/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Arm Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "GpuCkwCast.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Error.h" #include "arm_compute/core/utils/helpers/AdjustVecSize.h" #include "arm_compute/core/Validate.h" #include "ckw/TensorTileSampler.h" #include "src/core/helpers/WindowHelpers.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/ckw_driver/components/utils/type_converter/Common.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/ckw_driver/GpuCkwKernelWriter.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/ckw_driver/GpuCkwScopedKernelWriter.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/ckw_driver/GpuCkwVariableTable.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/GpuKernelArgument.h" #include "src/dynamic_fusion/sketch/gpu/GpuKernelComponentGroup.h" #include using namespace ckw; namespace arm_compute { namespace experimental { namespace dynamic_fusion { namespace { /** Create a simple sampler from tile of dimension [m0, n0] */ inline TensorTileSampler create_sampler(GpuCkwScopedKernelWriter &writer, int32_t m0, int32_t n0) { TensorTileSampler sampler; auto &gid_0 = writer->declare_tile("gid_0", ckw::DataType::Int32); auto &gid_1 = writer->declare_tile("gid_1", ckw::DataType::Int32); auto &gid_2 = writer->declare_tile("gid_2", ckw::DataType::Int32); auto &const_0 = writer->declare_tile("0", 0); writer->op_get_global_id(gid_0, 0); writer->op_get_global_id(gid_1, 1); writer->op_get_global_id(gid_2, 2); auto &x_coord = writer->declare_tile("x_coord", ckw::DataType::Int32); auto &y_coord = writer->declare_tile("y_coord", ckw::DataType::Int32); auto &m0_t = writer->declare_tile("m0", m0); auto &n0_t = writer->declare_tile("n0", n0); writer->op_binary_expression(x_coord, gid_0, BinaryOp::Mul, n0_t); writer->op_binary_expression(y_coord, gid_1, BinaryOp::Mul, m0_t); sampler.x(x_coord); sampler.y(y_coord); sampler.z(const_0); // 3rd dimension collapsed with 2nd dimension sampler.b(gid_2); sampler.width(n0); sampler.height(m0); sampler.format(TensorSamplerFormat::C_WH_1); // 3rd dimension collapsed with 2nd dimension sampler.address_mode_x(TensorSamplerAddressModeX::None); sampler.address_mode_y(TensorSamplerAddressModeY::ClampToBorder); sampler.address_mode_z(TensorSamplerAddressModeZ::Skip); // Dimensions higher than 3 not supported yet return sampler; } } // namespace GpuCkwCast::GpuCkwCast(ComponentId id, const ArgumentPack &tensors, const Attributes &attributes) : IGpuCkwComponentDriver{id, tensors}, _src{}, _dst{}, _attributes{attributes} { _src = this->tensors().get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_0); _dst = this->tensors().get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_DST_0); ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(_src, _dst); } void GpuCkwCast::write_component_code(const ComponentGroup &comp_group, GpuCkwVariableTable &vtable, GpuCkwScopedKernelWriter writer) const { const auto root_window = comp_group.get_root_component()->ckw_component_driver()->get_window(); const unsigned int n0 = root_window.x().step(); const unsigned int m0 = root_window.y().step(); GpuCkwComponentArgument *src = vtable.declare_variable(comp_group, writer, _src, TensorStorageType::ClBufferUint8Ptr, "src"); GpuCkwComponentArgument *dst = vtable.declare_variable(comp_group, writer, _dst, TensorStorageType::ClBufferUint8Ptr, "dst"); // Load the source tile and prepare the sampler. if (!src->has_tile()) { const auto sampler = create_sampler(writer, m0, n0); writer->op_load_once(src, sampler); } else { const auto &sampler = src->tile_sampler(); writer->op_load_once(src, sampler); } const auto &src_tile = src->tile(); const auto &sampler = src->tile_sampler(); // Prepare the output tile. if (!dst->has_tile()) { // Get Target datatype and convert it to ckw::DataType. ckw::DataType target_dt = dynamic_fusion::to_ckw(_attributes.data_type()); // Create dst_tile based on src_tile dimensions and with target DataType. const TileInfo src_tile_info = src_tile.tile_info(); const TileInfo dst_tile_info = TileInfo(target_dt, src_tile_info.height(), src_tile_info.width()); // Declare dst_tile auto &tile = writer->declare_tile("dst_tile", dst_tile_info); dst->init_virtual_tensor(tile, sampler); } const auto &dst_tile = dst->tile(); // Check if this op is cast-down or cast-up const size_t src_size = data_size_from_type(_src->data_type()); const size_t dst_size = data_size_from_type(_dst->data_type()); const bool cast_down = (src_size >= dst_size); if (cast_down && is_data_type_quantized(_src->data_type())) { const auto &constant_x80 = writer->declare_tile("0x80", 0x80); writer->op_binary_expression(src_tile, src_tile, BinaryOp::BitwiseXOR, constant_x80); } ckw::ConvertPolicy convert_policy = ckw::ConvertPolicy::None; if (cast_down && (is_data_type_float(_src->data_type()) || _attributes.convert_policy() == ConvertPolicy::SATURATE)) { convert_policy = ckw::ConvertPolicy::Saturate; } writer->op_cast_expression(dst_tile, src_tile, convert_policy); } Window GpuCkwCast::get_window() const { ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_MSG(_dst->tensor_shape().total_size() == 0U, "Destination tensor is not initialized"); TensorShape output_shape = _dst->tensor_shape(); // Collapse Dim 1 (W) and Dim 2 (H) together, leave Dim 0 (C) unchanged // This is in line with the collapsing convention used by operators like Conv2d output_shape.collapse(2U, 1U); constexpr unsigned int vector_size_byte_opencl = 16; const unsigned int num_elems_processed_per_iteration = adjust_vec_size(vector_size_byte_opencl / _dst->element_size(), _dst->dimension(0)); Window win = calculate_max_window(output_shape, Steps(num_elems_processed_per_iteration)); return win; } } // namespace dynamic_fusion } // namespace experimental } // namespace arm_compute