/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 ARM Limited. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "arm_gemm.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #include "buffer_manager.hpp" #include "mergeresults.hpp" #include "transform.hpp" #ifdef CYCLE_PROFILING #include "profiler.hpp" #endif // Some macros used to decide how much working space to allocate. // Round allocations up to the next cache line. #define ALLOC_ROUND 64 #define ROUND_UP(x) ((((x) + ALLOC_ROUND-1) / ALLOC_ROUND) * ALLOC_ROUND) // Implementation of the GemmCommon abstract class. // // This implementation interleaves the source matrices in blocks - good for // larger matrices. namespace arm_gemm { template class GemmInterleaved : public GemmCommon { typedef typename strategy::operand_type Toi; typedef typename strategy::result_type Tri; /* const properties set by constructor */ const CPUInfo * const _ci; const unsigned int _Msize; const unsigned int _Nsize; const unsigned int _Ksize; const unsigned int _nbatches; const unsigned int _nmulti; const bool _trA; const bool _trB; const Tr _alpha; const Tr _beta; const int _maxthreads; int _nthreads; const bool _pretransposed; /* Blocking info */ unsigned int _k_block=0; unsigned int _x_block=0; unsigned int _Mround=0; /* Working space, pretransposed buffer, buffer manager */ const Toi *_B_transposed=nullptr; BufferManager *_bm=nullptr; void *_working_space=nullptr; /* We will need to walk through the blocks of B in a few contexts, so * factor that out. */ class blockwalker { private: /* Size loops, etc. based on our parent's configuration */ const GemmInterleaved &_parent; /* K, X and multi parameters for current iteration. */ unsigned int _k0=0, _x0=0, _multi=0; unsigned int _index=0; bool _done=false; bool _newkblock=true; bool _newmulti=true; public: blockwalker(const GemmInterleaved &parent) : _parent(parent) { } unsigned int xmax() { return std::min(_x0 + _parent._x_block, _parent._Nsize); } unsigned int kmax() { return std::min(_k0 + _parent._k_block, _parent._Ksize); } /* Advance to the next block, return false at the end. */ bool advance(void) { if (_done) { return false; } _newkblock=false; _x0 += _parent._x_block; if (_x0 >= _parent._Nsize) { _x0=0; _k0 += _parent._k_block; if (_k0 >= _parent._Ksize) { _k0=0; _multi++; if (_multi >= _parent._nmulti) { _done=true; return false; } _newmulti=true; } _newkblock=true; } _index++; return true; } unsigned int k0(void) { return _k0; } unsigned int x0(void) { return _x0; } unsigned int multi(void) { return _multi; } unsigned int index(void) { return _index; } bool done(void) { return _done; } bool newkblock(void) { return _newkblock; } }; // A working size: One of these needed, regardless of thread count. Divided according to window. size_t get_a_working_size() const { return ROUND_UP(sizeof(Toi) * _k_block * _Mround * _nbatches); } // B working size: 0, 1 or 3 of these needed depending on pretransposed and threading settings. size_t get_b_working_size() const { return ROUND_UP(sizeof(Toi) * _x_block * _k_block); } // C working size: One needed per thread. size_t get_c_working_size() const { return ROUND_UP(sizeof(Tri) * _x_block * strategy::out_height); } // Internal execute function. // This supports both the "pretransposed" and "standard" interfaces via the template parameter. template void execute_internal(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, int threadid) { #ifdef CYCLE_PROFILING profiler prof; #endif strategy strat(_ci); blockwalker current(*this); blockwalker next=current; /* Translate 'start' and 'end' into a position within the batches and rows. */ const unsigned int window_per_batch = _Mround / strategy::out_height; unsigned int batch_0 = start / window_per_batch; unsigned int batch_end = end / window_per_batch; /* Compute the M values to operate on */ unsigned int m_0 = (start - (batch_0 * window_per_batch)) * strategy::out_height; unsigned int m_max = (end - (batch_end * window_per_batch)) * strategy::out_height; /* Make sure we've been set up correctly. */ if (pretransposed) { assert(_B_transposed); } else { assert(_bm); } assert(_working_space); int8_t *working_space_bytes = reinterpret_cast(_working_space); // Private buffers. Treat working_space as an array of C buffers // (one per thread) first, followed by the (window-divided) A // buffer. // Set a_panel to the base of the A buffers - compute offsets into it based on M/batches later. Toi * const a_panel = reinterpret_cast(working_space_bytes + (_maxthreads * get_c_working_size())); Tri * const c_panel = reinterpret_cast(working_space_bytes + (threadid * get_c_working_size())); // Shared buffers - these come either from BufferManager or _B_transposed. const Toi *b_panel; if (pretransposed) { b_panel = _B_transposed; } //printf("Starting GEMM loop, x_block=%d, k_block=%d\n", _x_block, _k_block); // newkblock() is always true on the first iteration, so this will be set properly on the first loop. int kern_k = 0; for (;!current.done();current.advance()) { if (current.newkblock()) { #ifdef CYCLE_PROFILING auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_PREPA, (end - start) * strategy::out_height * (current.kmax()-current.k0()) * sizeof(Toi)); #endif for (unsigned int batch = batch_0; batch <= batch_end; batch++) { unsigned int first_m = (batch == batch_0) ? m_0 : 0; unsigned int last_m = (batch == batch_end) ? m_max : _Msize; if (first_m >= last_m) continue; if (_trA ^ strategy::A_transpose) { Transform( a_panel + ((batch * _Mround + first_m) * _k_block), this->_Aptr + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (current.multi() * this->_A_multi_stride), this->_lda, first_m, last_m, current.k0(), current.kmax()); } else { Transform( a_panel + ((batch * _Mround + first_m) * _k_block), this->_Aptr + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (current.multi() * this->_A_multi_stride), this->_lda, first_m, last_m, current.k0(), current.kmax()); } } // Figure out how many "K" the kernel will actually process. kern_k = iceildiv(current.kmax() - current.k0(), strategy::k_unroll); kern_k *= strat.k_unroll; } int bblocks = iceildiv(current.xmax() - current.x0(), strategy::out_width); if (!pretransposed) { /* Look ahead to the next block and populate it if necessary. * This avoids the populate operation becoming a bottleneck, and * helps keep the threads synchronized (the first thread to get * here will populate while the rest will advance). * * If we are running single threaded, bm->try_populate() will do * nothing. */ if (next.advance()) { _bm->try_populate(next.index(), [&](void *buffer) { #ifdef CYCLE_PROFILING auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_PREPB, (next.xmax()-next.x0()) * (next.kmax()-next.k0()) * sizeof(Toi)); #endif Toi *b_panel = reinterpret_cast(buffer); if (_trB ^ strategy::B_transpose) { Transform( b_panel, this->_Bptr + (next.multi() * this->_B_multi_stride), this->_ldb, next.x0(), next.xmax(), next.k0(), next.kmax()); } else { Transform( b_panel, this->_Bptr + (next.multi() * this->_B_multi_stride), this->_ldb, next.x0(), next.xmax(), next.k0(), next.kmax()); } }); } /* Get the buffer for this iteration from the BufferManager. */ b_panel = reinterpret_cast(_bm->get(current.index(), [&](void *bpv) { #ifdef CYCLE_PROFILING auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_PREPB, (current.xmax()-current.x0()) * (current.kmax()-current.k0()) * sizeof(Toi)); #endif Toi *b_panel = reinterpret_cast(bpv); if (_trB ^ strategy::B_transpose) { Transform( b_panel, this->_Bptr + (current.multi() * this->_B_multi_stride), this->_ldb, current.x0(), current.xmax(), current.k0(), current.kmax()); } else { Transform( b_panel, this->_Bptr + (current.multi() * this->_B_multi_stride), this->_ldb, current.x0(), current.xmax(), current.k0(), current.kmax()); } })); } /* Do the actual work. */ for (unsigned int batch = batch_0; batch <= batch_end; batch++) { unsigned int first_m = (batch == batch_0) ? m_0 : 0; unsigned int last_m = (batch == batch_end) ? m_max : _Msize; const Toi *a_ptr = a_panel + (batch * _Mround + first_m) * _k_block; if (first_m >= last_m) continue; for (unsigned int y=first_m; y( this->_Cptr + (batch * this->_C_batch_stride) + (current.multi() * this->_C_multi_stride), c_panel, this->_ldc, y, ymax, current.x0(), current.xmax(), _alpha, (current.k0()==0 ? _beta : static_cast(1))); } } } if (pretransposed) { b_panel += (bblocks * strat.out_width * kern_k); } else { _bm->release(current.index()); } } } public: GemmInterleaved(GemmInterleaved &) = delete; GemmInterleaved & operator= (GemmInterleaved &) = delete; /* Constructor */ GemmInterleaved(const CPUInfo *ci, const unsigned int M, const unsigned int N, const unsigned int K, const unsigned int nbatches, const unsigned int nmulti, const bool trA, const bool trB, const Tr alpha, const Tr beta, const int maxthreads, const bool pretransposed) : _ci(ci), _Msize(M), _Nsize(N), _Ksize(K), _nbatches(nbatches), _nmulti(nmulti), _trA(trA), _trB(trB), _alpha(alpha), _beta(beta), _maxthreads(maxthreads), _nthreads(maxthreads), _pretransposed(pretransposed) { const unsigned int L1_size = ci->get_L1_cache_size(); const unsigned int L2_size = ci->get_L2_cache_size(); assert(maxthreads > 0); // Work out blocking parameters // k_block: Find out how much of the larger array can be loaded into half the cache. // This should account for associative caches. _k_block = (L1_size / 2) / (sizeof(Toi) * (std::max(strategy::out_width, strategy::out_height))); // Needs to be (at least a single) multiple of the K unroll level. _k_block /= strategy::k_unroll; _k_block = std::max(_k_block, 1U) * strategy::k_unroll; // Now tune to presented problem size; this is how many blocks we need. int num_k_blocks = iceildiv(K, _k_block); // So divide the space equally into that many blocks. _k_block = iceildiv(K, num_k_blocks); // And round UP to the K unroll level required. _k_block = iceildiv(_k_block, strategy::k_unroll); _k_block *= strategy::k_unroll; // x_block: Work out how many rows (of length k_block) will fit in the L2 // Don't allocate more than 90% of the L2 to allow for overheads, and subtract off the L1 contents. _x_block = (((L2_size * 9) / 10) - (_k_block * sizeof(Toi) * (strategy::out_width + strategy::out_height))) / (sizeof(Toi) * _k_block); // Needs to be (at least a single) multiple of the kernel output width. _x_block /= strategy::out_width; _x_block = std::max(_x_block, 1U) * strategy::out_width; // And tune to the presented problem size. int num_x_blocks = iceildiv(N, _x_block); _x_block = iceildiv(N, num_x_blocks); _x_block = iceildiv(_x_block, strategy::out_width); _x_block *= strategy::out_width; // Work out the rounded size of M - needed for some buffers. _Mround = iceildiv(M, strategy::out_height); _Mround *= strategy::out_height; } // Interface implementation - Compulsory functions // Window size: Only the last thread should do a ragged block, so dole // out work in units of out_height. Factor batches into the window, but // not multi for now (as this would cause problems with the buffer // manager). unsigned int get_window_size() const override { // _Mround is a multiple of out_height by definition. return (_Mround / strategy::out_height) * _nbatches; } // set_nthreads: pass on to buffer manager to avoid it waiting for non-existant threads. void set_nthreads(int nthreads) override { _nthreads = std::min(nthreads, _maxthreads); if (_bm) { _bm->set_nthreads(_nthreads); } } // Execute void execute(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, int threadid) override { if (_pretransposed) { execute_internal(start, end, threadid); } else { execute_internal(start, end, threadid); } } // Interface implementation - working space size_t get_working_size() const override { // In all cases, we need one A buffer plus a C buffer per thread. size_t size = get_a_working_size() + (get_c_working_size() * _maxthreads); // For pretransposed case, there is no working space needed for B. // Otherwise, we need a BufferManager. if (!_pretransposed) { size += BufferManager::get_storage_requirement(_maxthreads, get_b_working_size()); } size += 64; // Add on a cache line extra for alignment. return size; } void set_working_space(void *working_space) override { // Make sure everything ends up cache line aligned int8_t *working_space_bytes = reinterpret_cast(working_space); intptr_t working_space_int = reinterpret_cast(working_space); size_t diff=0; if (working_space_int & 0x3F) { diff = 0x40 - (working_space_int & 0x3F); } working_space_bytes += diff; if (_pretransposed) { // Pretransposed case: just set internal pointer to parameter value. _working_space = reinterpret_cast(working_space_bytes); } else { // Otherwise, use the first part of the working space for the buffer manager. // It's legal to call this again so don't leak a buffer manager if it already existed. delete _bm; _bm = new BufferManager(_nthreads, get_b_working_size(), reinterpret_cast(working_space_bytes)); working_space_bytes += BufferManager::get_storage_requirement(_maxthreads, get_b_working_size()); _working_space = reinterpret_cast(working_space_bytes); } } // Interface implementation - pretransposed bool B_is_pretransposed() const override { return _pretransposed; } bool B_pretranspose_required() const override { return _pretransposed && (_B_transposed==nullptr); } // TODO: this could almost certainly be considerably simpler. size_t get_B_pretransposed_array_size() const override { size_t total=0; blockwalker current(*this); do { /* Figure out the size of each block. */ size_t x_size = (current.xmax() - current.x0()); size_t k_size = (current.kmax() - current.k0()); /* Round sizes up as needed. */ x_size = iceildiv(x_size, strategy::out_width); x_size *= strategy::out_width; k_size = iceildiv(k_size, strategy::k_unroll); k_size *= strategy::k_unroll; total += x_size * k_size * sizeof(Toi); } while (current.advance()); return total; } void pretranspose_B_array(void *in_buffer, const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride) override { blockwalker current(*this); Toi *buffer = reinterpret_cast(in_buffer); _B_transposed = buffer; do { /* Figure out the size of each block. */ size_t x_size = (current.xmax() - current.x0()); size_t k_size = (current.kmax() - current.k0()); /* Round sizes up as needed. */ x_size = iceildiv(x_size, strategy::out_width); x_size *= strategy::out_width; k_size = iceildiv(k_size, strategy::k_unroll); k_size *= strategy::k_unroll; if (_trB ^ strategy::B_transpose) { Transform( buffer, B + (current.multi() * B_multi_stride), ldb, current.x0(), current.xmax(), current.k0(), current.kmax()); } else { Transform( buffer, B + (current.multi() * B_multi_stride), ldb, current.x0(), current.xmax(), current.k0(), current.kmax()); } buffer += (x_size * k_size); } while (current.advance()); } void set_pretransposed_B_data(void *in_buffer) override { _B_transposed = reinterpret_cast(in_buffer); } ~GemmInterleaved() override { delete _bm; } }; } // namespace arm_gemm