path: root/1.0
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1.0')
3 files changed, 17 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/1.0/ArmnnDriver.hpp b/1.0/ArmnnDriver.hpp
index 83484ca9..18e25968 100644
--- a/1.0/ArmnnDriver.hpp
+++ b/1.0/ArmnnDriver.hpp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
#include <HalInterfaces.h>
-#include "ArmnnDriverImpl.hpp"
#include "ArmnnDevice.hpp"
+#include "../ArmnnDriverImpl.hpp"
#include <log/log.h>
@@ -29,36 +29,44 @@ public:
Return<void> getCapabilities(
- ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getCapabilities_cb cb)
+ ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getCapabilities_cb cb) override
- return ArmnnDriverImpl::getCapabilities(m_Runtime, cb);
+ return armnn_driver::ArmnnDriverImpl<HalVersion_1_0>::getCapabilities(m_Runtime,
+ cb);
Return<void> getSupportedOperations(
const ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model& model,
- ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getSupportedOperations_cb cb)
+ ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getSupportedOperations_cb cb) override
- return ArmnnDriverImpl::getSupportedOperations(m_Runtime, m_Options, model, cb);
+ return armnn_driver::ArmnnDriverImpl<HalVersion_1_0>::getSupportedOperations(m_Runtime,
+ m_Options,
+ model,
+ cb);
Return<ErrorStatus> prepareModel(
const ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model& model,
- const android::sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& cb)
+ const android::sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& cb) override
- return ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel(m_Runtime, m_ClTunedParameters, m_Options, model, cb);
+ return armnn_driver::ArmnnDriverImpl<HalVersion_1_0>::prepareModel(m_Runtime,
+ m_ClTunedParameters,
+ m_Options,
+ model,
+ cb);
- Return<DeviceStatus> getStatus()
+ Return<DeviceStatus> getStatus() override
- return ArmnnDriverImpl::getStatus();
+ return armnn_driver::ArmnnDriverImpl<HalVersion_1_0>::getStatus();
diff --git a/1.0/ArmnnDriverImpl.cpp b/1.0/ArmnnDriverImpl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a4f2e3..00000000
--- a/1.0/ArmnnDriverImpl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
-#include "ArmnnDriverImpl.hpp"
-#include "ModelToINetworkConverter.hpp"
-#include "ArmnnPreparedModel.hpp"
-#include "SystemPropertiesUtils.hpp"
-#if defined(ARMNN_ANDROID_P)
-// The headers of the ML framework have changed between Android O and Android P.
-// The validation functions have been moved into their own header, ValidateHal.h.
-#include <ValidateHal.h>
-#include <log/log.h>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace android;
-using namespace android::nn;
-using namespace android::hardware;
-const char *g_Float32PerformanceExecTimeName = "ArmNN.float32Performance.execTime";
-const char *g_Float32PerformancePowerUsageName = "ArmNN.float32Performance.powerUsage";
-const char *g_Quantized8PerformanceExecTimeName = "ArmNN.quantized8Performance.execTime";
-const char *g_Quantized8PerformancePowerUsageName = "ArmNN.quantized8Performance.powerUsage";
-void NotifyCallbackAndCheck(const sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& callback,
- ErrorStatus errorStatus,
- const sp<IPreparedModel>& preparedModelPtr)
- Return<void> returned = callback->notify(errorStatus, preparedModelPtr);
- // This check is required, if the callback fails and it isn't checked it will bring down the service
- if (!returned.isOk())
- {
- ALOGE("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: hidl callback failed to return properly: %s ",
- returned.description().c_str());
- }
-Return<ErrorStatus> FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus error,
- const string& message,
- const sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& callback)
- ALOGW("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: %s", message.c_str());
- NotifyCallbackAndCheck(callback, error, nullptr);
- return error;
-} // namespace
-namespace armnn_driver
-namespace V1_0
-Return<void> ArmnnDriverImpl::getCapabilities(
- const armnn::IRuntimePtr& runtime,
- neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getCapabilities_cb cb)
- ALOGV("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::getCapabilities()");
- neuralnetworks::V1_0::Capabilities capabilities;
- if (runtime)
- {
- capabilities.float32Performance.execTime =
- ParseSystemProperty(g_Float32PerformanceExecTimeName, .1f);
- capabilities.float32Performance.powerUsage =
- ParseSystemProperty(g_Float32PerformancePowerUsageName, .1f);
- capabilities.quantized8Performance.execTime =
- ParseSystemProperty(g_Quantized8PerformanceExecTimeName, .1f);
- capabilities.quantized8Performance.powerUsage =
- ParseSystemProperty(g_Quantized8PerformancePowerUsageName, .1f);
- cb(ErrorStatus::NONE, capabilities);
- }
- else
- {
- capabilities.float32Performance.execTime = 0;
- capabilities.float32Performance.powerUsage = 0;
- capabilities.quantized8Performance.execTime = 0;
- capabilities.quantized8Performance.powerUsage = 0;
- cb(ErrorStatus::DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE, capabilities);
- }
- return Void();
-Return<void> ArmnnDriverImpl::getSupportedOperations(
- const armnn::IRuntimePtr& runtime,
- const DriverOptions& options,
- const neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model& model,
- neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getSupportedOperations_cb cb)
- ALOGV("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::getSupportedOperations()");
- vector<bool> result;
- if (!runtime)
- {
- cb(ErrorStatus::DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE, result);
- return Void();
- }
- // Run general model validation, if this doesn't pass we shouldn't analyse the model anyway
- if (!android::nn::validateModel(model))
- {
- cb(ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT, result);
- return Void();
- }
- // Attempt to convert the model to an ArmNN input network (INetwork).
- armnn_driver::ModelToINetworkConverter<HalVersion_1_0> modelConverter(options.GetComputeDevice(),
- model, options.GetForcedUnsupportedOperations());
- if (modelConverter.GetConversionResult() != ConversionResult::Success
- && modelConverter.GetConversionResult() != ConversionResult::UnsupportedFeature)
- {
- cb(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, result);
- return Void();
- }
- // Check each operation if it was converted successfully and copy the flags
- // into the result (vector<bool>) that we need to return to Android
- result.reserve(model.operations.size());
- for (uint32_t operationIdx = 0; operationIdx < model.operations.size(); operationIdx++)
- {
- bool operationSupported = modelConverter.IsOperationSupported(operationIdx);
- result.push_back(operationSupported);
- }
- cb(ErrorStatus::NONE, result);
- return Void();
-Return<ErrorStatus> ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel(
- const armnn::IRuntimePtr& runtime,
- const armnn::IGpuAccTunedParametersPtr& clTunedParameters,
- const DriverOptions& options,
- const neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model& model,
- const sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& cb,
- bool float32ToFloat16)
- ALOGV("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel()");
- if (cb.get() == nullptr)
- {
- ALOGW("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: Invalid callback passed to prepareModel");
- return ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- }
- if (!runtime)
- {
- return FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
- "V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: Device unavailable", cb);
- }
- if (!android::nn::validateModel(model))
- {
- return FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
- "V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: Invalid model passed as input", cb);
- }
- // Deliberately ignore any unsupported operations requested by the options -
- // at this point we're being asked to prepare a model that we've already declared support for
- // and the operation indices may be different to those in getSupportedOperations anyway.
- set<unsigned int> unsupportedOperations;
- armnn_driver::ModelToINetworkConverter<HalVersion_1_0> modelConverter(options.GetComputeDevice(), model,
- unsupportedOperations);
- if (modelConverter.GetConversionResult() != ConversionResult::Success)
- {
- FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, "ModelToINetworkConverter failed", cb);
- return ErrorStatus::NONE;
- }
- // optimize the network
- armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet(nullptr, nullptr);
- armnn::OptimizerOptions OptOptions;
- OptOptions.m_ReduceFp32ToFp16 = float32ToFloat16;
- try
- {
- optNet = armnn::Optimize(*modelConverter.GetINetwork(),
- {options.GetComputeDevice()},
- runtime->GetDeviceSpec(),
- OptOptions);
- }
- catch (armnn::Exception &e)
- {
- stringstream message;
- message << "armnn::Exception (" << e.what() << ") caught from optimize.";
- FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, message.str(), cb);
- return ErrorStatus::NONE;
- }
- // Check that the optimized network is valid.
- if (!optNet)
- {
- FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE,
- "V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: Invalid optimized network", cb);
- return ErrorStatus::NONE;
- }
- // Export the optimized network graph to a dot file if an output dump directory
- // has been specified in the drivers' arguments.
- ExportNetworkGraphToDotFile(*optNet,
- options.GetRequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir(),
- model);
- // load it into the runtime
- armnn::NetworkId netId = 0;
- try
- {
- if (runtime->LoadNetwork(netId, move(optNet)) != armnn::Status::Success)
- {
- return FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE,
- "V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::prepareModel: Network could not be loaded", cb);
- }
- }
- catch (armnn::Exception& e)
- {
- stringstream message;
- message << "armnn::Exception (" << e.what()<< ") caught from LoadNetwork.";
- FailPrepareModel(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, message.str(), cb);
- return ErrorStatus::NONE;
- }
- unique_ptr<ArmnnPreparedModel> preparedModel(new ArmnnPreparedModel(
- netId,
- runtime.get(),
- model,
- options.GetRequestInputsAndOutputsDumpDir(),
- options.IsGpuProfilingEnabled()
- ));
- // Run a single 'dummy' inference of the model. This means that CL kernels will get compiled (and tuned if
- // this is enabled) before the first 'real' inference which removes the overhead of the first inference.
- preparedModel->ExecuteWithDummyInputs();
- if (clTunedParameters &&
- options.GetClTunedParametersMode() == armnn::IGpuAccTunedParameters::Mode::UpdateTunedParameters)
- {
- // Now that we've done one inference the CL kernel parameters will have been tuned, so save the updated file.
- try
- {
- clTunedParameters->Save(options.GetClTunedParametersFile().c_str());
- }
- catch (const armnn::Exception& error)
- {
- ALOGE("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl: Failed to save CL tuned parameters file '%s': %s",
- options.GetClTunedParametersFile().c_str(), error.what());
- }
- }
- NotifyCallbackAndCheck(cb, ErrorStatus::NONE, preparedModel.release());
- return ErrorStatus::NONE;
-Return<DeviceStatus> ArmnnDriverImpl::getStatus()
- ALOGV("V1_0::ArmnnDriverImpl::getStatus()");
- return DeviceStatus::AVAILABLE;
-} // armnn_driver::namespace V1_0
-} // namespace armnn_driver
diff --git a/1.0/ArmnnDriverImpl.hpp b/1.0/ArmnnDriverImpl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2628682d..00000000
--- a/1.0/ArmnnDriverImpl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
-#pragma once
-#include <HalInterfaces.h>
-#include "DriverOptions.hpp"
-#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
-namespace armnn_driver
-namespace V1_0
-class ArmnnDriverImpl
- static Return<void> getCapabilities(
- const armnn::IRuntimePtr& runtime,
- ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getCapabilities_cb cb);
- static Return<void> getSupportedOperations(
- const armnn::IRuntimePtr& runtime,
- const DriverOptions& options,
- const ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model& model,
- ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::IDevice::getSupportedOperations_cb cb);
- static Return<ErrorStatus> prepareModel(
- const armnn::IRuntimePtr& runtime,
- const armnn::IGpuAccTunedParametersPtr& clTunedParameters,
- const DriverOptions& options,
- const ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model& model,
- const android::sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& cb,
- bool float32ToFloat16 = false);
- static Return<DeviceStatus> getStatus();
-} // namespace armnn_driver::V1_0
-} // namespace armnn_driver