/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ACL_TESTS_VALIDATION_FIXTURES_GEMMLOWPFIXTURE_H #define ACL_TESTS_VALIDATION_FIXTURES_GEMMLOWPFIXTURE_H #include "arm_compute/core/utils/quantization/AsymmHelpers.h" #include "src/core/utils/quantization/AsymmHelpers.h" #include "tests/validation/Helpers.h" #include "tests/framework/Fixture.h" #include "tests/validation/Validation.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/GEMMLowp.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/ArithmeticOperations.h" #include "tests/validation/reference/DequantizationLayer.h" #include #include namespace arm_compute { namespace test { namespace validation { namespace { template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { library->fill_tensor_uniform(tensor, i); } template void fill_quantized(U &&tensor, int i) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(is_data_type_quantized(tensor.data_type())); library->fill_tensor_uniform(tensor, i); } template void fill(U &&tensor, int i, int32_t min, int32_t max) { if (tensor.data_type() == DataType::S32) { std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(min, max); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } else if(tensor.data_type() == DataType::F32) { std::uniform_real_distribution distribution((float)min, (float)max); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } else { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("NOT SUPPORTED!"); } } /** Information about how to fill tensors */ struct TensorFillInfo { // Bias fill range. Default values are arbitrary int32_t min_bias {-20000}; int32_t max_bias {20000}; // Output fill range. Default values are arbitrary int32_t min_output {-20000}; int32_t max_output {20000}; // Optional extra hash to randomize tensor filling int32_t hash {0}; }; template TensorType compute_gemmlowp_target(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& output_qinfo, DataType data_type_a = DataType::QASYMM8, DataType data_type_b = DataType::QASYMM8, GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage = GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo(), bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run = false, const TensorFillInfo& finfo = TensorFillInfo(), bool accumulate = false, bool dynamic_qinfo = false, DataType data_type_output = DataType::UNKNOWN) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type_a)); // If unknown, set to sensible defaults if (data_type_output == DataType::UNKNOWN) { data_type_output = output_stage.type == GEMMLowpOutputStageType::NONE ? DataType::S32 : data_type_a; } // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape_a, data_type_a, 1, dynamic_qinfo ? QuantizationInfo(1.0,0,true) : a_qinfo); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_b, data_type_b, 1, dynamic_qinfo ? QuantizationInfo(1.0,0,true) : b_qinfo); // gemm output before output stage mismatch if i pass data_layout_output here. to be investigated TensorType output = create_tensor(shape_output, data_type_output, 1, output_qinfo /* output_qinfo will be ignored when output stage type is None */); TensorType bias; if(is_fused) { TensorShape bias_shape(shape_b[0]); bias = create_tensor(bias_shape,data_type_output == DataType::F32 ? DataType::F32 : DataType::S32, 1); } // Create and configure function // The GEMMinfo includes the values of the depth in case of reinterpreted 3d input/output FunctionType gemmlowp; gemmlowp.configure(&a, &b, is_fused ? &bias : nullptr, &output, GEMMInfo(false, false, reshape_b_only_on_first_run, (reinterpret_output_as_3d ? shape_output[2] : 0), reinterpret_input_as_3d, false, output_stage, false /*fp_mixed_precision*/, false /*fast_math*/, false /*broadcast_bias*/, arm_compute::ActivationLayerInfo(), false /* fixed_format */, arm_compute::WeightFormat::UNSPECIFIED, false /* pretranspose_B */, accumulate)); // If the QuantizationInfo is dynamic, it needs to be settable after configure (note that we also force it to be dynamic) if (dynamic_qinfo) { a.info()->set_quantization_info(QuantizationInfo(a_qinfo.scale(), a_qinfo.offset(), true)); b.info()->set_quantization_info(QuantizationInfo(b_qinfo.scale(), b_qinfo.offset(), true)); } ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(output.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &a, &b, &output }); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); b.allocator()->allocate(); output.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!output.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill_quantized(AccessorType(a), 0 + finfo.hash); fill_quantized(AccessorType(b), 1 + finfo.hash); if (accumulate) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(accumulate != run_twice); fill(AccessorType(output), 6 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_output, finfo.max_output); } if(is_fused) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(bias.info()->is_resizable()); bias.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!bias.info()->is_resizable()); fill(AccessorType(bias), 2 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_bias, finfo.max_bias); } // Run with variable inputs. if(run_twice) { gemmlowp.run(); fill_quantized(AccessorType(a), 3 + finfo.hash); // Fill tensors with new seed after run fill_quantized(AccessorType(b), 4 + finfo.hash); if(is_fused) { fill(AccessorType(bias), 5 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_bias, finfo.max_bias); } } // Compute GEMM function gemmlowp.run(); return output; } template SimpleTensor compute_gemmlowp_reference(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, DataType data_type_a = DataType::QASYMM8, DataType data_type_b = DataType::QASYMM8, const TensorFillInfo& finfo = TensorFillInfo()) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type_a)); TensorShape shape_a_to_use = shape_a; if(reinterpret_input_as_3d) { // Collapse the second and third dimension if the input is 3D shape_a_to_use.collapse(2U, 1U); } // Create reference SimpleTensor a{ shape_a_to_use, data_type_a, 1, a_qinfo }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_b, data_type_b, 1, b_qinfo }; TensorShape shape_a_to_use_transposed{ shape_a_to_use }; TensorShape shape_b_transposed{ shape_b }; shape_a_to_use_transposed.set(0, shape_a_to_use[1]); shape_a_to_use_transposed.set(1, shape_a_to_use[0]); shape_b_transposed.set(0, shape_b[1]); shape_b_transposed.set(1, shape_b[0]); SimpleTensor a_transposed{ shape_a_to_use_transposed, data_type_a, 1, a_qinfo }; SimpleTensor b_transposed{ shape_b_transposed, data_type_b, 1, b_qinfo }; // Fill reference fill_quantized(a, 0 + finfo.hash); fill_quantized(b, 1 + finfo.hash); // Transpose reference if required /* Note: Assuming the usual batch matmul dimensions A = (B x M x K), B = (B x K x N), if pretranspose_A is set to true, then A is assumed to be (B x K x M), therefore, A must be pre-transposed before passing it to the fixture. And, we transpose A again in the fixture to make it (B x M x K) in order to be able to call reference implementation that works with (B x M x K) input. Similarly, if pretranspose_B is set to true, then B is assumed to be (B x N x K), B must be pre-transposed before passing it to the fixture. */ if(pretranspose_A) { transpose_matrix(a, a_transposed); } if(pretranspose_B) { transpose_matrix(b, b_transposed); } // Run with variable inputs. const int32_t a_offset = a_qinfo.uniform().offset; const int32_t b_offset = b_qinfo.uniform().offset; if(run_twice) { reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core((pretranspose_A ? a_transposed : a), (pretranspose_B ? b_transposed : b), shape_output, a_offset, b_offset); fill_quantized((pretranspose_A) ? a_transposed : a, 3 + finfo.hash); fill_quantized((pretranspose_B) ? b_transposed : b, 4 + finfo.hash); } return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core((pretranspose_A ? a_transposed : a), (pretranspose_B ? b_transposed : b), shape_output, a_offset, b_offset); } } // namespace template class GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, int32_t a_offset, int32_t b_offset, bool accumulate=false, bool dynamic_qinfo = false) { const auto a_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, a_offset); const auto b_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, b_offset); TensorFillInfo finfo; _target = compute_target(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, finfo, accumulate, dynamic_qinfo); _reference = compute_reference(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, finfo, accumulate); } protected: TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, const TensorFillInfo& finfo, const bool accumulate, const bool dynamic_qinfo) { const auto output_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(); // No output stage return compute_gemmlowp_target(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, output_qinfo, DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::QASYMM8, GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo(), false, finfo, accumulate, dynamic_qinfo); } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, const TensorFillInfo& finfo, bool accumulate) { SimpleTensor ref_output = compute_gemmlowp_reference(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, DataType::QASYMM8, DataType::QASYMM8, finfo); if (accumulate) { SimpleTensor output{ shape_output, DataType::S32, 1 }; fill(output, 6 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_output, finfo.max_output); reference::arithmetic_operation(reference::ArithmeticOperation::ADD, output, ref_output, output, ConvertPolicy::SATURATE); return output; } return ref_output; } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture : protected GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, int32_t a_offset, int32_t b_offset) { GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture::setup(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_offset, b_offset, false /* accumulate */); } }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyAccumulateValidationFixture : protected GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, int32_t a_offset, int32_t b_offset) { GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture::setup(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_offset, b_offset, true /* accumulate */); } }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCoreDynamicQuantizationFixture : protected GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, int32_t a_offset, int32_t b_offset) { GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreValidationFixture::setup(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_offset, b_offset, false /* accumulate */, true /* dynamic_qinfo */); } }; template class GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: /** Dynamically initialize the quantization info with saturation awareness */ template static void setup_quantization(DataType data_type, const TensorShape& shape_a, const TensorShape& shape_b, QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, QuantizationInfo& output_qinfo, TensorFillInfo& finfo) { // This hash is used by random generators. There may be hash collisions but // this is intentional as it's a very easy way to make the the current // random generation process almost different for many test configurations, // which were using the same set of values before. finfo.hash = shape_a[0] + shape_a[1] + shape_b[0] + shape_b[1]; const int32_t t_max = static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()); const int32_t t_min = static_cast(std::numeric_limits::min()); std::mt19937 generator(library->seed() + finfo.hash); std::uniform_real_distribution distribution_float(-5.0f, 3.0f); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution_t(t_min, t_max); const float scale_lhs = pow(2, distribution_float(generator)); // [2^-5, 2^3] const float scale_rhs = pow(2, distribution_float(generator)); // [2^-5, 2^3] const int32_t offset_lhs = distribution_t(generator); const int32_t offset_rhs = distribution_t(generator); a_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(scale_lhs, offset_lhs); b_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(scale_rhs, offset_rhs); // reinterpret_input_as_3d or reinterpret_output_as_3d can be ignored, as the underlying gemm / matmul computation // is equivalent to a standard 2D one with m-n-k dimensions const int m = shape_a.y(); const int n = shape_b.x(); const int k = shape_a.x(); const float bias_fraction = 0.5f; // We enabled is_fused in compute_gemmlowp_target below, thus bias is included QuantizationHint q_hint = suggest_matmul_dst_q_info_and_bias(a_qinfo, b_qinfo, m, n, k, data_type, bias_fraction); output_qinfo = q_hint.q_info; finfo.min_bias = q_hint.bias_min; finfo.max_bias = q_hint.bias_max; // Both target and reference implementations use negated offsets, i.e. // float_val = (int_val + offset) * scale // instead of // float_val = (int_val - offset) * scale // as usual. Therefore, after calculating the output quantization above, we // negate the offsets of inputs' offsets. a_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(scale_lhs, -offset_lhs); b_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(scale_rhs, -offset_rhs); } /** Initialize output stage info from quantization info */ static Status init_gemmlowp_output_stage_info( DataType data_type, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& output_qinfo, GEMMLowpOutputStageType type, GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo &gemmlowp_output_stage_info) { ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(!is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type)); const UniformQuantizationInfo aq_unif = a_qinfo.uniform(); const UniformQuantizationInfo bq_unif = b_qinfo.uniform(); const UniformQuantizationInfo oq_unif = output_qinfo.uniform(); float multiplier = (aq_unif.scale * bq_unif.scale) / oq_unif.scale; int32_t int_multiplier; int32_t shift; ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON_ERROR( quantization::calculate_quantized_multiplier(multiplier, &int_multiplier, &shift)); int32_t type_min = 0; int32_t type_max = 0; std::tie(type_min, type_max) = quantization::get_quantized_asymmetric_output_min_max(output_qinfo, ActivationLayerInfo(), data_type); gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_real_multiplier = multiplier; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_multiplier = int_multiplier; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_multipliers = { int_multiplier }; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_shift = shift; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_shifts = { shift }; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_offset = oq_unif.offset; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.type = type; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_min_bound = type_min; gemmlowp_output_stage_info.gemmlowp_max_bound = type_max; return Status{}; } /** Currently this fixture only tests the following data type configurations: * * 1. a and b are of the same data type * 2. The data type is quantized asymmetric * */ void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, GEMMLowpOutputStageType output_stage_type, DataType data_type, bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(output_stage_type != GEMMLowpOutputStageType::NONE); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(is_data_type_quantized_asymmetric(data_type)); // Randomized dynamic quantization: randomize quantization info in a way that ensures no result saturation // most of the time QuantizationInfo a_qinfo; QuantizationInfo b_qinfo; QuantizationInfo output_qinfo; TensorFillInfo finfo; setup_quantization(data_type, shape_a, shape_b, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, output_qinfo, finfo); GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage; init_gemmlowp_output_stage_info(data_type, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, output_qinfo, output_stage_type, output_stage); _reference = compute_reference(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type, data_type, output_stage, finfo); _target = compute_target(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, output_qinfo, data_type, data_type, output_stage, reshape_b_only_on_first_run, finfo); } protected: TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& output_qinfo, DataType data_type_a, DataType data_type_b, const GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo& output_stage, bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run = false, const TensorFillInfo& finfo = TensorFillInfo()) { return compute_gemmlowp_target(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, output_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, output_stage, reshape_b_only_on_first_run, finfo); } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, DataType data_type_a, DataType data_type_b, const GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo& output_stage, const TensorFillInfo& finfo = TensorFillInfo()) { SimpleTensor output = compute_gemmlowp_reference(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, finfo); TensorShape bias_shape(shape_b[0]); SimpleTensor bias{ bias_shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; (run_twice) ? fill(bias, 5 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_bias, finfo.max_bias) : fill(bias, 2 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_bias, finfo.max_bias); // Fill bias with same seed as last run of gemmlowp_target switch(output_stage.type) { case GEMMLowpOutputStageType::QUANTIZE_DOWN: return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale(output, bias, output_stage.gemmlowp_offset, output_stage.gemmlowp_multipliers, output_stage.gemmlowp_shifts, output_stage.gemmlowp_min_bound, output_stage.gemmlowp_max_bound); break; case GEMMLowpOutputStageType::QUANTIZE_DOWN_FIXEDPOINT: return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(output, bias, output_stage.gemmlowp_multipliers, output_stage.gemmlowp_shifts, output_stage.gemmlowp_offset, output_stage.gemmlowp_min_bound, output_stage.gemmlowp_max_bound); break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not Supported!"); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpDequantizedMatrixMultiplyValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, int32_t a_offset, int32_t b_offset, DataType data_type_a, DataType data_type_b, bool accumulate) { const bool dynamic_qinfo = false; const auto a_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, a_offset); const auto b_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(5.0f / 255, b_offset); TensorFillInfo finfo; _target = compute_target(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, finfo, accumulate, dynamic_qinfo); _reference = compute_reference(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, finfo, accumulate, dynamic_qinfo); } protected: TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, DataType data_type_a, DataType data_type_b, const TensorFillInfo& finfo, const bool accumulate, const bool dynamic_qinfo) { const auto output_qinfo = QuantizationInfo(); return compute_gemmlowp_target(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, output_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo(), false, finfo, accumulate, dynamic_qinfo, DataType::F32); } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape_a, const TensorShape &shape_b, const TensorShape &shape_output, const QuantizationInfo& a_qinfo, const QuantizationInfo& b_qinfo, DataType data_type_a, DataType data_type_b, const TensorFillInfo& finfo, bool accumulate, const bool dynamic_qinfo) { QuantizationInfo s32_ref_output_quant_info = QuantizationInfo(a_qinfo.uniform().scale * b_qinfo.uniform().scale, 0, dynamic_qinfo); SimpleTensor s32_ref_output; if (data_type_a == DataType::QASYMM8) { if (data_type_b == DataType::QASYMM8) { s32_ref_output = compute_gemmlowp_reference( shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, finfo); } else { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(data_type_b != DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED); s32_ref_output = compute_gemmlowp_reference( shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, finfo); } } else { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(data_type_a != DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED); if (data_type_b == DataType::QASYMM8) { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("QASYMM8_SIGNED input with QASYMM8 weights not supported"); } else { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(data_type_b != DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED); s32_ref_output = compute_gemmlowp_reference( shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, a_qinfo, b_qinfo, data_type_a, data_type_b, finfo); } } s32_ref_output.quantization_info(s32_ref_output_quant_info); SimpleTensor f32_ref_output(s32_ref_output.shape(), DataType::F32); f32_ref_output = reference::dequantization_layer(s32_ref_output); if (accumulate) { SimpleTensor output{ shape_output, DataType::F32, 1 }; fill(output, 6 + finfo.hash, finfo.min_output, finfo.max_output); reference::arithmetic_operation(reference::ArithmeticOperation::ADD, output, f32_ref_output, output, ConvertPolicy::SATURATE); return output; } return f32_ref_output; } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputValidationFixture : public GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputValidationFixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, GEMMLowpOutputStageType output_stage_type, DataType data_type, bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run) { GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputValidationFixture::setup(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, output_stage_type, data_type, reshape_b_only_on_first_run); } }; template class GEMMLowpBatchedMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputFixture : public GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputValidationFixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape_a, TensorShape shape_b, TensorShape shape_output, GEMMLowpOutputStageType output_stage_type, DataType data_type, bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run) { GEMMLowpGenericMatrixMultiplyCoreFusedOffsetOutputValidationFixture::setup(shape_a, shape_b, shape_output, output_stage_type, data_type, reshape_b_only_on_first_run); } }; template class GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape, int32_t result_offset, int32_t result_mult_int, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { _target = compute_target(shape, result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift, min, max, add_bias); _reference = compute_reference(shape, result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift, min, max, add_bias); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-6000, 6000); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_offset, int32_t result_mult_int, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType c = create_tensor(shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1); // Create and configure function FunctionType output_stage; GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage_info = GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo(); output_stage_info.type = GEMMLowpOutputStageType::QUANTIZE_DOWN; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_offset = result_offset; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_multiplier = result_mult_int; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_shift = result_shift; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_min_bound = min; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_max_bound = max; output_stage_info.output_data_type = DataType::QASYMM8; output_stage.configure(&a, add_bias ? &b : nullptr, &c, output_stage_info); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(c.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); c.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!c.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(a), 0); if(add_bias) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate bias tensor b.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(b), 1); } // Compute GEMM function output_stage.run(); return c; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_offset, int32_t result_mult_int, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { // Create reference TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); SimpleTensor a{ shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(a, 0); const std::vector result_mult_int_vec = { result_mult_int }; const std::vector result_shift_vec = { result_shift }; if(add_bias) { // Fill bias fill(b, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale(a, b, result_offset, result_mult_int_vec, result_shift_vec, min, max); } else { return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale(a, result_offset, result_mult_int_vec, result_shift_vec, min, max); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToInt8ScaleValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape, int32_t result_offset, int32_t result_mult_int, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { _target = compute_target(shape, result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift, min, max, add_bias); _reference = compute_reference(shape, result_offset, result_mult_int, result_shift, min, max, add_bias); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-6000, 6000); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_offset, int32_t result_mult_int, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType c = create_tensor(shape, DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED, 1); // Create and configure function FunctionType output_stage; GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage_info = GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo(); output_stage_info.type = GEMMLowpOutputStageType::QUANTIZE_DOWN; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_offset = result_offset; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_multiplier = result_mult_int; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_shift = result_shift; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_min_bound = min; output_stage_info.gemmlowp_max_bound = max; output_stage_info.output_data_type = DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED; output_stage.configure(&a, add_bias ? &b : nullptr, &c, output_stage_info); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(c.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); c.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!c.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(a), 0); if(add_bias) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate bias tensor b.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(b), 1); } // Compute GEMM function output_stage.run(); return c; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_offset, int32_t result_mult_int, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { // Create reference TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); SimpleTensor a{ shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(a, 0); const std::vector result_mult_int_vec = { result_mult_int }; const std::vector result_shift_vec = { result_shift }; if(add_bias) { // Fill bias fill(b, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale(a, b, result_offset, result_mult_int_vec, result_shift_vec, min, max); } else { return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale(a, result_offset, result_mult_int_vec, result_shift_vec, min, max); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToInt8ScaleByFixedPointValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape, int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t result_offset_after_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { _target = compute_target(shape, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, result_offset_after_shift, min, max, add_bias); _reference = compute_reference(shape, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, result_offset_after_shift, min, max, add_bias); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-6000, 6000); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t result_offset_after_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType c = create_tensor(shape, DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED, 1); // Create and configure function FunctionType output_stage; output_stage.configure(&a, add_bias ? &b : nullptr, &c, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, result_offset_after_shift, min, max); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(c.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); c.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!c.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(a), 0); if(add_bias) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate bias tensor b.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(b), 1); } // Compute GEMM function output_stage.run(); return c; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_fixed_point_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t result_offset_after_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { // Create reference TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); SimpleTensor a{ shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(a, 0); const std::vector result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec = { result_fixed_point_multiplier }; const std::vector result_shift_vec = { result_shift }; if(add_bias) { // Fill bias fill(b, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(a, b, result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec, result_shift_vec, result_offset_after_shift, min, max); } else { return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(a, result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec, result_shift_vec, result_offset_after_shift, min, max); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToUint8ScaleByFixedPointValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape, int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t result_offset_after_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { _target = compute_target(shape, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, result_offset_after_shift, min, max, add_bias); _reference = compute_reference(shape, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, result_offset_after_shift, min, max, add_bias); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-6000, 6000); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t result_offset_after_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType c = create_tensor(shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1); // Create and configure function FunctionType output_stage; output_stage.configure(&a, add_bias ? &b : nullptr, &c, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, result_offset_after_shift, min, max); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(c.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); c.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!c.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(a), 0); if(add_bias) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate bias tensor b.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(b), 1); } // Compute GEMM function output_stage.run(); return c; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_fixed_point_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t result_offset_after_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { // Create reference TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); SimpleTensor a{ shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(a, 0); const std::vector result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec = { result_fixed_point_multiplier }; const std::vector result_shift_vec = { result_shift }; if(add_bias) { // Fill bias fill(b, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(a, b, result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec, result_shift_vec, result_offset_after_shift, min, max); } else { return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(a, result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec, result_shift_vec, result_offset_after_shift, min, max); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ScaleByFloatValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(DataType data_type, TensorShape shape, float result_real_multiplier, int32_t result_offset, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { _target = compute_target(data_type, shape, result_real_multiplier, result_offset, min, max, add_bias); _reference = compute_reference(shape, result_real_multiplier, result_offset, min, max, add_bias); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { // To avoid data all being clampped std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-500, 500); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(DataType data_type, const TensorShape &shape, float result_multiplier, int32_t result_offset, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType c = create_tensor(shape, data_type, 1); // create output stage info GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo info; info.gemmlowp_max_bound = max; info.gemmlowp_min_bound = min; info.gemmlowp_real_multiplier = result_multiplier; info.gemmlowp_offset = result_offset; info.type = GEMMLowpOutputStageType::QUANTIZE_DOWN_FLOAT; info.output_data_type = data_type; // Create and configure function FunctionType output_stage; output_stage.configure(&a, add_bias ? &b : nullptr, &c, info); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(c.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); c.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!c.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(a), 0); if(add_bias) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate bias tensor b.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(b), 1); } // Compute GEMM function output_stage.run(); return c; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape, float_t result_real_multiplier, int32_t result_offset, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { // Create reference TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); SimpleTensor a{ shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(a, 0); const std::vector result_float_multiplier_vec = { result_real_multiplier }; if(add_bias) { // Fill bias fill(b, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_float(a, b, result_float_multiplier_vec, result_offset, min, max); } else { return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_float(a, result_float_multiplier_vec, result_offset, min, max); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToInt16ScaleByFixedPointValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(TensorShape shape, int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { _target = compute_target(shape, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, min, max, add_bias); _reference = compute_reference(shape, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, min, max, add_bias); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-6000, 6000); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_fixedpoint_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); // Create tensors TensorType a = create_tensor(shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType b = create_tensor(shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType c = create_tensor(shape, DataType::QSYMM16, 1); // Create and configure function FunctionType output_stage; output_stage.configure(&a, add_bias ? &b : nullptr, &c, result_fixedpoint_multiplier, result_shift, min, max); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(c.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors a.allocator()->allocate(); c.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!a.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!c.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(a), 0); if(add_bias) { ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(b.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate bias tensor b.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!b.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensor fill(AccessorType(b), 1); } // Compute GEMM function output_stage.run(); return c; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &shape, int32_t result_fixed_point_multiplier, int32_t result_shift, int32_t min, int32_t max, bool add_bias) { // Create reference TensorShape shape_bias(shape[0]); SimpleTensor a{ shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor b{ shape_bias, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(a, 0); const std::vector result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec = { result_fixed_point_multiplier }; const std::vector result_shift_vec = { result_shift }; if(add_bias) { // Fill bias fill(b, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(a, b, result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec, result_shift_vec, 0, min, max); } else { return reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(a, result_fixed_point_multiplier_vec, result_shift_vec, 0, min, max); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0, unsigned int v0, unsigned int h0, bool interleave_lhs, bool interleave_rhs, DataType data_type) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; lhs_info.v0 = v0; lhs_info.interleave = interleave_lhs; lhs_info.transpose = false; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; rhs_info.h0 = h0; rhs_info.interleave = interleave_rhs; rhs_info.transpose = true; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, data_type); _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, data_type); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { switch(tensor.data_type()) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-127, 126); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, DataType data_type) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType lhs_reshaped; TensorType rhs_reshaped; TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function ReshapeLHSOperatorType reshape_lhs; ReshapeRHSOperatorType reshape_rhs; GEMMFunctionType gemm; reshape_lhs.configure(lhs.info(), lhs_reshaped.info(), lhs_info); reshape_rhs.configure(rhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_info); gemm.configure(lhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), lhs_info, rhs_info, GEMMReshapeInfo(M, N, K)); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &lhs, &rhs, &lhs_reshaped, &rhs_reshaped, &dst }); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); lhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack reshape_lhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &lhs }, { ACL_DST, &lhs_reshaped } }; reshape_lhs.run(reshape_lhs_pack); ITensorPack reshape_rhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &rhs_reshaped } }; reshape_rhs.run(reshape_rhs_pack); ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs_reshaped }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs_reshaped }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, DataType data_type) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape[0] = rhs_shape[0]; dst_shape[1] = lhs_shape[1]; switch(data_type) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshaped3DValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m_w, unsigned int m_h, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0, unsigned int v0, unsigned int h0, bool interleave_lhs, bool interleave_rhs, DataType data_type) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; lhs_info.v0 = v0; lhs_info.interleave = interleave_lhs; lhs_info.transpose = false; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; rhs_info.h0 = h0; rhs_info.interleave = interleave_rhs; rhs_info.transpose = true; // In case of GEMM3D, m is the product between m_w and m_h const unsigned int m = m_w * m_h; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, m_h, data_type); _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, m_h, data_type); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { switch(tensor.data_type()) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-127, 126); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, unsigned int m_h, DataType data_type) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType lhs_reshaped; TensorType rhs_reshaped; TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function ReshapeLHSOperatorType reshape_lhs; ReshapeRHSOperatorType reshape_rhs; GEMMFunctionType gemm; reshape_lhs.configure(lhs.info(), lhs_reshaped.info(), lhs_info); reshape_rhs.configure(rhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_info); gemm.configure(lhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), lhs_info, rhs_info, GEMMReshapeInfo(M, N, K, 1, 1, m_h)); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &lhs, &rhs, &lhs_reshaped, &rhs_reshaped, &dst }); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); lhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack reshape_lhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &lhs }, { ACL_DST, &lhs_reshaped } }; reshape_lhs.run(reshape_lhs_pack); ITensorPack reshape_rhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &rhs_reshaped } }; reshape_rhs.run(reshape_rhs_pack); ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs_reshaped }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs_reshaped }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, unsigned int m_h, DataType data_type) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape.set(0, rhs_shape[0]); dst_shape.set(1, lhs_shape[1] / m_h); dst_shape.set(2, m_h); dst_shape.set(3, lhs_shape[2]); switch(data_type) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedOnlyRHSValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0, unsigned int h0, bool interleave_rhs, bool transpose_rhs, DataType data_type) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; rhs_info.h0 = h0; rhs_info.interleave = interleave_rhs; rhs_info.transpose = transpose_rhs; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, data_type); _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, data_type); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { switch(tensor.data_type()) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-127, 126); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, DataType data_type) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs_reshaped; TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; GEMMKernelInfo gemm_info; gemm_info.m = M; gemm_info.n = N; gemm_info.k = K; gemm_info.lhs_info = lhs_info; gemm_info.rhs_info = rhs_info; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function ReshapeRHSOperatorType reshape_rhs; GEMMFunctionType gemm; reshape_rhs.configure(rhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_info); gemm.configure(lhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), gemm_info); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &lhs, &rhs, &rhs_reshaped, &dst }); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack reshape_rhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &rhs_reshaped } }; reshape_rhs.run(reshape_rhs_pack); ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs_reshaped }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, DataType data_type) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape[0] = rhs_shape[0]; dst_shape[1] = lhs_shape[1]; if(data_type == DataType::QASYMM8) { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } else { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedOnlyRHSMMULOutputStageValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0, unsigned int h0, bool interleave_rhs, bool transpose_rhs, bool broadcast_bias, DataType data_type) { GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage; output_stage.type = GEMMLowpOutputStageType::QUANTIZE_DOWN_FIXEDPOINT; output_stage.output_data_type = data_type; output_stage.gemmlowp_multipliers = std::vector { 1 }; output_stage.gemmlowp_shifts = std::vector { 1 }; output_stage.gemmlowp_multipliers[0] = 1; output_stage.gemmlowp_shifts[0] = 1; output_stage.gemmlowp_offset = 0; constexpr float scale = 0.001f; quantization::calculate_quantized_multiplier(scale, &output_stage.gemmlowp_multipliers[0], &output_stage.gemmlowp_shifts[0]); output_stage.gemmlowp_min_bound = -100; output_stage.gemmlowp_max_bound = 100; GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; rhs_info.h0 = h0; rhs_info.interleave = interleave_rhs; rhs_info.transpose = transpose_rhs; int a_offset = 1; int b_offset = 1; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); const TensorShape bias_shape(n, broadcast_bias ? 1 : m, broadcast_bias ? 1 : batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, bias_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, data_type, output_stage, a_offset, b_offset); if(gemm_validated == true) { _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, bias_shape, data_type, output_stage, a_offset, b_offset); } } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { switch(tensor.data_type()) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-127, 126); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::S32: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-10000, 10000); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const TensorShape &bias_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, DataType data_type, GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage, const int a_offset, const int b_offset) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, a_offset)); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, b_offset)); TensorType bias = create_tensor(bias_shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType dst; TensorType rhs_reshaped; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; // Tensors for precomputing sum of lhs rows / rhs columns TensorType vec_sum_rows = create_tensor(TensorShape(M, 1, lhs_shape[2]), DataType::S32, 1); TensorType vec_sum_cols = create_tensor(TensorShape(N, 1, rhs_shape[2]), DataType::S32, 1); GEMMKernelInfo gemm_info; gemm_info.m = M; gemm_info.n = N; gemm_info.k = K; gemm_info.lhs_info = lhs_info; gemm_info.rhs_info = rhs_info; gemm_info.output_stage = output_stage; gemm_info.a_offset = a_offset; gemm_info.b_offset = b_offset; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function ReshapeRHSOperatorType reshape_rhs; GEMMFunctionType gemm; reshape_rhs.configure(rhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_info); // If GEMM is not validated, do not try to run. The validation will check // if the technology supports this extension. If not, the test will be skipped. // If it supports, the test will fail anyway because target and reference // will not match. gemm_validated = bool(gemm.validate(lhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), gemm_info, vec_sum_cols.info(), vec_sum_rows.info(), bias.info())); if(gemm_validated == true) { gemm.configure(lhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), gemm_info, vec_sum_cols.info(), vec_sum_rows.info(), bias.info()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(bias.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); bias.allocator()->allocate(); vec_sum_cols.allocator()->allocate(); vec_sum_rows.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!bias.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!vec_sum_cols.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!vec_sum_rows.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); fill(AccessorType(bias), 2); TensorType lhs_32 = create_tensor(lhs_shape, DataType::S32, 1); TensorType rhs_32 = create_tensor(rhs_shape, DataType::S32, 1); CastOperation cast_lhs; CastOperation cast_rhs; cast_lhs.configure(&lhs, &lhs_32, ConvertPolicy::SATURATE); cast_rhs.configure(&rhs, &rhs_32, ConvertPolicy::SATURATE); lhs_32.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_32.allocator()->allocate(); cast_lhs.run(); cast_rhs.run(); ReduceOperation lhs_sum_rows; ReduceOperation rhs_sum_cols; lhs_sum_rows.configure(&lhs_32, &vec_sum_rows, 0, ReductionOperation::SUM, false); rhs_sum_cols.configure(&rhs_32, &vec_sum_cols, 1, ReductionOperation::SUM); lhs_sum_rows.run(); rhs_sum_cols.run(); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack reshape_rhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &rhs_reshaped } }; reshape_rhs.run(reshape_rhs_pack); ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs_reshaped }, { ACL_SRC_2, &bias }, { ACL_DST, &dst }, { ACL_VEC_COL_SUM, &vec_sum_cols }, { ACL_VEC_ROW_SUM, &vec_sum_rows } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); } return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const TensorShape &bias_shape, DataType data_type, GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo output_stage, const int a_offset, const int b_offset) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape[0] = rhs_shape[0]; dst_shape[1] = lhs_shape[1]; // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, a_offset) }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(1.0f / 255, b_offset) }; SimpleTensor bias{ bias_shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor dst{ dst_shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; SimpleTensor dst_final{ dst_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); fill(bias, 2); dst = reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, a_offset, b_offset); dst_final = reference::gemmlowp_quantize_down_scale_by_fixedpoint(dst, bias, output_stage.gemmlowp_multipliers, output_stage.gemmlowp_shifts, output_stage.gemmlowp_offset, output_stage.gemmlowp_min_bound, output_stage.gemmlowp_max_bound); return dst_final; } bool gemm_validated = true; TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedOnlyRHSMMULValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0, unsigned int h0, bool interleave_rhs, bool transpose_rhs, DataType data_type) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; rhs_info.h0 = h0; rhs_info.interleave = interleave_rhs; rhs_info.transpose = transpose_rhs; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, data_type); if(gemm_validated == true) { _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, data_type); } } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { switch(tensor.data_type()) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-127, 126); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, DataType data_type) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs_reshaped; TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; GEMMKernelInfo gemm_info; gemm_info.m = M; gemm_info.n = N; gemm_info.k = K; gemm_info.lhs_info = lhs_info; gemm_info.rhs_info = rhs_info; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function ReshapeRHSOperatorType reshape_rhs; GEMMFunctionType gemm; reshape_rhs.configure(rhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_info); // If GEMM is not validated, do not try to run. The validation will check // if the technology supports this extension. If not, the test will be skipped. // If it supports, the test will fail anyway because target and reference // will not match. gemm_validated = bool(gemm.validate(lhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), gemm_info, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if(gemm_validated == true) { gemm.configure(lhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), gemm_info, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack reshape_rhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &rhs_reshaped } }; reshape_rhs.run(reshape_rhs_pack); ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs_reshaped }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); } return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, DataType data_type) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape[0] = rhs_shape[0]; dst_shape[1] = lhs_shape[1]; if(data_type == DataType::QASYMM8) { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor dst{ dst_shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } else { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor dst{ dst_shape, DataType::S32, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } } bool gemm_validated = true; TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedOnlyRHS3DValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m_w, unsigned int m_h, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0, unsigned int h0, bool interleave_rhs, bool transpose_rhs, DataType data_type) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; rhs_info.h0 = h0; rhs_info.interleave = interleave_rhs; rhs_info.transpose = transpose_rhs; // In case of GEMM3D, m is the product between m_w and m_h const unsigned int m = m_w * m_h; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, m_h, data_type); _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, m_h, data_type); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { switch(tensor.data_type()) { case DataType::QASYMM8: { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED: { std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(-127, 126); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } break; default: ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported data type"); } } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, unsigned int m_h, DataType data_type) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, data_type, 1); TensorType rhs_reshaped; TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; GEMMKernelInfo gemm_info; gemm_info.m = M; gemm_info.n = N; gemm_info.k = K; gemm_info.depth_output_gemm3d = m_h; gemm_info.lhs_info = lhs_info; gemm_info.rhs_info = rhs_info; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function ReshapeRHSOperatorType reshape_rhs; GEMMFunctionType gemm; reshape_rhs.configure(rhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), rhs_info); gemm.configure(lhs.info(), rhs_reshaped.info(), dst.info(), gemm_info); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &lhs, &rhs, &rhs_reshaped, &dst }); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs_reshaped.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs_reshaped.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack reshape_rhs_pack = { { ACL_SRC, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &rhs_reshaped } }; reshape_rhs.run(reshape_rhs_pack); ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs_reshaped }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, unsigned int m_h, DataType data_type) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape.set(0, rhs_shape[0]); dst_shape.set(1, lhs_shape[1] / m_h); dst_shape.set(2, m_h); dst_shape.set(3, lhs_shape[2]); if(data_type == DataType::QASYMM8) { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } else { // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, data_type, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyNativeValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info); _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1); TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function GEMMFunctionType gemm; gemm.configure(lhs.info(), rhs.info(), dst.info(), lhs_info, rhs_info, GEMMReshapeInfo(M, N, K)); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &lhs, &rhs, &dst }); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape[0] = rhs_shape[0]; dst_shape[1] = lhs_shape[1]; // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; template class GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyNative3DValidationFixture : public framework::Fixture { public: void setup(unsigned int m_w, unsigned int m_h, unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int batch_size, unsigned int m0, unsigned int n0, unsigned int k0) { GEMMLHSMatrixInfo lhs_info; lhs_info.m0 = m0; lhs_info.k0 = k0; GEMMRHSMatrixInfo rhs_info; rhs_info.n0 = n0; rhs_info.k0 = k0; // In case of GEMM3D, m is the product between m_w and m_h const unsigned int m = m_w * m_h; // Set the tensor shapes for LHS and RHS matrices const TensorShape lhs_shape(k, m, batch_size); const TensorShape rhs_shape(n, k, batch_size); _target = compute_target(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, lhs_info, rhs_info, m_h); _reference = compute_reference(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, m_h); } protected: template void fill(U &&tensor, int i) { // Between 1 and 254 in order to avoid having -128 and 128 for the DOT product path std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 254); library->fill(tensor, distribution, i); } TensorType compute_target(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, const GEMMLHSMatrixInfo &lhs_info, const GEMMRHSMatrixInfo &rhs_info, unsigned int m_h) { // Create tensors TensorType lhs = create_tensor(lhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1); TensorType rhs = create_tensor(rhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1); TensorType dst; const unsigned int M = lhs_shape[1]; const unsigned int N = rhs_shape[0]; const unsigned int K = lhs_shape[0]; // The output tensor will be auto-initialized within the function // Create and configure function GEMMFunctionType gemm; gemm.configure(lhs.info(), rhs.info(), dst.info(), lhs_info, rhs_info, GEMMReshapeInfo(M, N, K, 1, 1, m_h)); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(rhs.info()->is_resizable()); add_padding_x({ &lhs, &rhs, &dst }); // Allocate tensors lhs.allocator()->allocate(); rhs.allocator()->allocate(); dst.allocator()->allocate(); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!lhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!rhs.info()->is_resizable()); ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!dst.info()->is_resizable()); // Fill tensors fill(AccessorType(lhs), 0); fill(AccessorType(rhs), 1); // Compute GEMM ITensorPack gemm_pack({ { ACL_SRC_0, &lhs }, { ACL_SRC_1, &rhs }, { ACL_DST, &dst } }); gemm.run(gemm_pack); return dst; } SimpleTensor compute_reference(const TensorShape &lhs_shape, const TensorShape &rhs_shape, unsigned int m_h) { TensorShape dst_shape = lhs_shape; dst_shape.set(0, rhs_shape[0]); dst_shape.set(1, lhs_shape[1] / m_h); dst_shape.set(2, m_h); dst_shape.set(3, lhs_shape[2]); // Create reference SimpleTensor lhs{ lhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1 }; SimpleTensor rhs{ rhs_shape, DataType::QASYMM8, 1 }; // Fill reference fill(lhs, 0); fill(rhs, 1); return reference::gemmlowp_matrix_multiply_core(lhs, rhs, dst_shape, 0, 0); } TensorType _target{}; SimpleTensor _reference{}; }; } // namespace validation } // namespace test } // namespace arm_compute #endif // ACL_TESTS_VALIDATION_FIXTURES_GEMMLOWPFIXTURE_H