Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4 //
8 #include "../Deserializer.hpp"
10 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
12 #include <string>
14 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Deserializer)
16 struct SliceFixture : public ParserFlatbuffersSerializeFixture
17 {
18  explicit SliceFixture(const std::string& inputShape,
19  const std::string& outputShape,
20  const std::string& begin,
21  const std::string& size,
22  const std::string& dataType)
23  {
24  m_JsonString = R"(
25  {
26  inputIds: [0],
27  outputIds: [2],
28  layers: [
29  {
30  layer_type: "InputLayer",
31  layer: {
32  base: {
33  layerBindingId: 0,
34  base: {
35  index: 0,
36  layerName: "InputLayer",
37  layerType: "Input",
38  inputSlots: [{
39  index: 0,
40  connection: {sourceLayerIndex:0, outputSlotIndex:0 },
41  }],
42  outputSlots: [{
43  index: 0,
44  tensorInfo: {
45  dimensions: )" + inputShape + R"(,
46  dataType: )" + dataType + R"(
47  }
48  }]
49  }
50  }
51  }
52  },
53  {
54  layer_type: "SliceLayer",
55  layer: {
56  base: {
57  index: 1,
58  layerName: "SliceLayer",
59  layerType: "Slice",
60  inputSlots: [{
61  index: 0,
62  connection: {sourceLayerIndex:0, outputSlotIndex:0 },
63  }],
64  outputSlots: [{
65  index: 0,
66  tensorInfo: {
67  dimensions: )" + outputShape + R"(,
68  dataType: )" + dataType + R"(
69  }
70  }]
71  },
72  descriptor: {
73  begin: )" + begin + R"(,
74  size: )" + size + R"(,
75  }
76  }
77  },
78  {
79  layer_type: "OutputLayer",
80  layer: {
81  base:{
82  layerBindingId: 2,
83  base: {
84  index: 2,
85  layerName: "OutputLayer",
86  layerType: "Output",
87  inputSlots: [{
88  index: 0,
89  connection: {sourceLayerIndex:1, outputSlotIndex:0 },
90  }],
91  outputSlots: [{
92  index: 0,
93  tensorInfo: {
94  dimensions: )" + outputShape + R"(,
95  dataType: )" + dataType + R"(
96  },
97  }],
98  }
99  }
100  },
101  }
102  ]
103  }
104  )";
105  SetupSingleInputSingleOutput("InputLayer", "OutputLayer");
106  }
107 };
109 struct SimpleSliceFixture : SliceFixture
110 {
111  SimpleSliceFixture() : SliceFixture("[ 3, 2, 3, 5 ]", // input shape
112  "[ 2, 1, 2, 3 ]", // output shape
113  "[ 1, 0, 1, 2 ]", // begin
114  "[ 2, 1, 2, 3 ]", // size
115  "Float32") {} // data type
116 };
118 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SimpleSliceFloat32, SimpleSliceFixture)
119 {
120  RunTest<4, armnn::DataType::Float32>(
121  0,
122  {
123  0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f,
124  5.f, 6.f, 7.f, 8.f, 9.f,
125  10.f, 11.f, 12.f, 13.f, 14.f,
127  15.f, 16.f, 17.f, 18.f, 19.f,
128  20.f, 21.f, 22.f, 23.f, 24.f,
129  25.f, 26.f, 27.f, 28.f, 29.f,
132  30.f, 31.f, 32.f, 33.f, 34.f,
133  35.f, 36.f, 37.f, 38.f, 39.f,
134  40.f, 41.f, 42.f, 43.f, 44.f,
136  45.f, 46.f, 47.f, 48.f, 49.f,
137  50.f, 51.f, 52.f, 53.f, 54.f,
138  55.f, 56.f, 57.f, 58.f, 59.f,
141  60.f, 61.f, 62.f, 63.f, 64.f,
142  65.f, 66.f, 67.f, 68.f, 69.f,
143  70.f, 71.f, 72.f, 73.f, 74.f,
145  75.f, 76.f, 77.f, 78.f, 79.f,
146  80.f, 81.f, 82.f, 83.f, 84.f,
147  85.f, 86.f, 87.f, 88.f, 89.f
148  },
149  {
150  37.f, 38.f, 39.f,
151  42.f, 43.f, 44.f,
153  67.f, 68.f, 69.f,
154  72.f, 73.f, 74.f
155  });
156 }
void SetupSingleInputSingleOutput(const std::string &inputName, const std::string &outputName)
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(SimpleSliceFloat32, SimpleSliceFixture)