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo());
323  RecordLayer(layer, quantizeLayer);
324  }
325  else
326  {
327  RecordLayer(layer, inputLayer);
328  }
329 }
Definition: Types.hpp:32

◆ VisitInstanceNormalizationLayer()

void VisitInstanceNormalizationLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that an instance normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
desc- Parameters for the instance normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 331 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

334 {
335  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddInstanceNormalizationLayer(descriptor, name);
336  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
337  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
338 }

◆ VisitLogSoftmaxLayer()

void VisitLogSoftmaxLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const LogSoftmaxDescriptor logSoftmaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a log softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
logSoftmaxDescriptor- LogSoftmaxDescriptor to configure the log softmax.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 340 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

343 {
344  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddLogSoftmaxLayer(logSoftmaxDescriptor, name);
345  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
346  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
347 }

◆ VisitMeanLayer()

void VisitMeanLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const MeanDescriptor meanDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a Mean layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
meanDescriptor- Parameters for the mean operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 349 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

352 {
353  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddMeanLayer(meanDescriptor, name);
354  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
355  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
356 }

◆ VisitMultiplicationLayer()

void VisitMultiplicationLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a multiplication layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 358 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

360 {
361  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddMultiplicationLayer(name);
362  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
363  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
364 }

◆ VisitNormalizationLayer()

void VisitNormalizationLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const NormalizationDescriptor normalizationDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a normalization layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
normalizationDescriptor- NormalizationDescriptor to configure the normalization.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 366 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

369 {
370  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddNormalizationLayer(normalizationDescriptor, name);
371  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
372  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
373 }

◆ VisitOutputLayer()

void VisitOutputLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
LayerBindingId  id,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function an output layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
id- User generated id to uniquely identify a particular output. The same id needs to be specified when passing the outputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 375 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References IOutputSlot::Connect(), armnn::Float16, armnn::Float32, IInputSlot::GetConnection(), TensorInfo::GetDataType(), IConnectableLayer::GetInputSlot(), IConnectableLayer::GetOutputSlot(), IOutputSlot::GetTensorInfo(), armnn::info, and IOutputSlot::SetTensorInfo().

376 {
377  const TensorInfo& info = layer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo();
378  const DataType& dataType = info.GetDataType();
379  IConnectableLayer* outputLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddOutputLayer(id, name);
381  if (m_PreserveType && (dataType == DataType::Float32 || dataType == DataType::Float16))
382  {
383  IConnectableLayer* dequantizeLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddDequantizeLayer();
384  RecordLayer(layer, dequantizeLayer);
385  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, dequantizeLayer);
386  dequantizeLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
387  dequantizeLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(info);
388  }
389  else
390  {
391  RecordLayer(layer, outputLayer);
392  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, outputLayer);
393  }
394 }
Definition: Types.hpp:32

◆ VisitPadLayer()

void VisitPadLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const PadDescriptor padDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a pad layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
paddings- n by 2 tensor, where n is the rank of the input tensor, such that paddings[i,0] indicates the amount of padding to add in front of dimension i, and paddings[i,1] indicates the amount of padding to add after the end of dimension i
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 396 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

399 {
400  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddPadLayer(padDescriptor, name);
401  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
402  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
403 }

◆ VisitPermuteLayer()

void VisitPermuteLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const PermuteDescriptor permuteDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a permute layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
permuteDescriptor- PermuteDescriptor to configure the permute.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 405 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

408 {
409  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddPermuteLayer(permuteDescriptor, name);
410  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
411  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
412 }

◆ VisitPooling2dLayer()

void VisitPooling2dLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const Pooling2dDescriptor pooling2dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a pooling layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
pooling2dDescriptor- Pooling2dDescriptor to configure the pooling.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 414 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

417 {
418  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddPooling2dLayer(pooling2dDescriptor, name);
419  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
420  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
421 }

◆ VisitPreluLayer()

void VisitPreluLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a PReLU activation layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 423 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

425 {
426  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddPreluLayer(name);
427  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
428  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
429 }

◆ VisitReshapeLayer()

void VisitReshapeLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ReshapeDescriptor reshapeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a reshape layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
reshapeDescriptor- Parameters for the reshape operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 431 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

434 {
435  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddReshapeLayer(reshapeDescriptor, name);
436  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
437  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
438 }

◆ VisitResizeBilinearLayer()

void VisitResizeBilinearLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ResizeBilinearDescriptor resizeDesc,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a resize bilinear layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
resizeDesc- Parameters for the resize operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 440 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::Bilinear, ResizeBilinearDescriptor::m_DataLayout, ResizeDescriptor::m_DataLayout, ResizeDescriptor::m_Method, ResizeBilinearDescriptor::m_TargetHeight, ResizeDescriptor::m_TargetHeight, ResizeBilinearDescriptor::m_TargetWidth, ResizeDescriptor::m_TargetWidth, and QuantizerVisitor::VisitResizeLayer().

443 {
444  ResizeDescriptor resizeDescriptor;
445  resizeDescriptor.m_Method = ResizeMethod::Bilinear;
446  resizeDescriptor.m_TargetWidth = resizeBilinearDescriptor.m_TargetWidth;
447  resizeDescriptor.m_TargetHeight = resizeBilinearDescriptor.m_TargetHeight;
448  resizeDescriptor.m_DataLayout = resizeBilinearDescriptor.m_DataLayout;
450  VisitResizeLayer(layer, resizeDescriptor, name);
451 }
void VisitResizeLayer(const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ResizeDescriptor &resizeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
Function that a resize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked...

◆ VisitResizeLayer()

void VisitResizeLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const ResizeDescriptor resizeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a resize layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
resizeDescriptor- Parameters for the resize operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 453 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

Referenced by QuantizerVisitor::VisitResizeBilinearLayer().

456 {
457  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddResizeLayer(resizeDescriptor, name);
458  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
459  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
460 }

◆ VisitRsqrtLayer()

void VisitRsqrtLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a Reciprocal of square root layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 462 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::Rsqrt, and QuantizerVisitor::VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer().

463 {
464  VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer(layer, ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor(UnaryOperation::Rsqrt), name);
465 }
void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer(const IConnectableLayer *layer, const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr) override
Function a ElementwiseUnary layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is inv...

◆ VisitSliceLayer()

void VisitSliceLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const SliceDescriptor sliceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
sliceDescriptor- SliceDescriptor to configure the slice operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 467 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

470 {
471  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddSliceLayer(sliceDescriptor, name);
472  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
473  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
474 }

◆ VisitSoftmaxLayer()

void VisitSoftmaxLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const SoftmaxDescriptor softmaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a softmax layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
softmaxDescriptor- SoftmaxDescriptor to configure the softmax.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 476 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

479 {
480  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddSoftmaxLayer(softmaxDescriptor, name);
481  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
482  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
483 }

◆ VisitSpaceToBatchNdLayer()

void VisitSpaceToBatchNdLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor spaceToBatchNdDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a space to batch layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
spaceToBatchNdDescriptor- Parameters for the space to batch operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 485 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

488 {
489  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer(spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, name);
490  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
491  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
492 }

◆ VisitSpaceToDepthLayer()

void VisitSpaceToDepthLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const SpaceToDepthDescriptor spaceToDepthDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a space to depth layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
spaceToDepthDescriptor- Parameters for the space to depth operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 494 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

497 {
498  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddSpaceToDepthLayer(spaceToDepthDescriptor, name);
499  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
500  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
501 }

◆ VisitSplitterLayer()

void VisitSplitterLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const SplitterDescriptor splitterDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a splitter layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
splitterDescriptor- ViewsDescriptor to configure the splitting process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of outputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first output, second view to the second output, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 503 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

506 {
507  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddSplitterLayer(splitterDescriptor, name);
508  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
509  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
510 }

◆ VisitStackLayer()

void VisitStackLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const StackDescriptor stackDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a stack layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
stackDescriptor- Parameters for the stack operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 512 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

515 {
516  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddStackLayer(stackDescriptor, name);
517  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
518  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
519 }

◆ VisitStridedSliceLayer()

void VisitStridedSliceLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const StridedSliceDescriptor stridedSliceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a strided slice layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
stridedSliceDescriptor- Parameters for the strided slice operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 521 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

524 {
525  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddStridedSliceLayer(stridedSliceDescriptor, name);
526  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
527  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
528 }

◆ VisitSubtractionLayer()

void VisitSubtractionLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function a subtraction layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 530 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

532 {
533  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddSubtractionLayer(name);
534  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
535  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
536 }

◆ VisitTransposeConvolution2dLayer()

void VisitTransposeConvolution2dLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a 2D transpose convolution layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
descriptor- Description of the 2D transpose convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 538 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

References armnn::CreateQuantizedConst(), and OptionalBase::has_value().

543 {
544  // quantize weights
545  std::vector<uint8_t> weightsBacking;
546  ConstTensor qWeights = CreateQuantizedConst(weights, weightsBacking);
548  // quantize biases
549  std::vector<int32_t> biasesBacking;
550  Optional<ConstTensor> optionalQBiases;
551  if (biases.has_value())
552  {
553  ConstTensor qBiases = CreateQuantizedBias(layer, qWeights, biases, biasesBacking);
554  optionalQBiases = Optional<ConstTensor>(qBiases);
555  }
557  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer(descriptor,
558  qWeights,
559  optionalQBiases,
560  name);
562  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
563  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
564 }
ConstTensor CreateQuantizedConst(const ConstTensor &tensor, std::vector< uint8_t > &backing)

◆ VisitTransposeLayer()

void VisitTransposeLayer ( const IConnectableLayer layer,
const TransposeDescriptor transposeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 

Function that a transpose layer should call back to when its Accept(ILayerVisitor&) function is invoked.

layer- pointer to the layer which is calling back to this visit function.
transposeDescriptor- TransposeDescriptor to configure the transpose.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implements ILayerVisitor.

Definition at line 566 of file QuantizerVisitor.cpp.

569 {
570  IConnectableLayer* newLayer = m_QuantizedNetwork->AddTransposeLayer(transposeDescriptor, name);
571  RecordLayer(layer, newLayer);
572  SetQuantizedInputConnections(layer, newLayer);
573 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: